Friday, April 2, 2010



I think ramai dah watch this movie kan..
Not yet..prev entry dulu I ada kata nk tgk movie ni kan..
A movie date on Wed..(siap plan nak apply cuti tu..!)
Plan was cancelled,sb I dah amik EL,Adam not well..
so tak boleh lah nak movie date..

Neway, as promised..
drp pictures ni duk berkulapuk dlm lappy..
so I decided to post enrty bout AIW..
boleh la share with those yg tak berpeluang ke MV ..
or bila Adam besar nanti mommy tunjuk pix nih jgak ek!!

Enjoy the pix..
   And this was the props at MV

mushy mushrooms..

 nice and big one..

 owwh!my hubs and lil Adam

the big enterance

big flower


dining table



Sorry la,if all the pix come with special names..
I tak tahu sb tak pergi!huhuhu..
Will get the DVD soon..
or maybe can escape for next week..
papa,what do you think??

Till then,
Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend..


  1. me baru je tgk jumaat lps.mcm tak worth aje tgk kat wyg.beli cd tgk dgn adam mikail la nadiah ;p! biasa je citer dia. watak lead org lain tapi promo taruk gambar johnny not fair for her.xde apa yg tbabo psl citer ni.

  2. i ponn plan nak carik dvd.tak sempat nak pergi plus hubby tak berapa minat lak tu nak nengok movie ni.

  3. Nadia.. Kek atas meja tu.. kek betul ke? sungguh nampak yummy! :)

  4. teh,
    owh ye ke,overshadow case le ni..a'a letak pix JD beso2 ingat dia yg lead..aiyakk!!
    so propose to hubby tgk dvd jgak le..!
    tp movie maybe sounds best kut!

  5. Farah, suka g cinema ke..??bagus nye!kalau dah gila movie cm I nie..susah hati bila dah lama tk jenguk cinema..hahaha..
    tp dah ada anak kecik,mayb kena sacrifice sometime

    no dear..bukan cake betol lah..dummy nye,tp nmpk real kan..?

  6. aritu g tgk ngan cip yg 3D punya,syok gak..Dah bertaun-bertaun kitaorg x g tgk wayang sama since pegnant kan Aqil taun 2007,last movie tgk same pon dah x ingat dah..huhu..

  7. Ok, my comment might be bias cuz I peminat mati keras JD :P Tp, sbnarnye banner AIW ni ade dua, one, mmg potray Alice, one with JD. Tp the one with JD yg slalu they use for display purpose. Yeah, maybe for markerting since the lead actress yg bwk watak Alice tu pelakon Aussie, she's not that famous lagi in Hollywood.

    and, watak Mad Hatter tu sama penting with Alice, ok. He is the lead actor and banyak plot2 yg membabitkan dia jugek :P

    tak kisahla movie or dvd. cerita tu interesting Nad, sila pegi tgk! :)

  8. lot,
    mmg dah beranak ni,susah nk ke movie,kena pandai cr time kan..hehe..kem saam cip!!

  9. Nadine,
    ha'ah..I'm waiting comment from JD die hard fan actually..nah berbaloi u!
    ok..mmg betul,sometimes I pergi movie b'cos of the story,but mostly b'cos of the actor/actress..I luv JD after H.Ledger,n my hubby is die hard fan Pirates Crbn..for sure the JD too..:)

    think we shud watch the movie too..!

    nadine,sure u suka charlie n choc factory jgak kan!

  10. hi mommynadia, u shud go n c the movie...totally worth it! bring adam along if u want, i think he shud b able to enjoy the movie :-)
    montel sungguh hero u ni ye!

  11. Hi Syahida,
    I dont think its a rite idea to bring my lil boy yet!
    mahu hiruk satu cinema nanti..hehehe..
    anyway tq..:)

  12. teringin nk riso kalo bawak bb masuk panggung..huhu

  13. Hi eT,
    a' pun rs tak sesuai lg for baby,instead of sounds and surrounding..buat yg dah active mahu dia ousing2 satu cinema tu!pening kepala karang!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)