Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Winners for method to the rescue contest...

We already have winners for the recent contest conducted at fabulous motherhood.*wootwoot* Thank you so much for the willingness to join the contest. Appreciate your time and efforts given. *claps clap* The winners have been selected by the Method Malaysia based on their unique story submitted. 

Contest entry!

As promised..
5 lucky winners with wonderful story will be chosen as winners and stands to win a selection of method household and personal care items worth over RM50.

And the star of the selected story will each be sent the full sized method product *as per mentioned in your story*. 
Sweet things is, your name *as well as my blog name* will be add to the package too, so he/she will know the ones behind this lovely surprise. 

And the 5 lucky winners are....
*drum rolls*
*pop confetti*

My dearest husband is always ringan tulang to help me clean all the dishes every after meal, especially after dinner. That's a way he is saying thank you to me after I had bertungkus lumus cook for him and our son. He will also clean the whole kitchen too! I am so glad to have him. While he was cleaning the dishes and kitchen, I will spend some quality time with the kids. It is sad that their father couldn't join us until he finishes all the dishes. Sometime he even missed to watch Buletin Utama when there are whole loads of dishes need to be clean. Thus, I am very interested to give him Method Dish Soap Pump. I believe, with its tagline get "pumped to get clean dishes", it will help my husband to reduce dishes' cleaning time every after meal. And he can spend more time to watch Bulletin Utama and more quality time with the family. I trust Method Dish Soap Pump can help us to make sure all the dishes are really clean, no more oily and cheesy stain on the plates even after cleaning. and can save much time in cleaning the dishes.

Hanameera's aka kurine from http://hanameeramama.blogspot.com/
Story No. 1
Well when i think of cleaning, 1st person that popped into my mind is my sister! Just say it she will clean it haha..even when she went to other people's house, nampak kotoran and quickly she will grab the broom/ mop/ kain to clean it (mostly on our saudara mara's house la)..and especialy bila datang rumah kakak dia yg tercinta ni....mmg offer je diri dia to do the cleaning..(nak segan pun adik sendiri kan ;) So one of Method products yg sesuai dengan dia is Method Daily Shower (Natural Shower Cleaner-Ylang Yang)... i hope that she will enjoy her cleaning thing dengan haruman ylang ylang tu!

Kami sekeluarga sememangnya cuba untuk menyelamatkan mother earth kita sebaik mungkin. Apa jua product yang bagus untuk mother earth, kami pasti menyokongnya. Untuk itu, saya memilih Method Designed for Good Hand Wash Gel (Botanical) untuk ibu mertua saya. Dengan bilangan cucu yang semakin bertambah, aspek kebersihan sememangnya dititikberatkan. Lepas ni, mesti ibu mertua saya senang hati bila tengok cucu-cucu dia beratur nak basuh tangan tanpa risaukan kesan bahan toksik pada planet kita. They said, good thing come in small package. Insya-Allah.

Saya nak try method laundry detergent tu. Saya nak bagi kat family kat kampung. Sebab kat kampung tu hari2 basuh baju..kalau pakai method ni jimat sikit penggunaan sabun basuh tu. Baju pun wangi..lagi pun sekarang ni kat kampung guna sabun serbuk tu selalu sangat baju bercapuk sebab sabun serbuk tu tak betul2 kembang and melekat2 kat baju. Nak beli sabun cecair ni mahal sikit. Kalau guna method laundry detergent sabun pun jimat, baju pun wangi dan bersih. Guna lah method laundry detergent...baju tak bercapuk lagi...hehehe.

Salam..saya teringin nak hadiahkan kat adik 'method fabric softener' sebab dia memang pantang tak masukkan fabric softener setiap kali basuh pakaian. Adik saya sangat gilakan fabric softener hinggakan setiap kali keluar iklan baru saja dalam TV mesti dia akan terus beli dan guna. Saya juga selalu perhatikan gelagat dia bila sidai pakaian mesti asyik cium2 bau wangi fabric softener yang digunakan tu:)

Congratulations darlings...
Please send email to me at nadya_1901@hotmail.com for arrangement of the prizeyyyz!

ps: There will be another contest coming up at fabulous motherhood soon. Tell you what, mmg best gila. *am super excited too*


  1. Alhamdulillah...thanks ye mommynadia

  2. Alhamdulillah. Congrats pada pemenang2 yang lain jugak! Harap2 kita smua dapat manfaat dari product ni :)

  3. Alhamdulillah:) MashaAllah first time menang contest kat blog mummynadia:)
    congrats to others too.
    thanks nadia


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)