Friday, March 30, 2012

Few more days before 1..

1 more day left actually before he turns 1. Still remember at this moment last year, I started to have regular contractions and admitted to hospital later in the evening after found 3cm dilation. How time flies. The sweet pinkish little boy at 3.65kg, now grow up healthily to 11.5kg. Wow!!Good job Ryan ;)

Alhamdulillah, he has achieved many new skills including waving when we said bye bye Ryan..abis makan pusing2 tangan when I said..finish Ryan!!..Tepuk tangan bila nyanyi lagu tepuk amai-amai..and the funny part, pandai ketuk kepala bila tension orang tak layan dia. Ryan is really an active and cheeky boy. Compared to Adam, at 11 months Ryan dah naik basikal 3 roda abang Adam yang Adam naik after 1 year plus. Dia dah boleh naik and tolak dengan kaki ke depan and belakang. Lepas tu nak ke tepi jugak ingat walker dia boleh gerak semua direction. Mulalah tertonggeng lepas tu. Sekarang tengah excited practise nak jalan. Cepat jalan budak booolaatt!

Mulut dia sangat lah bising, dah sebut papa and mama..I teach him to call me mama first, soon baru boleh ajar mommy. Love attention and love to be cuddle all the time. Love eating so much and Alhamdulillah still actively breastfeeding ;)

InsyaAllah, we will celebrate his 1st big day with my small family *omma and okki dah odw datang dari Terengganu, semangat tu nak celebrate b'day cucu dia* Cant wait for the gathering this Sunday..Nanti hadiah b'day mommy bagi bulan 5 ek ;) yeay!!

Muhammad Adryan Nufael..May you grow healthier and smarter darling..Mommy, papa and Abang Adam love u so much...We will try to give the best from us to u darling..Love u so much my lovely munchkin..mmmuuaaahhhh!!!

11 months old ++ Adryan Nufael..

With my bestie, Lin during our last hangout..

Action je suka baca buku..
Suka kacau Abang Adam baca buku sebenarnya..



  1. yey!
    besar n bambam dah ini budakkk ehhehe

  2. cute je semua kasut2 ryan..mommy nadia beli kat ner ye ;)

    kiss for ryan :)

  3. Ryan looks still chubby on his age now!
    biasanye kids 1yr mesti halus je badannya sbb kate nk ringankan badan nak jln, etc..kan?
    But, ryan bdn die sedap je tgk! geram..tgk tgn die, ketul2 ade lagi! :)

  4. Happy Birthday in advance Ryan bam bam!


  5. happy birthday !! cnt wait to c ur pics when u r turning 1 ^ ^ ... cut wait to tunggu my rain jgk turning 1..hehe

  6. Rose,
    ya..sudah besar..dalam banyak segi ;)

  7. Jie,
    olo la wei,sebenarnye Ryan ni tak buleh paka kasut, kaki dia gemuks sgt..sudahnye,soft shoes je lah dia pakai..tu pun tak bnyk choice. Nadia beli kat mothercare Jie..

  8. Mummy GH,
    Itulah lambat sket boleh jalan sb bambam sgt..tapi rajin jugak dia bertatih..hopefully tak lama lagik boleh jalan..
    a'a..masih bambam walau dah 1 thn..

    hey gal, thx for visiting my page dear!

  9. MissRhana,
    dah upload..enjoys..
    I tgh browse ur blog too..mesti ligat plan for b'day celebration kan ;)

  10. yunayuni,
    yup dear..bambam pelok best!


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