Friday, November 26, 2010

My Bling Moment : Breastfeeding

Adam Mikael and his feeding mission ^-^

I've been pending this entry for quite sometimes, niat dah ada cuma tk sempat nak pilih2 gambar...
Entry ni sbg kenangan 2 yrs breatfeeding my lil' precious Adam Mikael..
Plus experience to wean him off after 2months concieved for 2nd baby..
Kebetulan pulak mysuperkids and bling buubies buat contest about breastfeeding..
*detail will be explain at the end of this entry..
So I think its gud time for me to write this entry..
Sambil menyelam minum air..^-^

Back to the story, everyone must be aware that I've been breastfeeding Adam since his day 1..
And of course it was the most precious experiences ever had..
Daripada tk tahu ape2 pasal bf, I started to read and find more info during early of my pregnancy..
Alhamdulillah..Allah memudahkan segala urusan saya..
Adam mmg bagi fully support dalam menjayakan my 2yrs exclusive breastfeeding
Hasil kerjasama kami yang bagus, I managed to breastfeed him up to 2 years to be exact.

Alhamdulillah..Adam grew up healthy ..InsyaAllah berkat hasil susu mommy..
Still remember my last entry about BF dilemma??
Alhamdulillah..Genap after Adam celebrated his 2yrs birthday, Adam now able to wean off himself..
Niat awal memang nak continue bf, due bad nausea, terpaksa digugurkan hasrat hati ..
Experience to wean off ,pengisap susu tegar macam Adam ni..memang sgt mencabar..
Naik buntu kepala mommy and papa..
Everynite keje duk bergaduh ngan Adam…
Huih naik pressure jgak lah orang kata..

The routine of direct feeding start after pick him up from the nursery..
So at this point, we try to drag him biar dia leka..we sing along, ask him to play with his toys..tgk car..
Tunjuklah apa saje yg membolehkan Adam leka and forget about to be breastfeed..
Day 1 and day 2, mmg kurang berjaya, but after 1 week, Alhamdulillah..he tend to forget the routine of bf after nursery..;)

Night time, was the most challenging part..
Adam biasanya akan mintak susu bila nak tidur..
So what we did, we try to feed him with UHT before he went to sleep..
But at middle of the night, he will cry and pushed me to bf him..
Most probably, he just need my b**b to soothe him actually, tapi sb lama sgt hanging kat situ..
I jadik penat and most of the time jadik sgt pressure..
So sometimes we woke up and give him either plain water or sometimes he know to demand for Ribena too..hish!!layan je lah Adam..

Funny part, in between to stop him at from bf, we tried a few ways suggested by family and fiends specially who success in weaning off their kids..
I did put things like whipped cream, ribena and honey..just to tell him, there were something at mommy’s b**b.. the beginning yes, he make funny yurk faced and cancel niat nk bf..but after few days, dia plak yang tolong mommy lapkan and sometimes ask me to go to toilet to clean it up!
Adam Adam…so clever of u dear!

So overall, about 1 wk after his birthday, Adam now not fully depend on my milk anymore..
It just at night when he really need the b**b to soothe him, or maybe the time he really missed to bf..
Then I still there to entertain him just to make him happy…
Seriously, it was a hard time for both of us actually..
But yet, I have to be a little bit harsh since I can feel that my body was too tired to feed him during pregnant..
I have promised myself that I will try my best to tandem nursing him with the lil one soon..


my big big boy Adam Mikael..

For the 2nd coming baby, InsyaAllah..I'm still committed to exclusively breastfeeding..
And try to improve a lot of things so that this 2nd mission will run smoothly dengan izin Allah..
Even I'm not the expert since I 've alot of things more to learn, but yet I will try to share those experiences with u guys..
Wait for more breastfeeding entries to come..;)

The beautiful moment of pumping..

Public breastfeeding during his 18months check up at UMSC

Alhamdulillah..misi 2 tahun exclusive breastfeeding Adam sudah berjaya, walaupun mommy terpaksa berhenti buat sementara waktu ketika ini..
Mommy halalkan setiap titis susu yang mommy hadiahkan untuk Adam..
Kenangan terindah semasa brestfeeding Adam akan mommy kenang sepanjang hayat mommy ..
May u grow healthier and be a good and smart boy to us..
mommy and papa love Adam so much..

p/s : sayu nye hati masa type entry ni..I almost crying..waaaa....


Ok, jom jengah contest yang dianjurkan oleh mysuperkids and bling buubies..

Contest My Bling Moment : Breastfeeding ini adalah bersempena dengan pelancaran Blog Susu Sihat dan sebagai mempromosi tentang breastfeeding in public (penyusuan di tempat awam).

