Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weaning Lil' Ryan Nufael..

Adryan dah nak masuk 8 bulan, baru nk upload cite pasal weaning ke mommynadia ??!!! *org puteh kata better late than never hokeyyy!!! Ahaks* 

Yeap Adryan already 7 mos and 2 weeks. Meaning that, my lil apam..opppss bam bam boy has started weaning for 1.5 mos. Overall I can say, Ryan is a good eater. Not choosy and well behaved time makan.=) Seriously, feeding Ryan was super easy. Takde babbling while eating, semua bagi ngap telan..nganga for next. Lambat  or mommy lalai sket, karang sudu ditarik sendiri! Risau plak takut overweight karang.

Adryan 1st solid introduction...
* To check whether the baby ready to weaning check here!!!*

Kalau time Adam dulu, bila masuk 6bln, excited nk weaning bagai nak rak. Few weeks before 6mos, harus melawat mothercare atau seangkatan dengannya nk carik pinggan mangkuk sesuai. Happy benor, tapi nak suap makan ape takde plak dipikir time tu. Alih sudah, bagi makan Heinz food from jar tu. Tapi Adam telan aje. Memang sodap pun!!Mommy and papa dia ler yg botak. Sehari 1-2 botol, kalau dah 1 week, kali plak sebulan. *Ate kire ler sendiri, kalau sebotoi dah RM4, rege bila ada discount kat Giant tu!!*  Lama jgak Adam on Heinz, smp 8-9 bulan before we started on cereal. Lepas tu mommy kena panah kilat * enlightened* terus buat bubur bekal g nursery smp 18mos - 2yrs!

Different with Adryan I'm not so eager to buy those equipment since spoon percuma Avent pun belambak, pakai aje with VIA cup Avent. I'm more excited on finding good recipes for him. Buying various fruits and veggies, experimenting few recipes from books and internet. InsyaAllah, will try as much to prepare him natural homemade food!!

First stage of solid introduction is more on to introduce the baby with various taste and flavor. In fact at this stage, we need to see if the baby got any reaction or allergy with the new food he ate. The best things to feed them with very small amount around 2-3 spoon, and need to be remembered, at this stage breastmilk is still the main source of food for them. 

Check here!!
* You can download the table for solid food introduction chart here!!*

As of now, Ryan eat once or sometimes bila mommy dia rajin dapat ler makan twice. *malas kan mak Ryan neh!!!InsyaAllah starting this week,will prepare utk 2 times feeding!!Go mommy go mommy!!* And he still consumed my tulus mulus milk at 18oz at nursery and banyak-banyak kali waktu malam. * Ya Ampun lah bdak bam bam nihh!!* His 1st month weaning, I prepared more cooked purees of fruits , and slowly started with veggies lepas tu. Kenapa kena masak buah2 and veggies tu, read here!!

So far I have tried many types of my self recipes. Mix and match various type fruits and so far it turned walla u know!!*Sebab I makan skali, kn rs jgakkan!!* I chose fiji apple, strawberries, nectarine/peach, plum,  banana, apricot, pears and latest is avocado. *mix with kurma jgak!!*

This combination so far is the best!!!
Plum, peach, strawberries and nectarine.

Blend until u get a fine texture..

and tadaa...ready stocks for nursery!

While for the veggies, I started to intro sweet/Japanese potatoes, carrots, broccoli and future pumpkins and celery. *Nape dah 2 kali pi Giant and tesco tak jumpe pumpkins, marah betuiii ler..dulu selalu beli kat Jusco, senang ade semua!!*

Carrots and sweet potatoes!!

Cube fruits and veggies, ready to be blend every morning..

Preparation for veggies ni little bit tedious, specially for carrots and sweet potatoes, nak kena masak lama. Kalau tak nanti tak lembut. Kena plak pakai blender old scool I tu, mak aiiii pagi2 riuh rendah rumah duk blend makanan Ryan. Sampai panggil hubby sebab, susah benor nak dpt texture yg sesuai. Awal2 dulu I prepared frozen foods earlier and as usual I just steam waktu pagi for nursery. Tapi textures carrot and potatoes tu kurang cantik bila steam. Terpaksalah bgn subuh2 hari duk blend makanan Ryan. Tapi rupanya, tektik I salah. Shud thaw the food first, letak fridge bawah, then rendam air panas baru steam!! Mak aii...tension aje sebelum ni!!!I made stocks normally for 2-3 days feeding *2 times daily feeding this week!!*

Avocado ni, kalau bagi makan macam tu je..Ryan tak nak..
Kena mix with some veggies and fruits too..

