Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Adryan Nufael is ONE...

Alhamdulillah. My 2nd prince charming, Adryan Nufael has turned to big 1 last Sunday. Reflect back on everything that happened in the last 12 months, it really has been an amazing journey. For us to survive  *lucky the mommy not yet turn to green creature momster hihi* and enjoy the sweet parenthood with 2 adorable heroes. There is no other beautiful words rather than deepest syukur to express how lucky we are to be blessed with sweet adorable sons.

Being a-kuat-verangan mommy, kalau boleh memang nak buat b'day party ala2 anak SM Faisal *$$$$*, since the coming holiday next month pun tak berapa jauh gap nye, we decided to celebrate within our small family. We had the family gathering at Baci, Italian Cafe in Citta Mall, Subang.

*recommended by Che Mimi*

Lucky we didn't come with sakan birthday party props as the place was not so spacious *unless kalau nak outdoor lah kan, tapi panas, tak kuasa u!!*. Mujur I dah make early reservation, dapatlah corner area dengan harapan nak buat choir nyanyi lagu b'day karang takde la segan sangat. With simple party deco, hasil keje gunting menggunting mommy and papa Ryan sampai pkul 1 pagi untuk anakanda tersayang.. Taraa..*sila jgn gelak ;)*

Chair bunting..

Ball theme balloons from balloon buzz..
*make earlier booking jugak takut jadik mcm b'day Adam, kedai tutup..sobsob*..

There you go...
Adryan Nufael 1st Birthday ...

Few more photo props yang tak dapat dikesan oleh camera I *sobsob*,dek sibuk melayan hero2 ni ...
As hubby said, lepas ni kena panggil photographer upahan..baru semua gmbr captured..:'(

Selepas beberapa cubaan, the b'day boy berjaya tangkap balloon yang duk pusing2 atas kepala dia..

Since Baci is a self-service oriented cafe, sudahnye duk amik order makan and  pergi order dah almost 20min. Lupa plak cake BR  boleh tahan tak lebih sejam. Kelam kabut kami bukak and set for cake cutting session plak. Cair jugak lah icing dia..

Funny part, no 1 pun  letak terbalik..
Mujur my mom perasan and changed before the b'day song and cake cutting took placed..
*no 1 candle used during Adam 1st b'day..lepas ni turun ke anak ke-3 plak ;)*

Everyone waiting for yummylicious verry-berry strawberry choc cake..

Look at Adam..
Patiently wait for mommy to cut for his portion..
While Nuh enjoying his sinful ice cream cake, mujur tak allergic..

"Alamak, lama betul lah mommy nak bagi kat saya ni..yumyumyum"


While everyone enjoying the ice cream cake..

The b'day boy still waiting for his turn to come..

And finally...
*tipula..semua picture makan ice cream gelak happy je..*

It was my 1st visit to Baci, so far, the price adalah sangat berpatutan, seriously, with nice place and cosy environment, I should make my 2nd visit very soon. Minus the cafe not provided the baby chair, yang dalam gambar tu??Ya, a kiasu mommy will make the day perfect for her beloved son big day. >.< Enjoy another sinful meals...add up more calories!!Yumyum..

Hawaian Pizza 
*sila kali 2*

This is mine..
Aglio Olia Mushy..

Dory lemon sauce..

Chic lasagne..
*Tu jari Nuh*

And few more meals which also not captured by my humble camera..sobsob!!

Bukan kami je makan best, mommy pun dah buat special homemade food for Ryan too..

His new taste of fusilli pasta..


With tomato sauce and prune +dried cranberries topping..

and yumyum apple-pear & apricot yoghurt..


Let's pictures do the talk..

With Che Mimi prezzie..

"Tq mommy...aummm!!*

At home..
The 2 heroes enjoyed playing with Omma's prezzie..

Adam yang lebih excited to be exact..

"Ryan small, Ryan play with small toy"..yelah tu Abg Adam..
Tq Omma..
Ryan happy, mommy dia lagik happy..
*kata dah puasa beli toy, tapi yg ni.. mommy dah lama drooling. hahahahaha!!*

Tq to my parents and the whole family for spending time to celebrate my little bambam big day..
Appreciate it so much..

Last but not least..
Happy 1st Birthday Little Ryan..
We all love u so much..
Pray for your good health and grow up to be a good son sayang..


ps: Since I did not captured pictures about Baci Cafe, enjoy the link taken from google search:
Bistro Italiana (TG) Sdn Bhd (764162-W)
Lot G47, Ground Floor, Citta Mall
No.1, Jalan PJU 1A/48, Ara Damansara
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor


  1. Happy Birthday Ryan!!

    Sedapnya dory tu...terliur! and so does the cake..nyummmmeh!

    and uh, comel deko parents ryan buat..hihi

  2. Happy birthday lil ryan...

    enjoy ur day n be a good boy ok!

  3. Nadine,
    tq Nad!!
    Dory tu boleh tahan jugak, lemon sauce dia sedap2 je..mmg best.
    Shud hv a try. Sandwiches dia pun look yummeh!!

    al..malu la plak..last min idea u ;)

  4. Teh,
    tq aunty ;)

    why speechless?? >.<

  5. My Love,
    Hi aunty..tq..
    I did enjoyed the day..in fact mommy say I can celebrate for the rest of the month..hehehehe..
    InsyaAllah..I will be a good mommy boy ;)

  6. Wahh..sgt sedap dan mencucuri airliur melihat juadah besday Ryan..

    Selamat U/thn Kelahiran pertama Adryan Nufael...
    Semoga membesar dengan sihat, menjadi anak yg soleh dan pintar ya!!

  7. happy 1st birthday ryan!! comel sgt okehhh duduk dkt kerusi yg u decorate tu. so creative! :D gerammmmm tgk ryan (dah cakap byk kali tapi i nak cakap jugakk hihi..)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)