Thursday, May 31, 2012

mothercare 25 years of parenting...

Anyone here love mothercare?? Put your hands up yawww!! Let me start counting...mmmmm...

Haha..pretty sure that many mommies and mommies-to-be out there, love mothercare so much. *kan kan??* My first time set foot in mothercare shop when I was about 3 months preggy for Adam. And kept checking my email box for mothercare grand sale notification during preparation for 2nd one delivery. Ever since that, I always pay visit to this shop, as this one stop centre perfect place for mommies and children's  need. Besides of their lovely and comfortable design, most of the material for mothercare clothing and bedding coordinates specially, is a long lasting  type one. Still remember how I've recycled Adam's bumper cot and bedsheet to his bro, Ryan with a perfect condition. And now Ryan also started to wear some of his big brother's clothes too. Great value for money right. 

Other than their super comfy and cute clothing thingy, my latest addiction for mothercare's carry product  is the Early Learning Centre (ELC) toys. Since I was so motivated to have my weekend home-schooling for my kids now, I will be very alert when ELC and mothercare had their big sale..

Let's have some tour to ELC at mothercare KLCC...

I know how much my kids love to go to this area..

*wait until u see the mommy too..ahaks!!*

The girls stuffs..oh my..

The art and creativity corner..
*my fave now*

Sale sale sale!!

Anyone who never been to mothercare Bangsar, u can have visit here..
*ELC corner there, boleh buat ku pengsan!!*

Ok, now back to the reason why I love ELC stuffs. I love playing with my kids. So much I would say!! As we know, playing is really important for kids. Through playing, it helps in stimulating the children development.  Every stage of their age, the way the kids play and the toys they use to play also changing. And due to this, ELC is a right choice of  product with various range of children toys. From baby & toddleroutdoor toysmaking musiclet's pretenddressing upaction & adventurelearning & booksart & creativitypuzzles & games and pocket money toys. And each range of ELC product, came with the suitable age to play. It really guide me alot specially when buying the toys for my kids.  

Good info on important of here!

Some of the bonding time with my kids and ELC toys...

Bubble time..

This is one of Adam fave things to do on weekend..
And now, his  lil bro Ryan also started to enjoy playing bubbles with his big bro..
*siap buat muncong mulut nak blow bubble..cuteness*

And sometimes, I personally brought the bubble stuff back to my in law house.
So that he can play with his cousins..they really had fun..

Another range of ELC product that Adam and myself loved most is the art and creativity stuff. Me and Mr Hubby will try our best to have art and craft activity with the kids more often. And now, weekend is time that we waited the most. Adam specially would enjoyed his playtime so much. Its good things to see how  he developed his motor skills and creativity too. 

His art and tool box..

The lil' artist in the making..

One of the new collection in his art and tool box is the crazy painters..

It so fun to have this new roller in his tool box..

Another art & craft stuff in his tool box are the creative card with scissors too...

The scissors is special created for kids safety..
I let him to cut his own paper, and the coordination of hands and fingers are good to improve his motor skills too...


We had fun during  cut and paste activity..

The lil boy also started to show interest in art and craft stuff..
He loves playing with mini markers and crayon too...

Other new interest is playing with soft stuff/dough. I know that Adam has entered the right age to start playing with dough. So I started to introduce him with dough, roller, cutters and molds. This stuff can help to enhance children imagination and let them to imaginatively creating stuff that he likes..

I bought vehicles cutters as Adam love trains so much..

Having a great daddy son time..

And the animals moulds too...

Adam personal touch ;)

Besides of the various choice of toys, ELC toys come with good quality and safety. Most of the toys I bought since Adam was less a year, still in a good condition and now inherit to his lil bro. Thus it really values for the money invested. I know that ELC toys a lil bit pricy to compare with other brands in the market, that's the reason I always alert when mothercare offer sale specially on ELC stuff. It really worth for every cents spent. After all, I should thank ELC for their wonderful and innovative products which have helped many parents in stimulating the development of our kids. We really had a play and learn activity with  ELC stuff and created so much fun during the playtime..

Speaking of which, you all must aware that mothercare had celebrated their 25th year anniversary recently. We were so lucky to have time to join their event at mothercare KLCC couples of weeks ago. We really had so much fun there. Happy birthday mothercare!! And celebrating its 25 years of parenting, mothercare Malaysia has conducted a blogger contest for all the bloggers to write up about their event and brands. So sorry to have post the thing a lil bit late as the due date for the contest is today..31st May 2012..*but u still have couple hours to go..hurry!!*

Check out their facebook fanpage *here* for more info about their product...

ps: while writing up the entry, I just got notification on my hp about mothercare and ELC sale this weekend. Oh no!!Shud not miss it =)


  1. I know kalau peminat setia mothercare mesti you. Goodluck Nadia!! :)

  2. teringin gak ade yg conteng2 tu..tapi risau si aishah..semua benda abang dia buat semua dia nak..nak masuk mulot!


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