Monday, January 16, 2012

Fun & Movement at Kizsport & Gym, Empire

After a long delay, I'm finally received a call from Kizsport & Gym, Empire for trial of this program. Actually dah survey since last year, due to the renovations going on plus school break bla bla, last 2 week baru boleh pergi survey and decide samada nak enroll Adam for this program ke tak.

Description about this program..

I was looking for a fun program but at the same time Adam able to develop his ability in motor skills, cognitive (thinking), social skill and plus the emotional skill as well. As parents, we still seeing Adam as a small baby. But soon Adam will be joining the big group of people at school. So, me and Mr Hubby planned for a program that can build up his confident and self esteem too. Adam's body coordination was not very stable. Berlari mesti nak jatuh. Jalan pun tak betul je langkah. Really make us worry. Kalau pergi playland tu, hubby will follow him tak lepas langsung. Thats was my hubby jugak, tak boleh lepas dr depan mata langsung. Lagilah tak independant si Adam tu.

Before the program start, we talked to the trainer, teacher Fariza on what we expected from this prog and explained a lil bit about Adam. Yeap, we knew that every kid is unique. Even the growth also might differ from each kid. As parents, I don't like to compare Adam with other kids specially yang sebaya dengan dia. But we are trying our best to provide as much as he need for his development.

I was happy to see Adam enjoyed the time so much. In fact, he just need few minutes to get along with the trainer. The 50min program basicly content of many activities. We snapped the pictures while the program running. Since the program for 3-5 yo kid, parents are not allowed to enter the classroom. It was the 1st class of this program for this year and Adam's classmates were not coming yet, end up he was playing alone with the teacher. But its good for him jgak, boleh beramah mesra dulu kan..

The class took placed..

After introduction session, just to warm up the kid, the trainer started the class by playing bubble...
And that was Adam fave game. Every weekend mesti ajak main bubble..

Throwing balls..
*learn about focus and target*

Gym time...

 Playing with hoops..

Jumping jumping of rubber mat...
Besides of skill to jump on the round mat, he learnt about colors too..

Jumping in the hoops..

Singing and dancing...

Reading time..
Plus few activities with puzzles and blocks..

woweee...Adam love this activity so much!!

The whole classroom view..

Gym session where they will utilized all the props there..
Ada trampoline too...
*hi jump mommy!!*

So far I was satisfied with this program. As long as Adam happy, thats more than enough already. We are more happier when the trainer said Adam's growth is normal. Just like other kids. He was good at jumping, catching and running. Just need time to improve to get it sharper. He's involved in those activities well, such during the reading time and the trainer said Adam like books so much. Adam loved to share story with the trainer too, but there are some pelat words that something teacher could not understand. Hoho, takpe sayang slow slow..

The program will be held every Sunday with monthly fees of RM180++ <---++ tu time deposit and annual fees aje. *meaning that mommy will get her weekly routine at Empire every Sunday. Sounds good eh!! I loike* The kid will automaticly registered as member, thus he is entitled for free entry to their playland. After class, we will give Adam to play at playland a little while.*yelah sgt a little while, kalau tak sejam dua tak sah!!* But this time, we just monitored him from far so that he will be more independant. Btw, anyone kebetulan pergi Kizsport on Sunday, boleh buat arrangment wit me, I can bring 4 more kids with membership fees, tak silap half price enterance fees to playland for kids above 2yo, and free for kids below 2yo. So jgn lupa caling2!! ;)

Adam will starts his trial for swimming class in March. By that time, we will decided whether to continue with this program or not. *mommy tak dan nak kejo kalau bnyk activities sgt on weekend* But if we manage to arrange well, InsyaAllah. Tapi kalau member2 Adam yg lain tak datang jgak, masalah jgak tu main sorang2. *this week class, still tak mucul jugak classmates Adam tu, haihhh!!*

So starting from 1st week of 2012, we officially changed our new routine on Sunday. We normally reached Empire very early for breakfast *mana tak awal kalau boleh dapat parking kat bawah straight masuk restaurant terus!!*, so far dah 2 weekends in the row makan kat Nyonya Colors, so in love with the kuih muih and nasi lemak daun pisang, and straight away to Kizsport for the class. Yehaaa!!

