Thursday, January 21, 2010

my big catch for today..extremely happy!!

Alhamdulillah..sukar digambarkan perasaan happy ku ini...:)
I managed to get almost 2 full of 8oz Avent jar for Adam's tomorrow stock..
hehe..Usually tak de lah sampai this full..10-12oz pun ok dah tu..
Alangkah indahnya zaman hasil perahan yg boleh mencecah 22oz at office..awwhhh!!wish I could turn back the time..:(

Ya Allah, Aku pohon semoga Engkau permudahkan jalan untuk hambamu ini, agar dpt menyusui anakku Adam Mikael sehingga 2 thn..Amiiinn..Ya Rabbal 'Alamin..

my big catch for today... small room for praying a.k.a my cosy place for pumping...

thanks for my working hard pump "spectra"..
"dah boleh dapat freestyle dah ni,papa"...readers..pls vote for me..:)
mommy and her routine job at office...:)

I have planned for special entry for my 2 lovely ladies.."umi reehan" n mom to b "haiza" to support them for their exclusive breastfeeding ..frust that I dont have that time..
If you could hear this galz..I pray for you gals to success for ur exclusive bfeed this time..
Think positive,semangat..take alot of healthy food..doa,doa n doa..InsyaAllah..
Hope this link will help you..."food for love"
I know u can do that galz...lov ya..:)


  1. yahh...bestnyerr...saya tak penah dpt EBM bnyak tu sekali pam...biaser 2-3 oz jerr...huhuuhuh...

    arrhh...tak sabo nak wat entry for our dear gelprengss...

  2. woot!woot! Bravo mama!! :)
    Kalau Nuurill dah siap buat lompat bintang dah. hehe.

    Nadia, dekat office nadia ade dedicated pumping room ke? mine xde privilege room. Sungguh jelos dengan Puan Anne yang opis nya boleh membuat process pumping dengan lavish nyer. Hehe


  3. wah nadia...kagumnya! u have the determination to bf adam! good...good...Ziqri sempat fully bf for 3 weeks jer...after dah start bagi fm, terus dia tak nak bf. sigh...

  4. ya allah i SO ENVY YOU, girl! congratulations!
    u know, i perasan sejak kebelakangan ni, i punya milk production SANGATLAH CRONIC OK! sighs.

    tapi as usual, i still belum give up. i still pump eventho susu yang keluar mcm nak taknak je. actually i baru ingat nak post an entry about my lack of milk production. posting soon!

  5. terus kan usaha nad...kiter sama2 buat yg terbaik untuk anak2 kite :)

  6. Bravoo..Cayalah..Bagusnyer Nadiah,Aqil & Aniq x dpt nak wat sbb rapat sgt,mama dia yg surrender..Keep it up..

  7. Aimy,
    Awak dah tak pyh pum la..dah fully attached with Eimran..hehe
    Jeles dear:)

    Cepat2 kita buat entry utk diorang..
    Reehan pun dah start asking for advise..
    Teringat dulu2 kita yg bnyk tny dia kan..
    Agaknya umi an dah lupa..kihkihkih…


    Lompat bintang??Dah lama tk buat since primary scool..Agaknya kalau buat tak naik dah kut..hehehe..

    Actually tu our small surau,only me n my lady B used..takde dedicated pumping room
    Cuma nadia fully utilised sb tak ramai pakai surau tu..

    Pn Anne..share with us ur lavish pumping room..

  8. Kaklong,
    Hehe..Alhamdulillah Adam support me so much..:)


    Tq dear..
    Maybe I bernasib baik..Alhamdulillah..
    Try to find solution that suits u…InsyaAllah..
    Have u seen the link in this entry..It may helps you..try and don’t gv up!!

  9. Ct,
    I'm sure Aisyah mesti still bf kan..
    the cute Aisyah..melting :)


    Ila aka lot,
    tq2..hope Nadia boleh teruskan..
    I hv planned for tandem nursing for next bb..InsyaAllah...tgh cr info..

  10. Fuiyyo yahh...nak tandem nursing?? dah ader isi ker?? hihihihihi

  11. haha..mane ade..cuma suka sgt bc info tandem nursing skrg..mane tahu after 2yrs,lekat..boleh tandem nursing..
    the best thing bout this,time 2,3 wks baby belum fully hisap,tp breast dah engorged,Abg Adam lah tukang tadah milk shower tu..heheheh

  12. Nadia,
    I igt itulah surau yg ada kat company u.. nasib la only you and your boss aje guna.. heheh.. if not sure tak selasa nak pumping sbb risau kalau org lain nak guna kan..
    Alhamdulillah, my company quite prihatin and fully support for breastfeeding mothers.. they provided a room with 4 cubicles, ada sterillizer, fridge, sink, brush and soap for bottle/pumping accessories cleaning and also reading material for mommies.. tp i dah lama tak pergi jenguk mother's room tu.. slalunya mmg kena queue sbb these days more and more mommies have realized the benefits of breastfeeding :)

  13. Anne,
    taklah..bnyk surau kt tmpt kami,sb kwsn besar sgt,each dept almost with 1 surau..cuma tkde tmpt mother room yg sgt best mcm ur office..
    jeles lah Anne,dah lah keja from house,tmpt nursing pun 5stars hotel gtu..
    sharelah the pics..:)

  14. haa..baru ada masa jenguk blog nadia. I am amazed bila baca comment Ruzanna. Her company supports breastfeeding. Nak tanya la company mana, pasni nak apply...hahahaha...

    And Nadia, huspa salute Nadia la. Determine betoi. Nanti anak seterusnya nak berguru dgn Nadia. Seriously. Keep up the good work girl!

  15. nad...i've open a new blog..for mom like us...who want the best for our and join blog...hopefully will benefit us all

  16. Huss,
    btol2..kitorang dah lama nak apply keje kt offc Anne..superb!
    tq2..determine utk bfeed,tp yg lain pun bnyk nadia blajo dr superb mommies ..
    thanks for all the encouragement..lg smngt!

  17. ct,
    I loike!!..
    mommies..jom support this new fresh blog!!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)