I couldnt believed that I behaved so well during my 44days confinement period * clap clap to myself!. I just went out several times during Ryan's check up at UMSC and trip to Terengganu. The rest, I was staying patiently at home handling the boys and waiting for my beloved husband to come back from office * huih macam isteri solehah babe! baru tahu betapa penatnye bergelar full time housewife...
Actually, bukan ape pun. Reason I tak kuar rumah pun sb my hubby selalu balik dah penat, no mood to go out for jalan2 cari makan or wat-so-ever. Besides, I wasn't yet prepared mentally and physically to go out with the 2 lil boys around. Risau takut tak boleh handle babe..
First time Ryan jejak kaki ke shopping complex was on my 45th day. We went out for family dinner to celebrate Che Mimi's convocation for her Law Master Degree at Alamanda Putrajaya * yelah awak convo dulu ;)..And with Omma and Okki's around, we were more confident to show up at the crowd..hehehehe..* kalau pape jadik, ada yg boleh selamatkan keadaan..
Adryan and Omma at Alamanda Putrajaya
Few days later, we went to Subang Parade after Mr Hubby finished work just to drop by for dinner and bought some urgent things * Adryan's bottle and pacifier la..It really a short trip. Since we were not prepared anything, I just put Ryan on Adam's stroller * not good!
Adryan at 1.5months
nampak tak I berposing kat Hummer tu..:)
A good achievement since we managed to handle the boys quite well. I have to handle Adryan while Mr Hubby most of the time handled the active Adam Mikael. Since the stroller has been used to put Ryan, handling Adam became a lil bit difficult * macam terlepas sarang plak ;)..Funny part, when we went out to SP, Adam gave me a weird expression.." All the while mommy was staying at home and suddenly today mommy went out with me..pelik2..". Pernah dia tarik tangan I ajak follow dia and mr hubby kuar time pantang taw!!..
On the next weekend after the short trip, we were ready for an outing, yeay!! We choosed The Curve & IKEA..* padahal mommy dah lama tak bau aircond IKEA..wuhahahaha!! Nak kuar dah satu hal, sebelum kuar nak prepare baby, Adam and barang2 keperluan lagik, mak aiii macam nak pergi 2 days trip u!Pengsan!!Sudahnye, pukul 2 petang baru kami sampai IKEA. I tell u, outing with the small baby plus an active toddler, wasnt a pleasant one. No more extra time to belek2 barang pilih mane satu yg nak, it just a grab and pay shopping! Banyak fikir karang langung tak dapat..
Tak termasuk lagik berapa kali pergi nursing room. Itupun mommy pandai sket dah bawak ebm Ryan dalam botol. Hasilnye, we just went to the nursing room for diaper change plus mommy sempat jugak nak pump susu..* yelah dah kata bagi Ryan susu botol, aunty booby dah bengkak ler plak..fening2!!
2 stroller yer kawan2..
Penuh boot kereta Mr Hubby..
Tak kan tukar Phil n Ted plak??
Pengsan lagik..
Adam @ the curve playground..
Tick tock tick tock..cepat betul masa berlalu. Padahal tak sempat buat pape pun lagik. After having lunch aka minum petang skali, silau2 kat IKEA, amik apa yg dah ade kat list, dah malam. Dinner plak. Ni satu lagik. Jadiknye bila dah beranak dua, dining mesti tempat yg sgt comfy, yg penting lawas and luas! Tempat2 sempit nehi2..mane mau 2 stroller nak tembus??
We went to marche..
*alasan..mommy kan dah lebih 44 hari berpantang ;)
* semua ni akan bertukar menjadik lemak kental yeay!!!
the curve flea market at night view
After dinner, terus balik rumah.Peningnye, dah after 10pm, semua escalator dah stop, sudahnye melilau carik lift plak. Adeh macam dah lama sgt tak kuar rumah..
Hish..nowadays, memikirkan banyak benda nak kena angkut dan usung, both mommy and papa sangat bagus specially time balik keje. No more a big turn to Subang Parade or Empire even we have a short cut to go back home..;)
* satu lagik sb mommy tengah duk layan citer Nora Elena..wuhahahaaha!!!
Baru anak 2 yer, kalau dah masuk 3?? ;)
hehehe baru u taw ye..mmg fening tau kuar outing nowadays..hehe..but tgk u all ok je tu, bgsla..kene biasakan, sng nti kita nk jln2. ;)
ps: ur Adam Michael sgt handsome in runaway below. suit tu mmg gorgeous u, so lucky!
Ayoyo! i boleh imagine betapa xcukup tgn nyer you. hihi. Esp tang nak outing kan? mencabar sungguh! hihi.
kdg2 terpikir, cemanalah yang ada 5,6 anak kecik2 berderet tu kan? Tabik spring!! :)
I remember how we were heavy-hearted nak bring out Oman masa dia baby dulu. Dia kan asyik dok grumpy jer. Dengan lasaknya Oman skrg + kalau dapat adik macam dia baby dulu, aaaaaaaa mmg fenin kapla. hihihi.
So far i tgk Ryan sgt behave. Elok je diam dia. Senang sikit mommy! :)
woh baby ryan, semangat mcm baby 6mth old baby! bambam geram weh tgk...
Awwwwh, comelnya baby ryan in that stripes pants. love it!! mana beli?? hihi...
you cite pasal outing ni kan, I dh risau dh. cemana la i nanti ber3. sure packing banyak jugak ni...pastu nak bersiap amik masa brape lama plak agaknye ye. hadoooooi...
hehehe,tulah..wonder Izu wit 3 kidskan..me yg baru berdua dah bnyk komplen ;(
tq tq,yeap that suitmmg cantek..
betul u,kalau u tgk pun dah pening,me yg rase ni..adeh!!
mmg tabek spring yg boleh handle ramai anak..
I guess ms 1st baby,panic lebeh kut..me too kalau Adam nangis je dah kelamkabut..
skrang dah tau apa yg nk kena buat so no need to worry;)
hhehe..aritu Ryan pun cranky jgak,bila hubby dah dukung,baru dia diam ..;)
tak semangat gane,6.7kilo tu..;)
yeap,me too suka sgt that stripes pants..that brown n black,plus another one red stripes pants hangkut time sale kat babygap ;)
yelah u,stroller sure nk kena yg twin kan?btw Nad, u get fulltime helper ke lepas deliver nanti?
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