Cooked avocado!!

So far, I'm still enjoying prepared food for lil Ryan. *As well as Adam jgak, tapi Adam dah beso, tak leceh sgt!!* Will start on cereal and rice soon. *Looking for brown rice cereal, mane boleh dpt ek??Kat organic store ada ke??*Alhamdulillah, rasenye lepas ni keje masak-memasak boleh diringankan sikit. Tak perlu kena masak atas dapur sayur and buah tu, abis khasiat dia nanti. 

jeng jeng jeng....
* Keluar dari poket Doreomon*

*tq hubs bg greenlite*

Philips Avent Combined Steamer and Blender..

Agaknye dia penat kut duk kena tongeng2 blender tu hah!Dah dapat grenlite, I plak yg duk buat kira2 smp nak sebulan jgak. Last skali surrender jgak!!

Free recipes book for reference..
Interesting jgak..

No more excuses Nadia!!
Ayuh lontarkan resipi berharga anda kepada saya.
 Gerenti cuba!!

"ye ye lah mommy saya ni!"

Lets provide natural homemade foods for the lil ones!!

ps: InsyaAllah, ada masa *kalau ada yg minta*, boleh I buat review nanti. Susah benor nk tgk review time survey aritu.


  1. patut ler bam..bam..mommy nih semangat sungguh nak buat mcm2 menu eh.bagus untuk bam2 juga..bila dh ader si ajaib mmg buat apa pun semua jd mudh kan :)

  2. yaaaayyy, go go homemade food for babies. im one too..
    oh baby saya pon minum susu ibu dgn sgt kuat..hari2 hantar ke BS sama byk dgn ryan jugak..kadang2 20oz..tp minggu ni dia flu, so 16oz je dia minum..
    makan 2xsehari gak..nyum2...

    bestnye nadia dpt avent processor tu..jelez...
    mahu juga, tp xmampu..sobs2..
    xpela, sy ttp gigih masak dlm periuk , dan blend macam biasa,janji anak dpt makanan berkhasiat

  3. Elin,
    tulah,tgk bdak bam bam mommy rajin masak teruih!!
    Bila tk standby yg instant,nk tk nk kena masak jgak kan ;)

  4. pergh!!! kocik2 dah rasa fresh peach ye ryan.aunty dah tua ni pun tak merasa lagi. ;p

    true.mmg seronok tgk anak makan.but unfortunately my kids ni ikut i.picky eater! :(

  5. Athidean,
    itulah Ryan before weaning pun nk 20oz jgak dia nak.ni dah mkn,kn rwduce ske,kalau tak tak dan mommy nak top up stock ebm.
    Rezeki lebih sket,boleh invest smp next baby.pasni kn ikat perut hehhehehe!!!
    Apa cara skali pun,yg penting baby makan homemade food,kan!!

  6. Teh,
    hahaha mommy ryan pun bukan bleh telan sgt pun buat mat salleh tu,tapi bila cmpr dlm purees,best je bau dia.skali skali boleh mek,sebutir 12rm mak botak mek!!!

    Pahni bila zaraa start weaning,try introduce dia macam2,biar dia tak milih makan.baru bulat gettey pe ryan ;)

  7. Heeeee..
    bjaya belikan ya!
    mcm best je..
    nnt nak try jgk la beli
    mcm sonang aje..
    letak buah2..stim dan blend owk?

  8. nadia, bestnyaa! excited kan, mcm main masak2. i pun dah start bagi Firas solid food. eh cop, ryan now minum brapa oz per feed eh? i risau sbb firas minum 5oz pun mcm tak puas :(
    buat review pasal blender+steamer tu pls dear, i tgh berkira2 nak beli jugak ni :D tq in advance hehe ;p


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)