Monday, August 2, 2010

HR Hotel Penang..logic ke??

" Logic ke tak pergi bercuti time fasting month??? "
That was the 1st thing popped up when my x-Flex colleague, Xiaowei send me the info about the HR Hotel Penang..
We were chatting few days back..and informed her I really want to go Penang and stay at HR.
And this morning I received info from her about the promotion going on overthere...
* thanks dear!!

Back to the story logic ke nak pergi jalan2 time bulan puasa..???
Obviously if I stay at HR Hotel, we prefer to spend the time at hotel rather than going out for jalan2...
ok..thats is a good idea!
* ala2 bercuti kat Concorde Shah Alam last time..;)
Before ni pun selalu jugak jalan time puasa ok aje kn..;)
Lagipun I'm not going there for shopping..
* since I've settled shopp' for my lil boy!
Best part, boleh jugak merasa berpuasa kat tempat orang kan..
and boleh jalan2 tgk2 bazaar diorang..feel the different view of Ramadhan ;)
* Excited!!

Ok back to the promotions...
HR Hotel Penang currently promoted their fasting month special..
Detail I dah attached kat bawah...

tak clear??
click here..

The promotion offered for Hillview or Seaview Deluxe..

Hillview Deluxe Room
RM 380++


Seaview Deluve Room
additional RM100

plus buffet sahur and buka puasa for 2 adults and 2 children...
ok kan.???

Instead of jalan2 time puasa..
Better spend time with Adam at lil' rock kids club!
Adam mesti suka..

Actually dah lama sgt plan nak bercuti ke sini..
Macam syiok aje tgk dalam tv..
tp yelah..after almost 7mnths struggle buat thesis..
Finally I have my gud time for vacation!!!
Baru bermakna trip kali ni...

owh yeap, lupa nak cakap I've booked the room for 1 night stay at HR Hotel and another night at town..
* sehari pun dah cukup..2 hari koyak mommy and papa!!
Masih ada room yg available..
jom jom!!

So those orang Penang, yg selalu g Penang and now stay at Penang...
* u know who they are..yes!!!
Tolonglah bgtau tempat best nak carik tempat berbuka puasa, bazzar yg best specially kat town..
* teringat cite shamsul ghaughau ..jalan2 buka pose tu..ntah ape title lupa..
Walaupun short least next time ada chance boleh pergi lagik!!


  1. baru discuss, dah book?

    very efficient mommy kerja...

  2. nadia...if u like to doesn't matter if it's fasting month or not kan, hehehe...bila dah berjalan terasa kenyang jer (ok tipu!) hahaha...menarik...bila nak pegi? k long pon tak sampai lagi penang nih...plan asik tak jadik jer!

  3. en anony aka papa..
    I kan mmg efficient worker!
    specially bab2 nak perabihkan duit kan..;)
    ala stakat local ni last min book takpe, lgpun kita drive kan..
    unless nak g overthe sea..
    *huhuhu ..bila yer papa ;)

    hopefully tkde aral melintang..InsyaAllah ;)
    HR we come ;)

    betul2 setuju sgt..
    nadia suka dah lama tak travel sb bnyk keje pending tk approval rejected!

    InsyaAllah time cuti 27hb ni..
    last minute plan ke so dapat 3d2n ok lah tu..

    nadia pernah g penang dulu..ngan family and offcmate (practical)..
    tu pun 5yrs back kut!!
    heheheh ;)

    jom jom!!

  4. really worth it...have fun k nadia...waiting for ur vacay post..

  5. Wahh.. semangat betul nadia pergi bercuti.. bulan puasa pun pergi gak..
    Jgn lupa borong dvd kat ferringhi.. tp lately dah kurang stall yg jual dvd.. few months back anne pergi ada 2 stall aje..
    Kat mana nak berbuka i think i let nuurill suggest sbb die lagi tau byk tempat nak makan kat penang.. heheh.. kan awak kan???
    Have a safe trip!

  6. HR penang best! sila pegi plis hihi. area bt feringghi tu mlm2 happening. so jln malam2 la, siang2 lepak hotel je. (i pon haritu pegi kuching 2D1N sbb nak stay hilton kuching je boleh ;p) sekali skale apa salahnya kan ;)

  7. ok gak per bercuti time u said,boleh merasa pergi bazaar kat sana plak

  8. Wah dear, bulan puasa pun pegi holiday..first time I dgr nie :)

    I tak pernah pegi Penang time ramadhan so tak dptla nak suggest pasar ramadhan n all. tp kalau i pergi Penang, I mesti tak miss pegi makan nasi kandar beratur, laksa n pasembor @ gurney drive and char kuey tiaw yg amat lazat near komtar :D

    p.s: suh Thara suggest. Thara sure knows Penang very well. dia kan Penang mai :)

  9. Weee seronok nya bercuti di sana Nadia :)

    Ok aper kalo bercuti bolan pose nie, byk juadah yg akan terhidang buat santapan berbuka puasa :D

    Enjoy ur holiday!

