Tuesday, April 2, 2013

On 1st April 2013..

What happened yesterday??
*no, its not about April Fool peeps*

My little bambam has turned to big 2!!
We had so much fun yesterday and even 2 days ago for his early birthday celebration..
*try to update soon*

Meantime, thank you so much for all the lovely wishes and prayers from the iG friends...
*will try to reply everyone of u darl*
Rainbow themed during early birthday celebration last weekend..

Our lil Ryan...
We really hope you will enjoy your toddlerhood as much as you can..
Just have fun playing, learning and growing..
Mommy and papa will try as much as we can to guide you to be a good Muslim child and provide you a conducive environment for you to grow up...
And soon you grown to be a good and brainy Muslim child.

Mommy, papa and Abang Adam love you so much Adryan!
Happy 2nd Birthday boy!


  1. Alo sweetnya..happy birthday Ryan comel:)

  2. Happy Birthday Ryan! Moga membesar sihat, bijak n jadi anak yg soleh. *hugs*

  3. happy birthday ryan:) i started reading ur blog for 2 yrs now. exactly during his birthday. when i was 5days in confinement for my Ilyaas

  4. Happy Birthday Ryan! So cute la you! Hope you have a great year ahead little one. :)

  5. Thanks everyone for your lovely wishes.
    Ryan say tq =)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)