Monday, September 12, 2011

All About Medela Freestyle!

It almost a month since I've started using my new gadget, the Medela Freestyle. Excitement to finally owned something that I've been dreamt for quite sometimes * 2years I guess!!, a lil bit distracted with keseronokan berhari raya. Maklumlah time dapat ni tengah puasa, orang sibuk beli bj raya, I sibuk duk usha pump *Aiseh!!.But seriously macam dah lama aje pakai pump ni. Agaknye sb I mmg fully utilized this pump. Mana2 pergi mesti skali angkut.*Bukan shj shopping raya, pergi raya pun taw! Kesahnye sb boleh pump anywhere, sekalipun my best place adalah dalam keta Mr Hubby, si Dina! 

As promised from previous entry, I will try to share some info related to this pump. Actually I tried to gather all related info and dump into this entry, so that nanti bila tiba2 nak refer, senang. Satu pagi jugaklah I duk belek2 cari info specially on handling those sub parts. Kalau dalam maintenance engineering, bila dah beli equipment, mesti datang dengan monthly maintenace and yearly service ke ape kan. Same goes to this pump.*Maklumlah investnye pun bnyk, nk dapat balik ROI mahu tunggu 1-2 yrs plak!! So the best thing to prevent and maybe to predict before major breakdown, adalah lebih baik ambil langkah awal melalui cara penjagaan/maintenace yg betul.;)

* Click above link to get detail info about this pump.

Namanye dah pakai nk sebulan, nama sub parts for freestyle pump ni pun I fail lagik. 

After assemble, this is the whole set of breast shield.

So overall, ada 4 main items mesti kena ada baru boleh pump :
 Freestyle pump, tubing, bottle and breast-shield 
* kalau lupa jadik mcm kesah last week!

Yang ni plak, items for hands free..

Assemble with bottle and shield to be like this!
* Times 2 for 1 pair, left and right breast.

This video is very useful one. Demo on how the freestyle work. From assembly up to on how to clean those sub parts.The do and don'ts!

Other than that, reading people's experiences are more valuable. How lucky I am, when 1 of my blogger friends, Maziati aka eT wrote entry about her experience with her fs!Very useful ;) Tq so much.

Credit to entry:

Summary of what she explained in her blog:
* picture taken from owner's blog

Soft Fit ni bila dah koyak, boleh kurangkan suction. So ensure kena jaga elok2 and selalu check ensure takde koyak.

Tak boleh rendam air panas lama2 sgt.Nanti keras bila dah lama2 nanti.
 Cukup basuh and rendam sebentar kut. Thats what I did! Ensure kulat tak membiak jgak. Boleh kurangkan suctions.

Breast-shield body plak jangan disental kuat2 semasa sesi pembasuhan. Kalau dah menggerutu kasar, boleh effect suction jgak. Alamak kena beli baru lagik.

Back cap kena ensure kering sb dia attach with tubing and pump.
 Nanti air masuk dlm pump lagik susah.

Hopefully these infos can help those newbies like me! If you get more info, please share with us. I'll be happy to include in as well. Ok, thats all for now..Happy pumping and enjoy the most wonderful moment in breastfeeding!!


  1. bilala yun dapat merasa pkai freestyle,hehe!sis,kalau skali pump dpt byk x?

  2. wow, mommy nadia sudah upgrade ke fs yea..seronokkan..

    nway, nice info especially the maintenance part..

    sy suka steril my breastpump part dgn basic H dan masukkan dalam sterilizer..

  3. Good info,nadia..though i dont use fs ni.uhuk.
    Anyway.teruskn usaha pumping! Airinnye supply merudum ni sejak hse n mkn byk kot.huhuw

  4. Salam.. saya pun baru je lagi jd pengguna FS ni... :)

    Slalu juga saya didihkan all the parts.. mcm dah x bley la guna cara tu.. :(

    thanks for this info ye... :)

  5. Good Entry Nad!

    Masa I beli FS dkt ajasu kan, dia email almost the same thing as what u wrote about taking care of the FS parts. Nasibla, kalau tidak mau I rendam membrane tu lama2 :P

    Jgn kata u, I sampai skang tak katam lagi the parts name. Pakai suka hati je panggil d parts. muahaha!

  6. Saya skrg guna madela mini E- one day nak juga freestyle- saya baca review , freestyle ni kurang bising dari mini E dan suction pun tak sakit sgt- maybe breastshield lembut? Anyway all the parts tu kalau sterelize jer boleh ke? Saya dah stop rebus2 selepas ada sterelizer; huish mcm2 beli harap dpt ebf dgn jayanya (skrg br 2bln)!

  7. Tumpang tanya. Camane cara nak tanggalkan backcap daripada breashield body tu. Ada 3 klip kan, nak bukak yang kiri dulu ke, atas dulu ke, kanan dulu? Sy try2 xbley bukak pun sy punya. Takut patah pulak dah beli mahal2. Hihi:-)

  8. Salam Fazliana,
    Sorry late reply. No worry tak patah punya. Buka mane2 dulu pun ok =)

    Happy fs'ing..=)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)