Thursday, November 3, 2011

Let's Learn About Animals!!!

Hello friends..
Jom follow Adam jalan2 kat Mini Zoo..

This is Mr Elly..opps ELEPHANT!
*sambil buat gaya elephant, baguslah Cikgu Adam ni* 


Black and white ZEBRA!!

PANDA & Banana pun ada...

Look mommy...double FISH!! <----serius ni ayat Adam!!

What is this mommy??
Mommy said BIRD ROOOSTER la...
*sorry sayang,mommy salah tengok..ayam ngupenye;)*


The big HIPPO..

The tall GIRAFFE!!

mooo mooo...
and this is COW mommy!!

That's all for today..
Adam nak sambung tengok tv ni...

*Sila jangan bosan, entry ni nanti, confirm tiap2 ari Adam layan*


  1. Hihi. Cuteness! I guess this must be at DEMC pediatrician ward kan? :) I heard before they said that ward budak-budak kat sini meriah and colorful. Budak-budak confirm suka!! :)

  2. hehehe...

    Creative la u Nadia. Mesti Adam x boring duk hospital tu sbb Mommy pandai entertain dia. :)

    Get well soon, Adam!

    p.s: Babe, tu Bird ke Rooster/Chicken? Hihihi

  3. Erkk..tu bukan ayam ke mommy (instead of bird)?? By the way, mcm kat spital je nih..with drip line tuh? Wassup?? Get well soon Adam!

  4. Nuurill,
    yeap dear..;)
    Many things to do..takde lah boring sgt!

  5. Nadine,
    owh tiiiiddddaaaakkkk!!!*malu malu*
    yelah..I pun main tulis je,mase Adam tny I pun jawab bird..camane I tak perasan wahaha...
    nanti I tukar balik..;)

    yeap dear, to ensure Adam take ubat and makan,kena jani bawak g playroom and jalan2..inilah hasilnye..;)

  6. Raudhah,
    yes dear..mommy wrongly judged!!hehehe...

    Adam n Ryan admitted..nanti cite ek..
    tq neway for ur prayer..


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)