Hi mommies..
Still remember my last entry, *jengok bawah please, hahaha mintak maap ya blog dah bersawang* pasal contest by Philips! Tengok kalendar tadi, alamak dah tinggal 3 hari before closing date!
Owh no.. *positive positive..kdg mana tahu tuah menyebelahi kita kan?*
Went to their facebook page again just now "Philips AVENT Mummy's Wishing wall" , tengok Grand Prize, semangat balik nak submit entry. Best tu!!
There are 4 chances for you to win the Grand Prizes besides 10 consolation prizes for highest votes. Aww best nye! *those yg ramai followers dekat blog, instagram, facebook or twitter, silalah request diorang votes ya!
Woweee, syoknye PHILIPS AVENT!!
*drooling habis*
4 categories that I mentioned earlier are health, education, safety/security and others..
You are allow to submit entry for every category up to maximum 5 entries.
Those mommies who already submitted for Health Category..
Those mommies who already submitted for Education Category..

Those mommies who already submitted for Safety/Security Category..
Sempat baca few pictures dekat Wishing Wall tu, sangat sweet. So touching!
Ok, petang ni mesti submit jgak! U all jangan lupa vote for me taww! =)
In case ada yang belum submit *macam kitew*, do follow this link for detail ya.
Easy peasy dear! Just find suitable pictures and make some wishes..
There you go..hit submit button!
Entry submitted! *wink*
Don't forget to share with your friends and get them to vote for your entry via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too. .
Use #PhilipsMumsWish!
3 more days to go!
Hurry up mommies..
All the best...
*owh no am stress, bnyk tu folder gambar nak pilih mana satu ek!!*
1 comment:
Hi Nadia,
My name is Jaja and I'm an editor for a Malaysian parenting website. I love your blog as it's sweet and honest.
I was wondering if you would like to be one of our guest writers on the website? If you do, kindly email me at editor@kiddy123.com so we can chat more.
Looking forward to hear from you!
Jaja Shah-Mohen
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It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)