Syarat-syarat pertandingan:

1. Anda mestilah seorang ibu yang sedang menyusukan anak, di bawah usia 2 tahun. Ataupun sedang hamil dan berazam untuk menyusukan anak.
* tak pastilah pihak juri nak kategorikan saya dibahagian mane..mungkin bahagian yg hamil dan berazam untuk menyusukan anak..
so hopefully gambar yang disertakan memenuhi piawaian ;)
2. Anda mesti warganegara Malaysia atau Brunei.
* Malaysian, of course!
3. Mempunyai blog, atau FaceBook, atau Twitter.
* yg tak sebrapa ini..

Cara-cara untuk menyertai My Bling Moment : Breastfeeding
Bagi Blogger:

1. Buat satu entry blog bertajuk – My Bling Moment : Breastfeeding --- DONE!
2. Letakkan gambar anda sedang menyusukan anak anda (haruslah menutup bahagian yang sewajarnya ) Jika anda sedang hamil, letakkan gambar anda bersama barang2 yang berkaitan dengan penyusuan ibu.
--- DONE!! Pn Juri, minta nilai kesesuaian gambar yang diletak, samada memenuhi kategori ibu hamil atau sedang menyusu ;)
3. Tuliskan satu slogan/kata2 hikmah/pesanan/ucapan/luahan hati di bawah gambar tersebut tidak melebihi 150 patah perkataan. --- DONE! most sayu part ;(
4. Sertakan bersama links ke blog MySuperKids (, blog Susu Sihat ( dan Bling Buubies ( ---- DONE!
5. Komen di entry ini beserta URL entry anda. Sekiranya komen anda tidak muncul, sila email kepada saya – --- DONE!

Bukan hadiah dan kemenangan yang dicari, cuma berkongsi secebis kenangan yang tersemat rapi dalam kamus ingatan seorang yang bergelar ibu..


  1. Nadia..really nice one! love the entry..all d best!

  2. Awwwh, sweet sgt this entry. Well done, Im so proud of your achievement, you go girl! :)

    Good luck and the best in this contest! ;)

    p.s:Nad, I nak tuntut ilmu dr you for my future baby....bleh yer :)

  3. Hanis,
    thanks ;)
    hope this entry will inspire u to bf for ur future baby ;)

    I tak harap menang pun dear..just to share a lil bit story about my bf journey..
    sure..I suka kalau dpt share tips with those mommmy who eager to bf!
    cepat2 dpt adik Faaz k ;)

  4. Adam must be very proud of having a gigih mom like you, Nadia. 2 years of full breastfeeding is so WOW!! and you made it!! Alhamdulillah.
    Your dedication is truly our inspiration, Nadia!! :)

  5. congrats nadia! betul cam nuril kata tu. 2 years of fully breastfeeding is sooo WOW! jelous ni. hehe.

    hadif pun pengisap susu tegar juga. tak kira la cousins, aunties, uncles and even abah dia perli2 kata dah besar pun dia bolayan. ahahaha. and he get even worst these days bila org asyik perli2. cam takut my b**b hilang pula. huhu. leka main2 pun boleh dtg check dulu either b**b mama dia ni still there or not.

    anyway, thanks for the tips. boleh buat panduan for future ni.

  6. Dbalkis,
    tQ !

    thanks dear..
    but yet,there still many gigih mommies out there who still committed bf walapun tgh pregnant!salute u!!

    Ala u pun almost there kan..
    just a few months before Hadif turn 2 rite..caiyyok babe!!

    hahaha..yelah kan kalau hilang, mane nak cr ganti sumber susu hadif tu..
    Adam pun same..selalu je gelak bila tgk my b**b..gelak happy tu yg tak tahan..

  7. Owh sgt tharu baca n3 kalini..i feel u dear..Nway, good job to u! Alhamdulillah Adam genap 2thn menyusu bdn..insya Allah Adam mbesar mjadi ank yg baik, bijak dan sihat..:)

    So, good luck in the contest! :)

  8. thanks Izu,
    I lagik salute u still bf Iris even dah 5months conceived!!
    gud job dear!!

    owh contest tu saje2 je u...ntah2 disqualified!

  9. really sweet..aku pun nk nangis bace..

    adam, always remember this dear..ur mumy and papa loves u so much...never ever do anything that can make 'em feel're a good boy and you'll always be one..i'll always pray for u..ayeen syg adam jugakkk..

  10. bagus lah ayeen ni..
    naluri keibuan tu nmpk dah..
    * eh dak ingat..kan anak 5 dah ;)

    neway..hopefully once Adam besar nanti..dia baca ;)
    mesti dia terharu ramai aunty2 syang kat dia..


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)