Wednesday, May 26, 2010

my hectic day! story about Mimi vs AA..

1 more day before wesak day..
*gayanye macam kita yg sambut plak..
tapi best sb nak balik Trg...yeha..thanks en bie!;)mmmuuaaahhhsss...

Back to the above title..apa yg hectic kn?
Sangat2 lah hectic..but not about my work!
Of course..
Actually we were at LCCT yesterday.. sending my preggy sister  (who was 33.7 wk as of yesterday!) and her hubby ...go back to Trg..
Mimi and her hubby planned to deliver their first child at Terengganu..
Since she was just finished her final exam last week, plus few days for packing up all the stuff..
so after works yesterday we heading to LCCT.

Since I pun pernah fly time preggy last time, I was remind her few items such the letter from doc and etc..
Everything went smoothly, Adam muah2 her aunty, we then straight away to our car..nak balik
Plan nak solat kat hway sb kat LCCT ramai gila manusia..
As Geminirians *I guessed...
Always ada sixth sense telling somthing not good will be happened..
and few minutes later I received a call from Mimi ..
She cant fly that night..
We make a big u turn before Putrajaya exit..and heading back to LCCT...

After picked them up.. we were told that the pilot not allowed them to fly!
Because the letter wrote by the doctor dated on 18 May..was considered not valid!
They said the letter must wrote in 7 days..ok lets start counting!
Ngam2 kan 7 days..but the pilot tak nak amik risk, so they refund back..
yeap..happy sket lah kan!
but then apa yg tak seronok...after they took their seats..few minutes before take off,
they were approached by sorang mamat (mimi said mcm maintenece guy!..think so..)..
"kakak, kakak tak boleh naik flight nih.."
tercengang lah diorang kan..
he said the pilot not allowed..
So, mimi tried to explain that the letter still valid and she still in wk33..
and the flight only took 45 min..tak sempat pun kan nak deliver dalam tu..
Ok..maybe that is the terms and condition stated right..
but what I'm trying to tell here..tak de manner sgt ke..nak kena cakap kuat2 let the whole flight dengar and
treated them like a criminal...
Worst, the pilot langsung tak keluar to explain..rudeness!
Yang pelik, there were few gates before smp flight tu and tak de sorang steward and stewardess yg tahan..
Kesianlah kan..orang dah 33wk..nak kena ke hulu ke hilir..
Bazir masa and tired of course..!

Its all about money..maybe diorang dah tak practise hospitality..
Sb everything about cheap cheap and cheap..
nak kemudahan, semua kena charge lebih..
tp takkan lah sampai ada nenek tua umur around 80+ dengan sorang bibik Indon..
yg naik sama flight dengan Mimi yesterday..terpaksa jalan jauh nak naik flight..
yeap, I know they hv to request for assistance..
mungkin nenek and bibik tu tak tahu..nak kena bayar kat mane or ape ke..
at least tolong lah nenek tua tu..asked them and try to arrange them to the flight.
We were not at 3rd country..sampai dah takde perikemanusiaan ..specially for preganant ladies and old folks!huhuhu..

So today, Mimi went back to see her doc and get the letter..early in the morning..
At first the AA scheduled them for 7am flight..
Manalah nak dapat doc malam2 nak write a letter to them..
In fact last night we all pergi DEMC jgak..try dpt letter from the doc..
Since the doc was a general pyhsician..they were not authorized to write the letter..
Actually doc tu pun tak takde scan semua kan..
We went back to LCCT and arranged for the ticket
She was scheduled this evening..
* kalau tak dapat siap mmg kecoh LCCT mommy kerjakan!
Plus tol and minyak semua.. dah tak jadik low fare dah..
over fare plak..

I was not against them..
In fact, I always used their facility to fly here and there..
but yet..janganlah nak untung banyak kebajikan dilupakan..
Itu fakta yg nak disampaikan sebenarnye..

So guys,dont forget to check all the terms and conditions carefully..
sb kalau nak dapat customer service diorang..baik tak payah try dial..
Mmg tak akan dapat!

huhhhhh..thats all for today..
yeap me over sket sb tolong nak marah on behalf of my sister..
Full stop! .

Please.. please!!
I'm not a criminal...


Farah said...

alahai siannye ur sister..tula semuanye duit duit duit..kalau tak bayar lebih tak dapat la..padahal bukan rugi ape pon sekatakt tolong2 pimpin ke angkat barang ke kan.

mommaholicSURI said...

I stuju sangat pasal keprihatinan diorang tu tentang Ibu mengandung and Orang2 tua. Like you said, kadang2 ade nenek nak naik flight, tapi x tau nak minta tolong cemana.. as a trained FA..sesapa jelah yg keje kat sana tu, patutla sensitive la sikit kan. Ish! I pun mcm geram dengar cerita u ni.

Moga-moga lepas ni x jadi lah lagi bende2 macam ni.

