Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy "15months" Birthday..Adam Mikael..

Ticktockticktock..Adam is 15months today. Time flies so fast, feels like it was just yesterday I gv birth to my lil precious. Pejam celik dah jadik toddler dah anak mommy..still remember the memories in labor..the most sweetest time ever had in my life..thank to Almighty to complete my life.. Alhamdulillah…more kids?..huhu,wait after Adam 2 yrs InsyaAllah..

Well I wished to update his development by referring to my new book that I bought, seems I don’t have time to copy and type in this short never mindlah..

What Adam can do in 15 months?..:)

* he can walked by age of 13.5 months..even still holding the P license currently, he managed to balance his movement and grasp the things while walking..gosh!All the things within his reached, need to be remove..!

* he now still babytalk..few words sometime burst from his mouth,papa,ma,ball,jatuh (cik mimi ajar ni..),that,these,bubur...
but most of the time,he just babbling when we tried to make conversation with him..klakar actually..wished that I could understand what he trying to say..

* he can respond us with the simple instruction..asked him to take ball,to get his shoes..bagus!!nanti banyak lagi mommy nak mintak tolong amik ek Adam..

* he started to eat by himself, hold the spoon and grab the food..
even we just find out dia taknak makan if we used his spoon..nak sudu besi sama we all makan..n dah pandai doa, yet kalau dah lapar sangat,cepat2 je aminkan..taknak dah tadah doa..:)

* sweetest thing, dia suka sakat mommy and papa, saje2 je dia g kacau papa dia,time sleep lah..n mommy plak time nursing suddenly dia g geletek perut mommy..nottyboy!

* very active till most of the time ada jer keje yg dia nak buat..abis sepah2 umah..

yeap, mommy still need to read more and more. At this stage, I hv to more understands with the tantrums thingy, how to handle the situations..correct!ontop of it..sabar!I always remind myself and my hubby to be very patient to handle this active young man..

oklah..sneak peek of the pix for his 15mnths birthday. We just went out a lil while to buy groceries since mommy have to work in morning, just few hours for calibration job..

oh yea, Adam started to improve his swimming skill. I think to put the target by 2 yrs for him to swim well..ok ke?I need to find the article for it!

playing with flashcards on Sunday morning...a,b,c..

kejap je dah sepah..

lunch at papa rich..

sit properly Mikael..

papa said his best mommy upload la..:)

swimming time.. equal to mommy pursuing her new year resolutions..walla:)

froggy style..

in warm jacuzzi after that..

..bubble bath :)

Tokma's coming this Thurs,for the kursus..yeay!Us,plan to go to Zoo Negara since cik mimi (my sis) who was 3months preggy teringin nak tgk elephant..huhu..pelik betol!,its good chance for Adam to have trip to Zoo too..:)

till then...mmuuaahhhss..luv u so much dear..:)


  1. Nadia..Mimi dah kawin? wahh preggy too..another congrats to her..have fun kat zoo, suka tgk lil adam...

  2. adorable..really like his pic in the warm jacuzzi..hehe

  3. "Eh eh ehh.. pelampong kita sama laaa" kata imran kepada mikael.. heheh

  4. congratulations adam! dah besa dah anak u, nadia. cant wait for aydein to grow strong and healthy and smart like adam too! :D

    QUOTE :

    * he started to eat by himself, hold the spoon and grab the food..
    even we just find out dia taknak makan if we used his spoon..nak sudu besi sama we all makan..n dah pandai doa, yet kalau dah lapar sangat,cepat2 je aminkan..taknak dah tadah doa..:)

    * sweetest thing, dia suka sakat mommy and papa, saje2 je dia g kacau papa dia,time sleep lah..n mommy plak time nursing suddenly dia g geletek perut mommy..nottyboy!

    hahaha chomels gilaaaaa la adam ni. i tergelak2 baca these 2 points ni :P

  5. Nadia, nak gi zoo ek??? Moga-moga adam rajin duduk dalam stroller. :) Oman hari tu, 80% daripada 4 jam jalan2 kat sana, Nuurill dukung dia sebab dia xmo duduk stroller... kurus momma..wakakakak

  6. Hanis..
    A’a mimi got married May 2009 and now dah 3 mnths preggy..I’ll let her know..
    Btw, plan nak g zoo nampk nye kena mom nye kursus nak kena postponed to next week..
    Adam dah tak sabar nak jumpe Mr Elephant n Mr Tiger..huhuhu

    Neway Adam happy sgt jumpe Ayeen last night..end up masuk keta je terus dozzzz…
    Nice house and like it..!Cepat buat house warming dear..

  7. Anne..
    Pelampong Adam tu pun b’thday present..(tq Ayeen..)..
    and 1 of the most things he appreciated..that’s why I bg Imran too..hopefully nanti Imran suka swimming jgak..
    Tot 1st nak bg armband,but bila Adam pakai dia tak comfy, so I go back to my original plan..Hope u don’t mind dear..

    Tq..btol once dia dah start jalan n babytalk,,
    mmg the best moments..heart melting dear!..
    Think sb u dah pernah jumpe Adam..that’s why u can imagine his reaction for that 2 points,kan?
    In fact, we all tadah doa after azan pun, dia cepat2 aminkan jgak…tersilap lah tu..ingat doa makan..:)kihkih!

  8. Nuurill,
    Tu lah..Risau jgak kalau Adam ter”excited” tak nak duduk stroller..jawabnye Mr Hubby lah yg nak kena dukung,,
    Mommy tak larat..:)

    P/s..maybe next weekend br boleh pergi..neway, bila Nuurill nak update entry ke zoo..mesti cute reaction Oman tgk animals kat sane kan.??

  9. Imran loves it nadia.. thanks a lot!! nnt i post pictures masa imran naik pelampung tu ok :)

  10. Anne...glad to hear that..upload cpt!!..:)


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