Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm blessed!!

The day Adam's caregiver passed me those pictures, I was laughed out loud. I was so excited to see Adam in kinddy's outfit. But at the same time, I almost crying. *Tiba-tiba rase sayu sgt* I just cannot admit that Adam is already grown up and will start preschooling soon, walaupun me n Mr Hubby still not decided whether to enroll at different kinddy or not!!Many things need to be considered. ;(

This photo session is actually for the kinddy student's graduations. So the teachers decided to take pictures for those below 4 years too. And kebetulan ada extra outfit, diorang pakaikan Adam and amik picture ramai2. These pictures special uploaded  for Omma & Okki and to my readers too..*Sila jgn until now, I keep on smiling everytime I looked at the pictures!!*

 Adam Mikael...
*Muka masam ni samada kena paksa amik gmbr, or takut kat photographer tu!!*
Adam keep on telling me his experience during the picture sweet!!

With his friends..
*Sebelah Adam tu, bdak yg selalu buli Adam...we called him samseng kg dusun, sb selalu gigit Adam!! The cute girl at the first row in the middle is Alisha, anak Pn Fairoze Salwana!! =)*

 Cant wait to see him in his real kinddy outfit!!
*mesti lg cute kalau baju macam Genius Aulad tu, siap kopiah ;)*


  1. hehe..
    kita ni mommy selalu tak sabar tgk anak pakai bj sekolah kan....cute n nmpk mcm dh besar anak aku ni..
    my son Ammar gonna be 5 yrs next year..saya enrolled dia kt Genius Aulad BTHO..

  2. Babe, i have a mix of feeling too when thinking of sending Oman to pre-school. Is Adam going to start soon?

  3. Husna,
    Itulah,pantasnye masa berlalu.
    Tk sbr nk hntr ke school nanti :))

  4. hey, proud mother of two! just drop by to say Hi.. visit me back :)

  5. Nad, yap carrot n celery tu, faris love sooo much. Portion more cartot then celery. Then u have to peel the celery, to remove the big serat tu. About the brown rice , sorry nad that one instant la, bila x sempat masak. Esp kalau baru balik berjalan. Ct x freeze baby food. So every meal is fresh made. Buat pagi, make 2 portion, one masuk frigde utk next meal which for next 3-4 hours. Another one terus mkn. Basicly now 1 glass jar tu, dpt 2 kali mkn.

    You pakai apa utk puree kan baby food? Ini pengalaman ct, ct dah try banyak alat, but the best is maulinex baby chef, memang cantik puree dia, then kecik just nice for baby. Senang basuh and mine came with 3glass jar with lid. :-)

    I always prefer glass jar, sebab less toksik lah kan esp from plastic. :-)

  6. kaklong,
    serious agaknye kena marah tu,bkn senang Adam nk behave well time b'gmbr!!

  7. Nuurill,
    At Adam nursery now,mmg dah ada kinddy jak..
    but I plan for genius aulad or lil caliphs or kinddy that using those syllabus...tapi we dont know how to fetch him after school..need to survey those kinddy with daycare.
    So,think this year,we just enroll Adam at his current nursery/kinddy!
    Oman br 3 yo kan.Shud b ok.Wait till 4yo, preferable, unless if u want him to start mingle and play with frens!!

  8. Nur,
    welcomed!Dah visit tp tak sempat comment. Will do it soon!!

  9. ct,
    will try it soon!!InsyaAllah!!
    Unfortunately, I have to freeze the foods, tak sepat ct.But just for 2-3 days stocks.
    Never heard bout that brand for baby here. Try to survey other brands and just bought new food processor fro AVENT.*read my entry dear!!*
    I used AVENT VIA cup, lucky its a BPA cup;)

    Dear,nanti share lg entry bout homemade food taw!!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)