Thursday, June 9, 2011

postnatal treatment review..

I love to use this picture..commeykan!
*courtesy google image

I should post this entry during my 44days confinement period and unfortunately I just managed to write the entry after 60 days of my maternity leave..
*Itu pun after my 2nd week working..aiyaa!!!
Ikutkan, nak cerita pasal my 44 days , dah tak sesuai title entry tu rasenye..
Lagipun kisah pantang saya bukanlah something yg bagus untuk dicontohi, since I have promised to review about my post natal treatment from my previous entry, and ada jgak yg request me to review about it..
There you go..InsyaAllah I will try to review as much as I can..
But after all, semuanya atas individu this review is from my what I have experienced during confinement of my 2nd baby, Muhammad Adryan Nufael..

As my previous entry, I have decided to take post natal treatment from IREE and I have chosen Traditional Home Nursing for 3days..
* try dulu 3 hari kalau ok, kononnye nak sambung to 5days..

So the pakej content of :
Pakej B : Traditional Home Nursing (2-2.5 hrs daily)

         1. Prepare Herbal Bath for Mum
         2. Baby Bath (including jaundice treatment remedy; if necessary) – FREE Service
         3. Baby Massage – FREE Service
         4. Post Natal Massage
         5. Tungku (Heat Therapy)
         6. Bengkung (binder) + Slimming Cream / Herbal Paste (tapel)
         7. Herbal Drinks

My first day treatment was after my 5th day delivery..
So far, dealing with the owner Kak Ida is a smooth one..
She is so kind and yang paling penting sgt bertimbang rasa..
After my 2 days treatment, Ryan was admitted due to jaundice, I have to postpone my treatment to the following week..
Lucky she able to tolerate and did not charge me for any immediate changes..
* yelah kan, apa2 pun baby kena di utamakan..

My confinement lady aka the therapist is Camelia..
A Filipinos who has been working with Kak Ida for about 6months..
She's a nice lady and so far I'm satisfied with her job..
My hubby will pick up the therapist as early of 9am and once she arrived she will handled the baby while I'm having breakfast or ready the things for massage session..
I took herbal bath before the therapist arrived just to save the time so that I can enjoyed massage lama2 sket..hehehe ;)

Preparing the herbal bath..
Put some ginger, lemon grass and daun pandan with the herbal sachet..

Camelia while preparing lil Ryan for bath..

Before that, on the 1st day of treatment, Camelia will help u to measure the weight as well as the body fat % and etc etc mcm dekat gym tu..memang professional!
So my weight on my 5th day is 64kg, which I only lost only 6 kg during delivery...aiyarkkk!!
Then after semua dah settle, its time for massage..
Seriously massage session mmg best..massage oil dia pakai bau lemon n lemongrass gitu macam duk kat spa plak rase nye..
Normally we will spend around 1-1.5hrs for massage session and paling penting mesti pastikan Ryan dah kenyang betul before sessi ber"massage"2 tu..
Lepas dah siap massage, therapist akan tungku the whole body which took around 15-20 minute before she helped me to wear the bengkung with the tapel..
ooo..lepas selesai semua, badan pun dah ringan sket, minum plak peppermint ginger with honey suam2..memang rase duk kat spa lah..

Overall this service memang sangatlah professional as if u were at spa tengah memanjakan diri..
Both therapist and owner semua peramah and easy to liase with, during nak booking and buat payment till the day we received their service.. really make me satisfied with this post natal treatment..
As what Camelia explained, all therapist  at IREE are the foreigners,Indonesian and Filipinos, except the owner Kak Ida is a Malay..

But yet...alamak ada but plak..
I have experienced my 1st post natal treatment which in traditional way during my 1st child delivery at Terengganu..
A really traditional one and makcik bidan tu nama Cik Ani kat Losong..
Apa yang kurang with treatment from that spa is the therapist yg handle massage is a foreigner, again cara dia urut memang ala urut spa, orang kata bukan urut utk after bersalin punye..the ooouch ouuch aaahhh..;)
Then for sure takde "sangkak"--*betul ke word ni?? or baca ayat Quran mase urut kat bahagian peranakan kita..
I'm not sure about this but again I also had post delivery check with my gynae after 30days to check the stitches and uterus..Alhamdulillah everythings OK..
Bab bertungku plak, I guess she not familiar on how to handle this batu tungku compare makcik bidan kampung..
Hish skali tungku memang best satu badan..bayangkan ada orang yg amik untuk bertungku sahaja for 44days..
Boleh turut berat badan I tell you..

Instead to extend to 5days, I decided to stick to only 3 days treatment..
So during balik Terengganu after 1 month, nak tak nak carik makcik urut jugak..
Seriously, it really a different experience..
Sakit time urut macam nak tendang aje makcik ni * makcik lain yer!
Tapi lepas tu memang lega sgt..
Specially bab bertungku memang best, terus rase macam kurus sket..boleh ker??
Tang perut tu kempis lah sket! and price dia tak usah cakap jauh lebih murah lah kan..