Owh btw, selain dari Kizsport & Gym kat Empire tu, banyak lagi aktiviti boleh buat sepanjang cuti hujung minggu kat Empire.

Morris Allen English
Macam baru bukak, tempat belajar english la kut..;)

Dance Space
Very nice place tau..

Love to see those lovely girls in their tutu skirts...
So cuteee ;)

Bake me..
Kelas memasak ye, untuk sape2 nak didik anak jadik Chef Wan..

Plaster Fun House..
Soon Adam dah besar sket, boleh masuk main color2 macam2 bentuk clays tu..

Ni art class..

Beethoven Music World..
Biasa lah blaja music gitew..

Last but not least..


  1. nadia, interestingggg nye! :D i mmg ada plan nak hantar athirah jugak tp every wknd mcm asik busy dgn mcm2 hal huhu..
    nak2! nanti kalau i pegi sana i roger k? boleh playdate :D

  2. wah menariknya class ni..sure adam enjoy sgt...

  3. Fatih,
    Jom jom!!
    Make urself free, by 2pm dah boleh balik rumah..;)

    yes, gv me a call, we set a playdate ;)

  4. lydzar,
    yup enjoy jgak..
    Adam mmg sukeee...

  5. Wow bestnya!! Fee pon tak la mhl sgt eh dear..tempat pon best utk mommies haha! Eii mcm2 xtvt ada ye..seronok2! Untung Adam! ;)

  6. best bangat~!!!!
    kat mane tu kak long?
    huu..oloss laa..sungguh best melihat gambaran2 ituuuuu...
    musti ADAM sukaaaang..

  7. This place called Empire is just perfect for family, kan? hihihi.. And we can find all type of learning class for our babies! :) I'm considering those for Oman too. How do we know if our kids ready or not ek? cause so far, Oman loves to do activities / playing by his own.. i takut cikgu suruh buat lain dia buat lain je kang. hihihi

  8. Izu,
    Just nak mengisi time weekend bagi bermanfaat skit dear.Lagipun Adam tak start proper kinddy budget tu I bayar for his gym class ;)

  9. Sarah,
    dekat empire shopping gallery.atas tu ada kizsport.dtg kl bawak bb main kat ;)

  10. Nuurill,
    Yes babe.sgt best class kat empire.tapi kena bare lah ramai org kalau pergi awal pagi,tak congested sgt.

    One of d reason I enroll Adam,sb i thot Adam ni jenis tak boleh focus.kalau teacher bg instruction,dia tak interprate well.but I'm far dia cooperate well wit the trainer.n paham every instruction given.

    So babe,gv Oman a try.At least class yg not so formal mcm ni,parents allow to join in the beginning.Nanti once he start his formal school,dia dah familiar with class n gv focus to the teacher well. ;)

  11. Bestnya Adam!!

    Our bestie pun sibuk ajak kitaorg enroll Faaz kat sana since anak dia pun ambil class mcm Adam. Tapi we still belum ada masa nak survey lagi..

    btw, setiap kali lalau Dance Space tu kan, I mesti berangan nak hantar my twins there to learn ballet..pakai tutu skirts and ballet shoes..awwwww! :)

  12. Nadine,
    Sape anak ur fren tu??kalau at Adam or Faaz age, he/she shud enroll the same class.Come and hv try, only RM55..trainer dia best n friendly sgt.
    I can bet Faaz will love the class so much..

    yes babe!! U can start to imagine ur lovely twinnies in the dance class. Hantar lah, nanti I nak g intai..mesti sgt cummey..;)

  13. looking for u last sat sebab my adam ade taekwondo class.rupanya ur adam class on sun :)

  14. Yeap,Adam's class on Sun afternoon.Owh taekwando class on sat ek.I selalu nmpk wushu class every sun. ;)


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