Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm back!

Hi everyone..
Back to surface again..;)
Hopefully tak terlambat to wish Happy Labor Day!
yeap2..I'm working today!Even I think ada few company yg cuti kan..?
You all?
Kitorang punye cuti bring forward to Hari Raya..baru berangan nak jalan2..
Sekali my hubby said keje..waaa!!!tension ;(
But this year raya mmg bst..cuti almost 2 wk..sangat sayang kat company ku ini ;)

Bercakap pasal Labor Day, nak cite pasal tempat keje baru ni..
Walaupun takde lah baru sgt..dah setahun pun..pejam celik..sgt cepat!
Baru lepas baca entry Anne, pasal career path..wonder samada I miss my old job ke tak?
My prev job as process eng and now working more on quality eng job!
Which I can say totally different..kalau Anne 360deg, mine one takdelah sampai 360..300deg lebih kurang!
Last time I'm fully attached with production,stressful tak usah cakap..keje asyik gaduh ngan supervisor yg suka gertak org pompuan macam kitorang ni..(even dlm dept I ada 3 ladies aje ;)
me takut??tak de nye..normally mmg I gaduh aje ngan diorang ni..sampai heboh satu floor nadia gaduh ngan supervisor, tak kira Cina or India..jgn suka2 nak buat hal ngan kitorang..hish geram!

Tapi kalau ingatkan balik, make me smile..keje sini plak..
sgt cool and steady..jantung I pun takde lah asyik dupdapdupdap everytime masuk office..
Kalau dulu pagi2 takut tgk yield takut drop nanti kena belasah ngan Naidu,lagi parah kalau Veriah turun..owhhh nasib malang jawabnye best, boss2 besr tak suka sgt marah ngan kitorang pompuan yg berapa kerat aje ni ;P..

Ntahlah..I should bersyukur dengan apa yg ada..
kalau ingatkkan mmg lah tempat org lain maybe lagi best kan..
at least my place less stress...
so that I can focus to my family more..
and specially tgh sibuk with my unfinish project tu..
Plus sayang sangat with my boss yg sporting bg I cuti lama2 ;)
*walaupun cuti kalau ditolak tambah dah sangat sedikit

Ok..wish I could visit u all punye blog ..;)

till then..

Hopefully I takde lah asyik duk kat bawah tu aje..;0


  1. Waaahh! welcome back, mommy nadia! after this, bleh la spend more time with us, swimming2 ;)
    yup, best keje Proton ni..lama cuti raya..yuhuuu..!

  2. biasa keje gaji besar je yg stress2 ni..ehhe..sure nad ni gaji besor heheh

    selamat hari pekerja..:-)

  3. btul2 bersyukur dengan ape yang ade..ala keje mane2 pon stress kan..jadi surirumah pon stress hahaha

  4. Airin,
    boleh2 nanti turun ptg2 ek..
    walaupun keje tu tak siap lagi..kena exercise jgak!ala, belum beli lagi swimming suit aritu mcm tak boleh diselamatkan lagi lah ;(

    a'a bab2 raya tak boleh challenge company lain kut!maklumlah satu raya je celeb,my office dulu kan best kitorang malay chinese and Indian almost balance, so tiga2 raya cuti lama..hehe best2,kalau kumpul2 kat 2-3 mingu jgak lah ;)

  5. Rose,
    takdenye gaji beso..biasalah kuli,gaji kecik kena paksa buat keje bnyk ..tu yg stress tu ;0

    happy labor day to u too ;)

    huh kalau I jadik hwife lagik stress,jadik full time house manager nih lagik pening..bila duk umah semua benda nak buat..everything nak perfect..bila dah keje ni,bnyk yg tak perfect!setengah nak kena sub2 plak ;)

    betul bersyukur dengan apa yg ada,tp kalau ada peluang, kita grab!
    so that takde lah sentiasa di takuk lama kan ??

  6. dear, when u wanna reveal the "unfinshed project" tu..? :)

  7. Hohohoh.. i pun tak suka kalau yield meeting ada Naidu and Veriah.. hahaaha.. dulu pernah masa project PC card.. siap kawtim dgn Ishak lagi camne nak jawab soalan kalau Naidu tanya.. hahahaha..

    Good for you that you found a good place that make you feel at ease bila pergi.. i couldn't stand production pressure masa kat flex.. itu sbb yg blah tuh.. mcm nadia la.. asyik nak kena gaduh aje.. mcm dtg office sbb nak kena defende and gaduh.. hahahaha.. the good old times.. hehehe

    Welcome back anyway!

  8. Nadine,
    hehe,tq dear for ur concern!;)
    actually malu..tgu I buat siap dulu ek..suppose by July..
    tp takde pape sgt..cuma benda yg terlepas buat,so kena continue aje lah ;)

    haha..then u know penangan Naidu to us for me he's a good dia baik with these 3 ladies at our dept ;)
    abg ishak,the terrer gsm prog tu..nadia pun,pg2 nak meeting cr geng2 diorang la dulu..
    btw, Anne pun dulu jg SMT process jgak ek?

    walaupun hati tenang sket kat sini,tp kdg2 rindu jgak..buat2 kecoh kat kat sini,tenang sgt..borink jgak!

  9. selamat hari pekerja...sempat lagi ke nak wish ni???


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)