Monday, May 6, 2013

[Baby Khalifah Series] : More orders to come...


Still on holiday mood ke u'olls? Same here specially for those working in Selangor kan?Even I pun still kat Terengganu ni, enjoying golek2 and lepak2 time at my parents house. Indahnye!!!

Anyway, selingan sikit pasal baby khalifah series. Alhamdulillah, ramai lagi yg send email to know about this product. And plus yg email satisfied bila dapat set cd and workbooks tu. Honestly, rase happy and bersyukur sgt dapat share this good product. Walaupun product Islamic Media ni dah berada di pasaran since end of 2010, ramai jugak yg tak tahu or tak perasan. Tak usah pergi jauh, yg tengah menaip ni pun tak tahu. Talked with the marketing director of Islamic Media recently, they realized they failed to penetrate the market, end up ramai yg tak sedar kewujudan product ni. Rase sayang plak. So, InsyaAllah, after discussed with Mr Hubby, we already decided to continue taking order lagi ada yg berminat.

The first 2 orders made by combining purchase with other friends and blogger/insta friends to get a little bit discount. Honestly said, I didn't get much profit from the price offered. *in fact harga RM80 per box exclude postage tu mmg tak dapat kalau check dekat other website* I did offered self pick up and send for my friends who stayed nearby too. Some of them I did paid first as they paid after I delivered the set. Hoping that everyone will get benefits of this product. InsyaAllah.

Starting from now on, I will get orders from everyone who request to purchase the product. Just drop your email at  comment box below or send to my email at for more details. Yet, I still have to collect orders and post it every Saturday since I am a full time employer and to commit send everyday is quite hard for me =( Sorry!. Hopefully you guys can consider this. Meantime, I'm also offering a special price for those who take more than 5 boxes at one time. Please contact me to get more details of the offer.

Thank you so much for those who support the product. Looking for more friends to share the products at their places. Let's spread the loves...

Thank you to Iza from too...

Announcement on next delivery at my instagram.
This Wednesday delivery made as I was already at my hometown on last weekend.

Hurry up gals..
Help me share this too..
Many thanks!!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)