Assalamualaikum and Ramadhan Kareem everyone..
I have safely delivered my
3rd bundle of joy on 4th May 2016 (Wednesday at 7.15pm) at 36 wks of pregnancy.
Totally unexpected delivery, (previous delivery at 37-38wks), kali ni dengan
water bag pecah awal, mmg panic juga (first experience having water broke at
home). After all, it was a smooth delivery (normal delivery without any pain
relief, Alhamdulillah).
Talking about my previous
pregnancy experience, Alhamdulillah, I enjoyed my 3rd pregnancy so much. Only
get to know conceived after 7wks, tu pun lepas pergi check up nk pergi umrah in
Oct last year. And most importantly I end up my first trimester with flying
colors. No nausea and admitted drama compared to first & second pregnancy.
Alhamdulillah. I also managed to complete my umrah last year with the lil ones
inside, such a beautiful moments in my life, MashaAllah. So grateful with the
chance given.
Since I quit from my
previous job almost 2 years already, handling children and at same time manage
my small online business, really made my daily life such hectic and tiring one.
Seriously, sometimes I had to skip my meals as I was so busied ke hulur ke
hilir getting stocks at distributor places and pick up kids from schools.
For this pregnancy,
instead of taking a lot of vitamins and supplementary products as my previous
pregnancy, sebaliknya I banyak amalkan makanan sunnah such dates, habbatussauda
(black seed oil), honey and pomegranate. Selain daripada memberi tenaga untuk
kekal aktif with my hectic routine, by having these natural supplements also
will help the development of brain and main structure for the child inside.
Hopefully boleh istiqamah with this routine so that it will help during milk
production during nursing stage as well.
During my last pregnancy,
I mmg tak control langsung on my diet. Suka hati makan, with excessive sugar in
take *mane tak asyik sweet tooth memanjang hahaha*, tup tup, Ryan keluar with
3.64 kg weight and mase nak deliver pun gynae bgtau air ketuban bnyk due to my
uncontrolled food in takes. Of course at that time, I gained almost 10kgs from
my pre-pregnancy weight *which made me struggled very hard to get back to my
normal weight after delivery huhu*. Lesson learned! After being advised by
dietitian during the 1st check up at hospital, I knew that I really need to
control on my daily food intakes, less sugar, low calories & fat for this
3rd pregnancy. Alhamdulillah, salah satu habit yang I kekalkan sebelum pregnant
lagi to take infused water. Paling simple pun with slices of lemon inside. I
guess I could be one factor pregnancy kali ni morning sickness I tak teruk.
My infused water.

Sekarang ni kat shopping complex pun bnyk dah jual cold pressed juice kan, singgah beli 1,2 botol for stocks. Kalau tak just ensure to eat a lot of fruits.
With current weather yang
sangat tak menentu, it’s so important for pregnant mommies to stay hydrated and
at the same time to get a lot of nutrients for the development of the fetus
inside. For my case, my dietitian also advised to ensure all my food intakes
with very less sugar content. So when I survey for milk supplement, I really
need to ensure the content of milk also with very less sugar and fat specially.
Alhamdulillah, I'm so
lucky this time, I've been introduced with this maternal milk from Wyeth
Nutrition when I was invited to attend their media event last year. Honestly, I
am always having problem taking milk during my pregnancy, maybe because of the
flavor and also my bad nausea at that time, memang susah I nak accept maternal
milk during pregnancy. *I'm so picky that way! errkkk* So when I've been
approached to taste Wyeth Nutrition Maternal & Lactating supplement
milk, of course I was lil bit skeptical about the taste. Trying to be cool at
that time, hahaha I just consumed a small cup of milk given by the sales girl
and woahhh to my surprise, it tasted good with the improved formula!
Good thing to know is about
this maternal milk, the content is with 86% less fat, so far it helps to
control my weight pregnancy and at the same time this formula contains of
high DHA content, Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium, Choline
and Pre-biotic supplement such as Oligofructose which are really
important for the baby growth. So far, I just gained about 6 - 7
kgs during my 3rd pregnancy. So hopefully it won't take long for me to kick all
the fats and get back to my normal weight soon. *pray for me hehe*
Since that, I
chose S-26® MAMA milk as my maternal supplement milk for my 3rd pregnancy.
I love their new improved taste- Vanilla flavor. This is how I consumed this
maternal milk, dissolved in luke warm water and add on some water. Chilled over
the night, and tadaa..yummy creamy Vanilla milk for brekkie and also before
sleep. Seriously memang yummy! Try it!
Yup mommies, you can get
the free samples for this maternal & lactating supplement milk from
Wyeth Nutrition. Visit their website:
or you can redeem from their WeChat: @WyethNutritionMY, go to
the Samples tab and click Request Now. Kindly
check out my previous entry on how to subscribe WyethNutrition WeChat
As we know that having
maternal nutritional support during pregnancy is very important for mother's
health as set the foundation for the baby’s development. Hence, we should
ensure that we always take a balance and nutritious foods to supports the child
development. This maternal milk also can be consumed during lactating
stage to give you enough nutrition for your body during lactating
Visit their website to
read more about choosing a right and nutritious maternal supplement during
your pregnancy. Check it out here!
Ok mommies, thats all for
now. Tak boleh lama2 depan lappy now, lil Madeena Aisha is calling for next feeding.
Got to go! Don't forget to try ya mommies.