Friday, July 2, 2010

fabulous June ;)

Tup tup dah masuk July dah..cepat betol masa berlalu skrang ni..;)
pejam celik Adam pun dah besar ..hishihishihs..
Alhamdulillah kita masih lagi bernafas di bumi Allah ini...

Last month was the most beautiful months..
So many good things happened..all I can say is sangat bersyukur dgn kurnian Maha Esa..
We had so many things to celebrate on..
continued from May..which is my birthday and mother's day..
Again June ..more makan2 time we had..

Started with celebrating Father's day at Bubba Gump..
On 23rd June again we celebrated Mr hubby's birthday...
Together with his promotion...
Thats was the great day..when he received a big suprised from his G.M ;)
We were so happy and bersyukur to Allah..
We were so proud of you papa..Work harder!!

Pressie yg mommy janji ..
Papa dah amik kan ;)
In ur dream aje lah ..
Papa and his dream Lotus..

We had a small celebration at Italiannies The Empire..
Again..its only 3 of us..
I love to eat at Italiannies ..but the last time we had dinner here was about last year..
So with new opening at The Empire..senang lah nak menapak ke sana..
Plus with a good environment here..mmg peacefull ;)

The main enterance

"yeay I can have my own plate!!"

mommy and Adam..
hye everyone..;)

juice and latte..

lasagne and platter..
with the main course..we can get kids meal at only RM7.++
and as usual complimentary of bread and olive oil + vinegar..
big usual we enjoyed to share ;)

suprised suprised..
Happy birthday song from Italiannies staff..
Even papa dah warned mommy earlier...
we managed to secretly plan for this suprised!

compliementary of pudding cake


Its a great time..
Thanks papa for the treat!!
Sebelum balik..ambil gambar dulu..
Since they have a good place for picture taking session...
Ape lagik ;)

"tidaaaakkkkk....papa lepas kan Adam"

"yeay...bestnye kalau kat umah ada kerusi like this"

As the ending of the June..
I was so happy to receive letter for my upgrading too..
Late for a few days sb my boss cuti..
wah wah tak sangka br +/-1.3 yrs keje dah upgrade jgak...
Alhamdulillah..syukur amat sangat ..
tp mane boleh challenge papa..
papa report director..
mommy semut kecil aje...huhuhuhu ;(
Its really encourage me to work harder..InsyaAllah..



  1. alhamdulillah..2-2 pon dpt promotion dah kire sgt bagus tu hihi.

  2. i'm so happy for u dearie..may with live happily in Allah's blessing.

  3. wah wah nadia..congrates!!! bile lagi nak blanje ni.. husband n wife skali dpt upgrading! dpt naik up to grade 4 ye? pasni makin byk la mea control meeting, ek?

    cute adam with his balloon!
    was the food nice? airin penah try once kat italiannies, but so not my taste la..except for the pizza. or maybe silap order kot.. next time mcm nak kena ajak nadia skali pegi la..(ahem ahem..)

  4. wah...congrats! more money, hehehe...

  5. good to know that babe! congratulations to all of you! ;) btw, i love Itallianies too! especially the bread + olive oil! sedap gilaaaa! i can finish them alllll to myself! haha :P

    ps : lotus tu sangat handsome! :D

  6. Farah,

    thx..ala mane ade Nadia grade kecik aje..
    sb experience kat automotive zero..
    lagipun its more on job allignmet kn..thats why nadia terallign ape2pun Alhamdulillah..

    owh yer ker..Airin order ape..
    Lasagne chicken tu ok ok love spagetti strawberry cheese yummyyummy!!

  7. owh yea Airin..
    boley2..ada masa kita makan sekali..lagipun belakang umah aje kan!

  8. Hanis,
    thanks you..InsyaAllah..;)

    hahaha..kami kilang besar tp rate gaji cipot the big fish out there,we still farfar Alhamdulillah..rezeki Allah..

    yeap dear Lotus itu sgt evora kat sebelah dia lagi macho u!

    thx dear..nanti bg Aydein mkn sket jgak roti tu tau..sian Aydien mama dah belasah semua..hehe Adam loves the bread so much!

  9. congrats to both of u...wahwah..rezeki adam gak tuh.

    adam...hahaha..belon bengkok! mommy adam bwk plate plastik sendiri ke???

  10. Nadia, congratulations to both of you!!! nampaknya tahun depan dah boleh up lagi 1 keta lah ni kan? hihihihi...

    Nadia, i love Italiannies bread puding. Giler sedah x hengat!! hehehe :)

    and... i x saba nak tunggu next entry you on 7 July. Heheheheheh .. Tett!!

  11. teh,
    tq tq..tu lah kan..kalau lagik ramai anak lagik bnyk rezeki kan ;)
    huih..mane ade bawak plate sendiri..
    diorang punye..
    hahaha..belon tu bengkok kan..kihkihkih ;P

    tq tq..2nd car..ta yah lah..bnyk pun g keje skali mcm tak pakai aje nanti ;)
    lagipun mcm dah best jadik co pilot..huhuh ;)

    I main belasah aje tulis pudding selalunye I suka strawberry cheese cake diorang...huhuhu sgt best!
    yg tu dpt dah full tak dpt menikmati sepenuhnye..

    ala u..lepas bc comment u b4 balik keje on Fri..smgt u nak buat homework time weekend..crk gmbr2 lama2..
    sekali internet I ntah lah sempat ke taknak buat special entry utk u all..
    delay sket pun ok gak kan ;)

  12. congrats on your promotion ;) rezeki anak beranak :)

  13. Hi Nad...sorry i tertinggal train. was so occupied these few days. harini br dpt bernafas sket *sigh*

    Anyway, congrats to both of u! rezeki..rezeki. I tumpang happy :)

    p.s: we love Italiannies too cuz my hubby is a pizza lover ;)

  14. hi pinkerton!
    lama tk singgah blog kita..
    tu lah..Alhamdulillah..rezeki Adam...tq

    I tau u bz..kalau tk u cepat comment bila I post..hehehe ;)

    tq tq..yup pizza dia best jgak..
    kalau pizza lover ..ur hubby mesti suka pizza kat marche jgak kan..
    pizza kt marche best kan! ;)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)