  10. Wow! nadia! bestnye bercuti jalan2...(oh, drop the "cari makan" ye)
    ni mesti celebrate after abih audit ni ;) nice one!
    nanti dah jln2 tu, jgn lupa update dlm blog. bleh la next time lissa kecek kat abah dia nak gi tmpt abg adam main ;)

  11. salam hubby had a family day in march and my baby was 10 mths that time. The pool sgt2 best okk!! I'm sure Adam will really enjoy it :) We didnt get the chance to enter the lil kids club tu but i think besar mcm Adam can appreciate more kot. Cuma we think the hotel food is a lil bit bad :( I hope it has improved by time u visit there..happy holiday!!

  12. Hanis,
    mmg worth kan...ok nanti InsyaAllah Nadia update the trip..boleh lah balik M'sia nanti g honeymonn sane ek?

    tqtq..tu lah ..mula2 rs pelik jgak jalan time pose..bila pike balik mcm best jgak berpuasa kat tmpt org..ubah selera skali skala!
    yeap,still waiting for Pn Nurrill's suggestion!

    Fatih..u dah pergi ek??
    buat I tak sbr nak pergi plak!
    yeap..siang lepak hotel je kan..enjoy scenery kat sane..

  13. Farah,
    hehe tu lah..
    kalau takde promotion ni mungkin tak terpike nak jalan2 time pose..
    kali ini buat anjakan pardigm!huih!!

    babe..consider tak holiday short trip aje..I consider as activity riadah dibulan puasa..ok tak!!

    I never went to places u mentined..sgt buta penang k!
    hopefully bolehlah merasa makan chr kuew tiew yg lazat tu!!

    waiting for pn thara suggestion ni..

  14. k.Intan,
    tq.tu lah hopefully dpt merasa juadah buka puasa org penang!!

    hahaha..mcm pressure sgt audit yer!!
    tak pun sebenarnye..
    takpe nanti update gmbr cun2 supaya Lissa boleh buat propsal baik utk abah yer!
    see u at casting this Thurs!
    Boss bg sepcial task handle audit casting lah dear huhuhuh ;(

    bestnye tmpt ur hubby..buat family day kat sane..comp kitorang tak mampu..this year buat kat kilang aje..sadis betu!

    tak sabar nak terjun kolam..uppps!!blan pose tak boleh..ok temankan Adam aje..mlm baru boleh terjun!

    ala food tak best!
    hopefully they hv improved!
    thx for the review ;)

  15. hey babe! take it from a penangite! hahaha. jalan2 dkt penang masa ramadhan mmg best tapi kalau u plan to lose weight, baiklah jangan pasal the food is penang is gonna make u put on a few kilos! hahaha :P

    im not sure about the island bcoz my hometown dkt belah mainland. so bazaar ramadhan yang best pon, adalah yang dkt Teluk Air Tawar. but to me, no ramadhan bazaar beats the one in Shah Alam and Putrajaya! :D

    tapi kalau u dah sampai penang, jangan lupa singgah Tajuddin Hussain nasi kandar shop. it's much better than the much talked about Line Clear to me! better still, u try both and make ur own judgement! :P juga jangan lupa singgah the Flea Market dkt Feringghi bila malam menjelma. mmg sgt best! :D happy holidays!

  16. btw, i can give u a whole list, tapi i dont think u bole fit into the places all in 2 days, so i thought i'd better highlight the two places that you MUST GO ok. jgn lupa, TAJUDDIN HUSSAIN nasi kandar & Feringghi's Flea Market ok! :D

  17. here we go, orang Penang sudah mai!
    betul mostly time mkn sahur ke boleh lah layan kedai2 yg u mentioned tu..
    tp I kan bukan peminat ns kandar yg tegar!sket2 boleh lah..

    tp yg Feringghi flea market ..wajib pergila kut..ramai dah suggest u!
    even u pun dah shortlisted..ape ade ek?? I pergi dah dekat nak raya..mesti lagi happening kan!

    standby ur hphone..nanti karang ade je msg dr I smp!

    tak sabar nak pi penang..mcm tak cukup plak 3d2n!


  18. Hi mommynadia..sbb sy pnh stay kat penang b4, jadi sy nak suggest la kat u if nak stay hotel mmg kat bt feringghi byk hotel tp food kurang best..nak food best kat area bayan baru, sg ara, bayan lepas..more seafood..all fresh u time u pi penang blh ja stay kat hotel kat bukit jambul or bayan baru..lagi senang..tpt shopping, makan2 suma ada:)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)