Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Post entry on Adryan Nufael's 2nd Birthday..

Ryan has turned to big 2 on the 1st April ..
It was a really last minute plan on Friday evening on our way back from work..
I popped up idea to throw small birthday bash between his cuzzies on Sunday...
*actually 1 day earlier as we planned to go to Kidzania on 1st April itself*
Hubby agreed with my prompt idea as we just need to prepare few things only for the bash...

Get the cake..
I plan to customize his birthday cake at the famous wondermilk..
Happened that they need 3 days advance booking, for customize rainbow cake..
So we went back with this rainbow cake too, but with the exterior design is rainbow yet inside is choc cake.. Sob!

Yet, happy that at least we have cake for our unplanned bash and instant theme..

To make this instant birthday bash looked almost to perfect-well-planned birthday bash..
We got some colorful balloons to suit the rainbow theme..

Thanks alot to Omma for being a good chef as always..
=) Wink!

And some desserts for our mini candy & desserts bar so-called lah..

Let's starts the party yaw!!!

Simple deco from the unexpert and not so creative mom..
Yours Truly =)

Sadly, his cuzzies from Banting cannot make it as their parents had some emergency at home..Sobs!!

So, left these 3 fellas as always...
*cukup riuh dah pun*

*topi tu pun recycle Abang Adam punya 2nd bash yg lupa pakai hik*

A must watch video..
Damn funny!!

We gave chance to the birthday boy to taste his birthday cake first..
"Yummy mommy"

And the family picture...
A not-easy-to-capture one...

*eh Abg Nuh termenung lagik??Dah tiup candles pun termenung lagik haish!!*


Kiddos had fun playing with balloons..

And the big fella trying to imitate his fave story Up...
"I'm flying mommy!!"

That's how we celebrated Ryan 2nd birthday...
A very simple and unplanned one..
We ran out the budget as we suddenly decided to enroll Ryan at playhouse early of this year, we have spent some money for the registration, so no fantabulous bash for you kiddos this year =(
No worry boy, mommy and papa promised, that you will have a proper birthday bash soon before you turn 6yo..*belajar tiup lilin dulu yer*

Syukur..everything went smoothly..


  1. nice simple one.
    xperlu besar janji bermakna. thoughts dat count kan nadia:)

  2. Janji anak2 happy kan Nadia:)

  3. ryan...semoga menjadi anak yang soleh...nad...no 3?...jom!

  4. Simple but yet so lovely ! I loike, Nad! Happy birthday ye Ryan!! :)

  5. belon helium tu dapat kat mana? ke beli siap tiup dah?

    hehe sori kepoci...berminat nak tahu. ;p

  6. Teh,
    G beli dia masuk terus ah gas helium tu. Mostly gitu ah, unless kalau beli pump sendiri kut, ada jugak sero!


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