Tapi yang tak tahan nak dengar, marah betul makcik tu sb I tak pantang betul2..
Bila dia tahu I'm not consistently using the bengkung during the last 2wk before jumpe dia and not practice self bertungku..adeeiii!!!
* pakai tu pakai..tapi dah lepas belasah makan pagi, and mandi kan Ryan baru pakai..boleh ker??
Memang betul apa yang makcik tu cakap, tapi nak buat camane,time tu duk bz buat thesis..
Adam plak ada kat rumah tak g nursery..2nd week tu dah bangun buat keje macam biasa dah..
Tinggal tak mop lantai aje...sian!

So after jumpe makcik tu, balik Shah Alam, I became more strict to myself..
Bertungku and wearing bengkung sampai my 44days..
But yet, berat badan I still around 59-60kg..camane???
* Agak2 naik lagi kut, last weekend belasah makan daging, pergi bnyk wedding!mak aiii!!
Yang tak tahan makcik tu cakap makan nasi 2 sudu je..gulp!
Gile ape..dalam hati aku..ya ya..2 senduk adelah..tak boleh jadik makcik nih..
Takpelah..dah jenis berat badan susah nak turun..terima ajelah..
Asalkan makan jadik susu bnyk untk Ryan..udah!
So buat mase skrang pergi keje n jalan2 ke, acik kena pakai skirtlah..
Dah kata hip tak mau masuk dah dgn sluar yang ade..;(

"Ape pasal mommy ni duk posing sakan?"

Hish dah jauh melalut..dari pasal post natal treatment review sampainye review berat badan sendiri..
So as conclusion, apa2 pun bergantung pada individu sendiri..
If u prefer the spa IREE would be the best one!InsyaAllah..
But if u prefer the ooucchh ouuchhh ahhhhh massage, find a good bidan kampung aka makcik urut..
InsyaAllah for my next baby * ehem ehem..dah plan 3rd baby ke??
Rasenye nak berpantang kat kampung plak..
* my mother sudah pencen tahun depan..yeahhhaaa!!!suke suke!!
Time tu 44hari amik makcik bertungku, biar selim melim mommy Adam ni hah ;)  
Time delivery Adam, 4months maternity leave really can reduced my weight to 53kg..
I dont think, this will be happen again....waaaaa!!!  
And to all mommies yg currently expecting their babies..specially those yg dah 2nd, 3rd or ..,
Please ensure to take care of yourself..berpantanglah sebaik yang mungkin..
Use your 44days wisely, sb lepas tu bnyk tenaga nak pakai nak handle dua anak ni or more..
Yang expecting 1st baby tak payah risau..memang surely mak tak bagi buat pape dah..terlentang aje atas katil tu ah..hehehe ;)
If you asked me, I would say experience pantang kali ni mmg berbeza..
Tapi some people said, bila dah anak 2,3..takde nak nak rase pantang mcm 1st baby dulu..unless if u have someone to take of ur kids..It so true!
Tapi takpelah..I have using my 2 mos maternity leave wisely..
From building up the ebm stock, experimenting the cloth diapers and the most burden in my life, settelling my final dissertation...semua siap!
And my last week of maternity leave is the most enjoyable one..wait for my next entry..;)

Oklah, I'm not sure whether I have covered everything about the post natal treatment..
But if you need to ask for detail, drop me a comment below or pm at
InsyaAllah I will try my best to reply soonest as possible!

And last but not least, thank you guys.. sudi datang jenguk mommy tengah berpantang.. ;)

Appreciate it!

Till then..;)

ps : adeh.. 2 hari den amik maso nk post entry ni, camano neh??..;)


  1. ermm berat tak turun, tp tetap menten cantik. thats enough kot :D

  2. bidan kg mmg sentap jugak kan depa urut..menjerit2 dibuatnye ehehhee

  3. or bdn kg at least diorang pakar..i kt sni either hubby or me, yg urut sket2 myself. huhuhu nti after 6mos i igt nk pgil jgk la tkg urut kt sini..kasi 'overhaul' satu body. hee.

    Wutever, u look great dear. hip i pon bsr uuu..T_T

  4. lydar,
    ehemehem...tang mane tu yer yg cantek??;)
    itulah..camane nak kurus kalau asyik mkn je ek??

    Memang Nadia jenis tak reti teppik..bila sakit telengkup muka ngan batal...adoii!

    the word overhaul really make me smile ;)
    yeap we should overhaul and fine tune back our body..but how??
    marie france or london weight??tak mampu u!

    Itulah, this time lemak sgt kental kat bahagian tummy n hip!

  5. I sebenarnya bump into yr blog (yg cantik ni) sbb nk survey pasal confinement lady la.hehe...

    my 1st one i had IREE touch. the CL was iris, a philipino as well. sama la mcm u cakap sis, very helpful n kind, i amek yg one-day confinement which dia siap masak lg. ok la rasa masakan dia tak byk mmg lepas dia balik i amik 3hr yg ouuccchhh ooo punya traditional massage. sbb rasa pelik pulak bila berpantang tp tak urut yg sakit tu.hehe

    tp one good thing about non-traditional care ni is dia punya pantang selari dgn para doktor. esp bab makanan. kadang2 i pening jugak ngn setengah2 mak bidan yg terlalu strict semua tak boleh sedangkn in medical kita sepatutnya tau requirement utk sembuh dari sakit - healthy diet.

    anyway sis, thanks so much for the review. I pun tgh try survey selain IREE touch ni kot2 ada yg best.klu tak stict to this one je la.hehe


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)