Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm addicted to Bright Star Kids stuffs!! Help!!!

I have new addiction now, last time every week duk tgu thepoplook update new items..
Now, lagik excited bila dapat email dari BSK, specially bila update sale..wootwoot!!
Baru je nak tobat tak nak beli, sekali datang sale murah..
Rembat lagik..Seriously its so irresistible!!

Last week, parcel bag tags arrived...
Exactly on the 7th day after purchased 
*dah tau 7 day baru smp, tapi hari2 jugak check post box* Wink!!

5 sets..including kawan2 punya..

Super cute kan...
*purple owl mommy yg punye*

And these for my 2 kiddos...

Adam dah lama nak yg ni..

This is for Ryan..

And I have few pieces balance due to wrongly placed order...

So, I let go at Instagram..
*tak sempat nak masuk blog*
Sold out..
No worry, I have save one for my blog giveaway soon...

Yesterday, dapat notification dari BSK lagik..
Chalkboard household labels..
50% okey...mak tak boleh tahan , seriously!

Round shape..

Square shape..

Siap buat order for my bffs too..

Mine one dah post dah pagi tadi..yeay!

Can't wait to receive the labels..
 Dah abis label toys anak2. Sekarang I nak label barang2 kat dapur pulak yer. Boleh ganti label dekat wardrobe yg tulis pen tu je..weee...



  1. Nnti nak order let me know. Thinking of getting the label for my kitchen stuff jugak :)

  2. wah tempting nye..tunggu giveaway la kot ada rezeki,,,

    nad i dh kt ganu ni..nnt u dh blk text me k..i can go to losong..nk pick up cd tu:)

  3. wah tempting nye..tunggu giveaway la kot ada rezeki,,,

    nad i dh kt ganu ni..nnt u dh blk text me k..i can go to losong..nk pick up cd tu:)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)