Friday, February 15, 2013

Kids' Playroom Labelling Project : Part III

Alhamdulillah, mommy's mission on kiddos playroom labelling project almost finished. Just left a few other  things soon to be settled in few more weekends. Weehooo!!! Time to see the final results. Opps sorry for the bad quality images as the room lighting is not so good. Mr Hubs we need to change the lights already !! And kebetulan plak camera anak sedara pinjam, so thats the best shot I can snapped. Just for your info, all the labels were design and printed out by "mommynadia" *which is me hahaha* So, bare in mind, engineer's work *not as design engineer* ni ala kadar je lah. As long as cantik di mata anak2 sudah...

My target is to make simple labelling system for my kids' toys storage and racks, so that I can start to teach them to clean up the toys after play and most important things is to keep back the toy at the right place. The best labels to indicate these are by using colors. Easy to be recognized by kids.

So, I made few main sections labels using different colors as above..

And each section with small labels, some with pictures and 
some of them using simple words..
It might take times for them to remember, but yet we need to start doing that!

The first section is:
Toys Storage
(Purple color section)

2nd section is:
Art & crafts
(Green color section)

Coloring stuffs..

Painting stuffs..

Play doh stuffs...

White & black boards..

3rd section is:
Blue rack for all mini tool boxes and other stuffs..
(Blue color section)


4th section is:
Learning wall
(Orange color section)

5th section is:
Musics corner
(Teal color section)

Not yet finalize is the reading corner..
Sob sob sebab tempat terhad..

Soon soon k..

Next thing is reward chart corner and the kiddos time table..

The best I can do for the small room apartment we have..
=) *happy enuff*


  1. Perghhhh...rajin giler lah mommy!

  2. That is so awesome! Children have a lot of things huh, will definitely follow in your footsteps! :D


  3. Terbaik designer katakan..
    saya pun impikan nk baut semua ni tp xtermampu..sepah je keje.
    the best mommy in the world!!!

  4. besnya!!i wish i have this at home!rajinla sis ni... =)


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