Thursday, October 27, 2011

Adam's 3rd Birthday Celebration at Chilis..

Birthday celebration  is something most awaited event for kids. Unlike adult, lagi lambat masa berlalu, lagi bagus, kan kan!! =). Specially for my 3rd years old toddler, Adam started to understand the meaning of birthday celebration. If last year, we were celebrated his birthday with many of friends and relatives, this time we had planned for something very simple and yet memorable. In the beginning, I planned for a small cake and makan2 kat rumah je, I dropped the plan as I know my kid will started to memorize this important moment. Adam was so attached with lappy and to be excat he operated the lappy or my tabby himself. Instead of watching his fave's cartoons, sometimes I found he has visited my blog too, go to my blog roll, click at his 2 years birthday picture and double click at his fave Barney's cake. * Siap enlarge lagik tu*. He will shouted happily while scrolling for the whole entry. Time 2 years birthday, for sure dia tak berapa nak paham lagik. With a big crowds, dia pun malu2 kucing. As a mother, seriously I felt so terrible if I just ignore his big day. So instead of simple celebration at home, we make a family gathering at cafe as my previous entry. Still regretted as I cannot fulfill his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 3D cake dek lambat sgt bagitau Ana.Sobsob!!

Finished his 2 weeks pre-birthday celebration, on his birthday eve, we went out for dinner at Chilis. Why Chili's??2 reasons. Firstly, I have free entry voucher for every entree purchased. Save u jgn tak tau!! Secondly because, I need a special troop to sing birthday song for the birthday boy. Yeap. I know he would enjoy this as he always jumping happily when the crews sang the birthday song everytime we visited the restaurants, either Chilis, Italianies or yang seangkatan dengannya. Since Chilis Empire was closed for renovation, lucky The Chitta Mall just nearby our house. Tell u, the area was even bigger and much  comfortable. *Thumbs up*. Planning for a suprise birthday song was even easier, panggil je crew, bisik2 sikit, dah..senang keje. Bukan dia sedar pun. Duk ralit main fork spoon atas meja.

As per exepcted, Adam was so happy with the suprise. Along the way home, he still singing birthday song to himself. Funny tau! Bukan kata malam tu aje, sampai skarng duk nyanyi lagik. Amboi kut sebulan ye Adam celebrate birthday. Though it was a simple celebration, yang pasti mommy and papa tahu, Adam happy sangat celebrate his 3rd years birthday. Pretty sure, after ni dia akan scroll for his new birthday entry too..Thats was so Abang Adam Mikael..

Enjoy the peektures...opps,as well as the surprise video..;)

 With the birthday boy..

 Mommy and Ryan..

 Birthday boy recite for doa makan..

 Our dinner that night..
Sedapp??Yeap, sebab 2 meal free..mahu tak nye ;)

 Ryan yang bising sb tak bagi dia makan...
Mulut berjujuran air liur..

 Enjoy the video..
Sorry for bad quality sb lupa bawak memory card, terpaksa snap video using hp..
*grrrr..dah nak nangis mengenangkan kecuaian diri sendiri!!!*

Second time Adam blew his birthday candle is for this picture..

 Courtesy of Chili's..


Hish pening duk pike next year birthday plan plak..
*Sape cakap jadik mak-mak ni senang, banyak nak kena pike, sokong??*


  1. Wah... Byk kali sungguh Adam celebrate birthday ek! :) Babe, i tak tau pun ada Citta Mall k. Tadi google dekat Ara Damansara ek?

  2. Happy belated birthday adam...bnyk celebration adam this year. apa hadiah dr mommy n daddy utk adam? :)

    p.s: sedapkan you d dessert...*terliur*

  3. waaa...abam adam big boy orediii!!
    he's so cute , yah!!

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