Thursday, April 4, 2013

My 2 years breastfeeding journey..

2nd birthday of my two kiddos always be the most important birthday to me. As that was the date remarked  my 2 years breastfeeding journey as a success. Alhamdulillah. I can't say its already come to the end yet, as Adam also took few more months to fully wean off too. So last Monday, on 1st April 2013 *again, its not about the April Fool or watsover* but it was truly my independent day. I have done my responsibility to provide Adryan with the most beautiful milk on earth from the precious first hour until now.

If you're one of my instagram friends, you must be aware that 10 days before Ryan's 2nd birthday, he has refused to drink ebm that I brought to his school. Boleh dia kata tak besh! *sedih mommy tau* hahaha But yet, it was a good sign to start him with fresh milk during school time. *currently stage to introduce him with fm* Tapi balik rumah still on mommies b**bies lagik. I'm already 2 weeks away from my beloved freestyle pump. So far, still tak miss pumping lagik, as I really need rest a little while from pumping, bottles and pumping stuffs cleaning and sterilizing. Uhuk! I've been continuously doing that job ever since delivered Adam until when carrying Ryan *just few months rest in between* I really need some free space of that job for time being!*even my hubby too I guess =D* Now, its time to pack all the balance bottles and pumping stuffs into the kitchen cabinet a little while before next production start. Ahaks!

Picture of Ryan practsing drinking from cup at his school. 
Taken from BBIM's facebook =)

As of now, I still don't have exact plan, when and even HOW to wean off Ryan from breastfeeding. Macam susah je, tiap malam sekarang makin kuat bergayut aje. And plus rase sayang plak, since I already not pump the milk during office hour, everyday back from office with full and sometimes engorged breast, how do you think I able to stop bf now. Ryan even enjoying his fresh milk from b**bies everytime back from school too.Sigh. So, wish me luck! I'll try to wean off soon as possible. That was my target and actually the real challenge.

I wish I could write few tips maybe on breastfeeding and handling breast milk. InsyaAllah...soon! As of now, I'm so happy to congratulate myself on the PhD of breastfeeding journey that I just achieved! Syukur Allah!

ps: free to wear any type of bra bra cadabra...bye bye nursing bra.
pss: boleh start nak usha beli maxi dress thepoplook, dulu tak de chance.
pss: dah tak perlu o-som hubby sape nak basuh botol malam2..hahahaha!! =)


  1. Suka ayat " dh blh usha maxi dress poplook".. Haha i think bf mum nk beli baju benda pertama ialah senang bf tak...

  2. Congrats dear!! indeed a huge milestone achieved here.. wish i'm as determined as you.. huu huu.. btw,ryan minum dutch lady fresh milk ke? yg kotak2 kecik tuh ek?

  3. Congrats kak long!hopefully i also can bf rizqi until 2 years too.kak long jd inspirasi sy nih.huhu

  4. MashaAllah. You have done it again! Alhamdulillah.
    pls pray for me dpt susukan my second baby sampai dia 2thn. first baby only untul 14months. sebab pregnant and no more milk keluar after dat...

  5. congrats nadia! I memang kagum ngan u. Memang u la idol n sifu i ;).

  6. nad...congrats!...ct ada 2 months lagi...cite2 nak samapi 4 tahun..boleh?..tapi kan...since last few weeks ni faris sgt2 melekat!...terus rasa letih dan stress...rasa nak cukup2 2 tahun..tapi sayang pulak...eh2..dalam dilema boleh?...hahaha 3..girl pulak nad...chaiyok!

  7. Ryyhan,
    haha seriously YES!!Specially tang baju kan, pergi offc pun kena pike sb nanti nak pump susah =(

  8. Anne,
    yup, its UHT actually not fresh milk. Sb suddenly je dia dah tak nak ebm kan, tak prepare any fm yet, so the nearest is white milk UHT. Tu pun sb kdg2 dia pow Adam punya, so dah biasalah with the flavor. Mujur tak payah start with yg ada flavour one, sb manis kan.So now, tgh nak tukar to FM, tu pun for nursery, kat rumah still UHT..*haha malas nak bancuh* =)

  9. Reyna,
    Tq. InsyaAllah, all the best Reyna and be positive k =)

  10. Dyana,
    Thank you so much. Wow such a huge compliment.=)
    Appreciate it, InsyaAllah hopefully boleh bagi semangat untuk other bf mommies too..=)

  11. Ct,
    Chaiyok ct! Haha, tang stress tu mmg tak larat kan, sb dah besar over tahap kegayutan itew. Kn plak gigi tajam asyik menjerit aje.

    No 3??InsyaAllah, takde plan tapi terima seadanye. Owh, I have video to share with u, currently Adryan is so admiring Kak Aisyah..Wink! =)

  12. Athidean,
    InsyaAllah. Pray for you too dear. Be strong and keep on positive mind ok. Allah akan membantu.

  13. Congratulations babe! Hats off to u! :)

  14. can u gve im expecting for second and preparing myself to success in breastfeeding. my first son.not succed .only one month. he is 2 years 4 month now..really want to prepare myself..tq for sharing


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