Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept 11, 2001..

Sorry entry ni bukan nak cerita pasal memory WTC tu ye. Actually 911 remarked the 10th years of our relationship. We went out for 1st date at Singahselalu, JB, near to Pantai Lido on this date. What a sweet memory. After 10 years, Alhamdulillah, we got married and blessed with 2 adorable kids *and counting ;)*

"Ya Allah, Engku sinarilah cahaya keberkatan-Mu ke dalam rumahtangga kami, peliharalah hubungan kami sehinga ke akhirat hendakNya.Amin"

Gambar masa kat UTM dulu. 
* Ignore Mr Charlie yg masih belum convert to Mr Harith, with necklace and earing..

ps: Mr Hubby, agak2 ada nak g celebrate mana2 tak esok..;) Lov u forever bie..


Blog Diva said...


Aty Adnan said...

semoga berbahagia hingga akhir haya...ingat lg geng2 lampir di harith mmg ganas ah dulu...:)

Nadine said...

awwwwh, sweet :)

Happy Anniversary Nadia & Harith! Many2 years of love!

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