Thursday, November 21, 2013

BBIM Graduation and Year-End Concert 2013

MasyaAllah, kejap je mase berlalu. Tup tup dah mid Nov. Dah nak abis belajar sesi 2013 for Adam and Adryan. Alhamdulillah, so far I mmg satisfied dengan kindie diorang. Just suits my working area and time, and specially the system used suitable with my kids. Most important thing, kids happy to school and tak pernah ada drama tak nak pergi sekolah, Alhamdulillah. I'm more than happy =)

Anyway last weekend berlangsung graduation and year-end concert untuk branch diorang. Owhh seperti biasa, mommy and papa mmg sgt excited! Mommy yg teruja sampai menghitung hari mengalahkan anak2. Baru concert, next year graduation, mahu bawa tisu sekotak *lap hingus meleleh sedih tgk anak graduate* Gitu gamaknye feeling mak-mak ni kan..

 The event was held at MAS Auditorium at Kelana Jaya. Best part, all students from playhouse up to preschools students involved in the year-end concert. 

The event started lil bit late, biasalah nak tunggu dewan penuh, and glad I managed to book font seats so that tak payah bertenggek tepi stage nak amik gambar anak. Opps!

The ceremony started with Al- Fatihah recitation by the preschool students from 3 branches followed with Negaraku song, Selangor song and Asma Al - Husna. After that, each branch performed Surah recitation. Adam and his team recited Surah Al-Ma'un with the translations.

 Zoomed sket Abg Adam.. Alahai..cair mommy tengok =)

Next event is Fashion Show for Playhouse students..

Tungu punya tunggu..
Tu dia..hero felem Hindustan dah kuar..

Baju kotak, pakai spec hitam..mak aii =)
Playhouse students ms perform semua lari step. Agaknya terkejut tengok ramai orang kut..

 All playhouse students..

Each branch performed their own performance..
Adam pulak buat Musical Interpretation..
Adam bgtau stick dance mommy..

Banyak kali jugak kayu jatuh sebab kena pijak. Great thing I heard from his aunties, dia kena lead dance ni. Sebab dia antara yg awal hafal steps. So all steps dia kena gerak dulu. Patut nampak Adam careful je duk dengar lagu tu, hafal steps rupanya..

 Last songs for all students..

Zoomed Abg Adam..

 Zoomed lil bambam, hujung sekali mata duk cari mommy papa dia..

After break, baru graduation for 6 years old students.
Most of parents yg takde anak graduate, tak join ceremony tu. Bagus jugak, bagi chance parents diorang feeling gitu kan..

While having break..

Adam with his bestie, Zahin..

Kiddos with their aunties..

This Friday, Progress Report Day for their branch.
Ok, let's see their progress for 1 year enrollment..

Enjoy your school break kids!

1 comment:

  1. Alahai cutenya Adam!! Terrer eh Adam menari, siap jadi lead ;)
    Tak sabarnya tunggu tahun depan, insyaAllah!! :D


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