Thursday, May 6, 2010

the 1st anniversary.. bukan 1st anniversary of  my wedd ;)
Actually anniversary for my house..on 1st May airtu..
ticktockticktock..kejap je dah 1 year..

Ikutkan rumah tu macam takde progress sgt drp duk berangan2 sebelum masuk dulu..
Mase tak cukup plus fulus pun nak kena tebal..baru syiok buat renovation..
Basicly I prefer to maintain my house as simple as I can..
Specially after move in, rumah tu tak de lah besar mane pun..1008sqf aje..
so paham2lah..memang nak design pun kena ala kadar..
Plus myself pun yg type suka simple...

Ingatkan this year nak start balik deco my house..
Deco in term of yg simple item lah..not a fully renovation..
*which part of my new year resolution pun..;)
After fikir2 ada few tempat yg nak touch priority..
specially yg simple and tak banyak pakai duit lah..

but sebelum tu jom tgk living room yg buat lagi best mommy duk berangan..

of course it must be a L shape couch ..
kalau tak tak gerak lah jawbnye dalam rumah tu..

not as big as this..
but almost like this..hehehe..
*arco lamp dah ade..tinggal cr sofa aje ;)
 we really love the arco lamp..
thats why time shpp' lampu terus rembat..

this also nice and simple..

love the the calm ambience

but not that sofa

I love the IKEA type too..
but paham2 lah..IKEA ni messy sket..
too much things nak kena letak..

nice too..

Kan dah pening..
Banyak sangat konsep, susah jgak..
Basicly we still stick to the 1st and 2nd pix..
wah wah..nak kena cari sofa macam tu lah plak..
mane ek..lorenzo?miva?IKEA?macy??
hhuhuhuhu...cepat ler bonus??kcing!!

Instead of decorate the living room yg maybe nak kena guna bnyk duit, plus SSF curtain depan rumah bunyi seruannye makin kuat kedengaran...*dugaan betoiii!
I plan to focus on this 1st..
my fave corner..the world of frames..;)
Yeap, since scool I really loves frames..
Specially when IKEA coming with simple yet nice frames,
we decided to make one corner at our house too..

almost like this..

the behind wall tu..
kalau tgk pix last about 20% progress from that..
very slow..;(
*pls ignore putri2 kat depan ni...

And plus..kalau nak tahu, balcony Indahria sgt la luas..
boleh dibuat satu bilik lagik kat depan tu...
Hopefully in future can make this happen to mine..
Plus nak letak waterfall, ala2 bali gtu...:)

Picture taken form Andaman Condo..

Wah2 pagi2 dah berangan ek..;)
Takpelah..hopefully I can start mane2 yg simple dulu..
Nk dengar I berangan lgk..??
I plan every corner I nak start deco, I nk buat entry, then nak mintak idea u ol yg surely voguey the vast!
boleh tak..kira jadik pengkritik tetap I la nih..
*tp tak berbayor..hikhikhik..
I wish with ur expertise, easier for me to find the best design at best price..
*plus mane nak dapat wall paper cantek2?

InsyaAllah..ape2 pun this 2 months hocus focus on my unfinished job dulu..
owh yea, not to make as surprise thing, sb benda tu pun tak hebat sgt ..
Actually my unfinished job tu is I'm currently busy submitting my final report for master degree..
malu nak cakap sb keje terbengkalai dah lama..
so hopefully after semua dah settle..Adam dah lahir, rumah dah pindah, keje dah this year..this 1st quarter nak kena settle kan yg nih dulu..
Seriously bnyk benda tertangguh selagi tak baru hati tenang lepas tu...
pray for me..;)

Sekian sahaja..thanks for ur precious time, listening to my berangan entry ;)
Till then..;)


  1. takpe..berangan2 dulu then baru jd reality..eheh

    yg 1st tu mmg simple..i like..:-)

  2. I like the living room in the 1st picture!.. the glass window is so big.. mlm2 sure best tgk view kan.. and it looks really simple but elegant and kemas!

    Bestnya balcony die.. mcm duduk kat hotel la pulak.. heheh.. anne skang tgh minat apartment/condo.. tp berangan je la kan.. hehehhe..

    Decorating mungkin tak mampu for now.. heheh.. and malas nak pk decorate lebih2 until ikhwan dah balik kl.. plus fulus banyak kurus lah.. heheh

  3. Wow Nadia, u bakal ade master..bestnya! Tak kisahla terbengkalai ke ape, its so close to the end. Im so proud of you, and I'm sure your men are too!!

    All the best dear! chaiyo'! :)

  4. picture yg last tu boleh tiru. menarik idea dia buat door boleh tarik mcm least tak la risau if budak2 main kat balcony tu. mmg best kan pikir sal deco nih. lg best if got a lottt of money, hahaha...i will definitely go for L shape. dah usha 1 kat IKEA ;-). Macy pon cantik. dah tgk jugak ;-) (tp ada duit ke nak beli nih, isshhh. I'm also thinking of putting the photo kat wall dekat pintu tuh jugak.

    kejapnya dah sethn nadia dok situ.

    ooo...yea...for wall paper, ada member beli kat home deco fair for only RM99 (before RM300++).

  5. Rose,
    mmg syiok kalau bg suruh berangan!hehehe..yup me too suka 1st and 2nd pix!

    tq dear..yup diorang bnyk bg semangat or on the other words push me hard to finish it up!
    mujur Adam tak boleh bebel..kalau tak boleh join skali papa dia!
    jgn mare papa ;)

  6. Anne,
    yup me too suka tgk apt/condo with big glass my apt tak..

    a'a,rumah Anne mcm?dah bnyk siap?yelah,nak handle buat renovate 1shot mmg sgt time hv to carry lil adam ke sana sini..penat!
    mmg comsumed a lot of time..

    lagipun kalau Ikhwan tak balik kl lagik, Anne nak duduk sorang2 with Imran and ur bibik ke kat sane??
    bila rumah tu boleh duduk?

  7. k.long,
    hehe unfortunately kita tak boleh buat pintu mcm tu for that apt,diaorang dah kuarkan std,semua nak kena fact grill pun nak kena same..

    mmg best tgk sofa2 kat mahu pakai duit bnyk ler..

    actually I'm looking for the wallpaper yg simple2 aje..not for the whole featured wall..cuma wallpaper yg ada bunga few kuntums tu ;)

    so how's ur house progress??

  8. Rumah tuh since last year dah boleh duduk... jadi weekend house aje.. perabot banyak dah masuk.. tunggu tuan die aje yg masuk.. hehehe.. but bende2 pun basic aje.. langsir pun beli kat ikea aje.. just to make the house function.. tak berani nak tinggal sane with imran and the maid with any man..

  9. Anne,
    wait2..lupa dah aritu u can yg cite pasal maid n the guard tu kan..I confuse with thara's..or maybe other's...

    tapi kena selalu pergi tgk lah kan..
    kdg2 perompak ni tahu aje bila tuan rumah ade ke takde..

    mesti cantik u deco ur house..;)
    bila nak update entry..

  10. la...tak boleh buat apa2 ke kat grill tuh? baru igt if ada duit nak tukar wat wrought iron.

    house progress? tgh tunggu bank bayar kat owner.


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)