So funny to see when Adam met again with his long lost fren of him…
Yesterday when he played in his room, he was distracted with one thing from the I took and washed properly and passed it to him..
He seems to enjoy playing with the thing a lil while..but few minutes after that, he threw the thing and continue playing…
him with the dummy...
well mommy,ur's is the best!!
Yepp…I started to introduce Adam with the dummy about 2-3 months old, yea reason simply to soothe him to sleep..Adam is type of baby that will hanged all nite with my nipp.. I couldn’t stand it thus I let the dummy to soothe him..
Time passed by, when he was 5-6 months old, he started to realize that the dummy that he sucked was not the original one…so he started to threw every time I gv him..So every nite till now, I hv to bfeed him to soothe him to sleep..
Dummy in the other hand can prevent of cot death (SIDS) to the babies, one of the other reason I let him to use the dummy, but yet there are still a lot of pros and cons of using the dummy or pacifier..
To those with small baby, take a look of this gud info taken from the babycentre..
Dummies and pacifiers
Yes, its Valentine’s Day the movie..
I got the chance to watch the movie, and this was my 4th movie I watched with my hubby after giving birth to pity kan??
I love to watch kindda romance comedy type of movie, thus this movie is superb!!.thumbs up ..5starsss!!
I do not agreed with Valentines Day celebration instead, but I was so interested to see the movie with a lots of superstars inside..from the hensem Ashton to the lovely Julia, Jeniffer and Jessica..many others..Its a shud watch movie I can say..
There are too many characters and stories inside, thus sumtime we tend to forget the relations of it..
Towards the end of the movie..the ending part of course..I was sobbsob dude..
Not for the Ashton or Jeniffer,but for Julia..her valentine’s is her son touching..
So..get ur time and go to watch..Its worth seeing babe..!