Come one, Malaysian!!

zahira said...

talking abt AA sometime there's no word to describe them. lgpon what more to expect...because the price is so cheap they just don't bother to give better service. if you want their service...everything has to pay. like for them nothing is free!! belom campur flight yg selalu delay berjam2 tuh!! And yet i'm still using their service cos it's cheap, hehehe...

kesian plan nak beranak kat sana ke...jadik anak org trg la ;-)

Blog Diva said...

hmmm...wah, me tumpang panas hati jugak membacanya..macam tu la bisnes jaman skang. sume base on duit, duit, duit..

nape our entry arini based on nak marah ni ek?;p

mommynadia said...

Tu lah least inform lah ada provide wheelchair..kalau dah lmbt pun at least tolong pimpin lah ker kan..passenger lain plak tolong nenek tua tu ;)
lucky ada jgak yg concern ..

yeap..tak sensitive langsung..
ingat dulu2 at least those preggy ladies and org tua2, dia bg jalan dulu and duduk tmpt depan wat that ..u hv to pay!
takut nanti safety equipment pun tanya nak ke tak nak..
kalau taknak uncheck!
yeap,org atasan patut concern jgak lah..nak kena komen br nak gerak..kalau tak bior aje ;(

mommynadia said...

see,yg kita bayar pun kita tak boleh nak urgue..apatah lagi apa yg kita tak bayar..
I think yg dahulukan preggy ladies and old folks tu still kena maiintain..gv them priority..lain suka dia la nak charge pun kan!

aaa..tiba2 plan nak lahir sane,tkpe nanti UPSR,PMR SPM kalau cemerlang dpt duit...huhuhu ;)

undur kebelakang plak kan..
seronok dgr negara org putih sane..bnyk bg keistimewaan pd para ibu and org tua..sini..hmmm...;(

a'a..ala2 marah kan enrty ni..
cuma meluahkan..

Nadine said...

Hmm, I pun faced rudeness recently. but in diff situation. Worst, a medical officer. Geram sgt!!

Sian your sister. Hope this time everything goes well...

mummy_adam said...

cian ur sister.. ulang-alik, mesti penat.. psl special assistance tu, AA mmg kureng sket, nak pakai wheelchair pun kena byr RM12 pastu, diorg sgt x helpful, bukan nak tolong siap suh kita amik sendiri.. huh

cute lah gambar kucing tu..keke

Fairus Basir from The Juggling Queen said...

lama tak hop blog nadia.

tapi i agree la, duit punye pasal hospitality dah kategori hampeh kan?

but to save our money, kite nak tak nak gune jugak servis diorg.

takde protokol pun ye, ade ke cakap kuat2, malu la org.

i duduk oversea 4 years, bergaul dgn ramai mat salleh, i tak denied when it come to courtesy most of them mmg polite.

loved the entry by the way! :)

mommynadia said...

geram kan..kita dah risau pasal anak ..diorang plak buat keje tk prof..penat skali pun..dah tu keje dia..liase with people..tkyah bgtau the whole world u tgh penat kan..terlebih plak!

Alhamdulillah ,mimi dah berjaya smp ke destinasi yg dituju..
mmg betul hectic these 2 days..:)

betul..I tahu mmg kena bayar..kalau kena ada abg rajin sket..rajin lah dia tolak..
kalau nak harap FA kat situ..buat dunno je agaknye..
kucing tersepit!

mommynadia said...

hehehe..a'a dah lama tak ziarah blog I ;)
a'a dia ckp kuat satu flight tu nganga mcm diorang problematic people gtu!

a'a kan u dah lama duk sane nanti, balik M'sia mseti terasa lain kan..
tak yah ckp M'sian kat jalan raya lagi..huh!lagik gila tak ingat ;)

entry luahan rasa..hehehe

Unknown said...

AA mmg mcm tu la Nadia. my dad as an air traffic controller pun slalu complaint. AA takde discipline. kalau flight permit dah due pun, diorg poyo2 merayu nak suruh lepaskan jugak. padahal pilot yg datang lmbt.
but then tak bleh salahkn flight attendnt AA gak, diorg keje overload.. bukan setakat layan orang je, cuci2 plane pun diorg kena buat.
ape2 pun MAS gak the best!
hopefully ur sis tak kena lagi la mcm tu.. sian dier..preggy2, mak buyung, kena bjlan sana sini..penat tuh.

Thara said...

eh apesal lately ni i asek dgr cerita geram geram marah marah from people around me ni :( bosan eh cite happy happy je? hehe. its true though. life is not always rainbows & butterflies! anyways. let us know if ur sister dpt fly ke tak lepasni!

mommynadia said...

ye ke..?tu lah kalau dgr drp cite org yg keje kt airport,mesti lg banyak kan..
tu lah penat kena jalan..tmpt tgu nak ke flight tu kan jauh..:)
tkpe lah..semua dah selamat...

my sis dah selamat smp pun malam tadi..mujur lah takde pape aral lagik..
kalau tak kena mandi bunga lah jawabnyer..fobia AA..:)
hehehe..I'm fine dah tak sbr nak balik Trg malam ni..;)

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