Friday, January 4, 2013

The real challenge in 2013..

*kemain tajuk dia yer..*

Its 4th January today and hope I'm still not late to wish all fabulous motherhood friends and readers Happy New Year 2013!! Hope this year will bring more beautiful moments for us..Amin. Talking about new year celebration, 01-01-03, I bet mesti yg enjoy spent time with family and friends kan. In fact from the IG, twitters and blogs pun ramai yg masih berholiday. I'oll jealous sungguh taw! To be worst, on 1st Jan that day, my lovey dovey kompeni ni declared as working day for all operation/manufacturing dept. Only non-operation based je cuti. 2hb cuti plak!Tidak pernah dibuat orang tau. Menyampah. So,sudahnye I amik cuti lah. *dan lagi* and Mr Hubby plak working =) We just stayed at home with my mom, cuma keluar brunch aje, dekat2 je pun. Itupun sb Ryan dah tarik2 ajak keluar, pandai betul budak bambam ni!

Btw, dah masuk 4th Jan, but I'm still sorting out my 2013 resolutions. I really need something more meaningful for myself. InsyaAllah will update soon. But obvious thing for this 2013 is about kids and school. Yeah sorry I've been spamming my blogs with all about preschool, playhouse and BBIM lately, hope tak bosan. As time goes by, u can see the changes in my blog entries. I might slow down talking about bf, cd or homemade food after wards, but InsyaAllah I'll write more on preschool, Montessori,  playhouse and so on. Something that interests me at this moment!!

On 2nd Jan, I was a lil busied preparing all stuffs for the next day school. Yeah, I love last min job. =( Send/collect the pant for alteration *2 times pergi sb baru dapat size M*, bought all the new toiletteries *the old one at school diorang tak return, yet I pun malu nak mintak* and main mission nak pergi PKNS sb nak tempah sulam nama to put behind Adam's school uniform and survey sticker nak letak dekat barang2 Adam and Ryan. Phewww!!

Tapi sempat melencong pergi Empire..
Lama betul tak jejak Empire..

For Adam and Ryan..

Temporary solutions sebelum order sticker..

Jenuh oiii, duk menulis..tak masuk bekas susu, cooler bag bagai lah..
*kalau ada sticker kan sonang*

So the first day school on 3rd January, the 2 boys woke up around 7am. Mommy not working, so I gave extra lil time to sleep. Both of them mmg liat nak bangun. Adam mungkin sb lama duk rumah, so saje ngade2. Sebelum ni dah selalu practise bangun and mandi baru pergi nursery, so dia dah biasa. Ryan lah. Which I worry most. Hubby kejutkan Ryan, angkat sikit lentok, angkat lentok. Nak masuk bilik air je nangis. Tapi bila kuar bilik air happy pulak. More excited bila tgk Abg Adam dah siap beruniform. So pagi tu, after sent Mr Hubby to work, only me and my mom je send the 2 boys. Seriously cuak ok. Takut buat cerekarama ke ape kan. Alhamdulillah, consider a smooth one lah. Cuma Ryan mungkin tgk new faces , dia tak nak naik. So I sent him upstairs. *BBIM not encourage parents to send the kids upstairs or even peeping during class* So I've to respect their rules. But since Ryan still tak biasa, we sent him up anyway, bukak kasut and big bro Adam hold Ryan's hand to the class. So sweet. Mula-mula dia ok je, as long as Abang Adam ada, by the time aunties sent them to their groups, masa tu kut dia start menangis. I heard Ryan cried out loud from outside, tapi since my mom persuaded me, not to worry, lepas ni cool lah tu kan. So I turun je lah, mak-mak ni kena hati kering. Kalau I naik balik tadi, mahu karang dia naik atas dukung, langsung tak boleh balik. Tapi time balik ceria tak hingat ok. Legalah hati mak!

Today, 2nd day of school, the real challenge begin. Seriously malam tido tak lena *kena plak Ryan duk mimpi ape, mengigau suruh papa dukung, adehs* Syukur sgt, Adam so far excited to go to school. Easy to wake up, mandi, breakfast and main ipad kejap sambil tunggu mommy and papa. Ryan lah susah nak bangun lagi. Hopefully after this, he will get use with the new routine. Yang pelik kuar bilik air je punya ceria, jerit2 lagik.

Having breakfast, mommy yg kejam takut baju kotor, 
balut ngan towel aje...hahahaha!!

The happy boy having bfast...

Adik tak nak duduk, abang kena jadik pemberat,
 kalau tak tertonggeng lah jawabnye..

#ootd #day2 #preschool #bbim

#ootd #day2 #playhouse #bbim

Dalam kereta, Adam happy sungguh siap nyanyi lagi dengan papa dia. "If you happy and you know it say hooray..hooray"..lega hati mommy ok. Ryan pun cool aje. Sampai school at 7.25am, still orang tak ramai. Ryan nangis jugak, tapi bila intai dekat tangga, dah stop. Ok lah kut. Really hope they can go through this first phase of school smoothly specially boleh coop dengan ground rules introduction session at BBIM. Knowing my 2 hyperactive boys, honestly I didn't put any high hope for them to show a tremendous improvement this year. I just hope they can behave well, understands the rules & the boundaries and enjoy their school time, you can play as much as u want but learn as well. Bukan nak underestimate anak, but I know my kids. How active there are. InsyaAllah, will share more on their improvements soon. 

Meantime, mommy and papa pun reach office awal. Smooth je jalan. Alhamdulillah. Harapnye istiqamah lah...

So how's you kids day 1 at school? Share lah sini...=)


  1. hello mommy nadia!
    Cute bambam boy ryan, comel je nadia ckp dia nangis awal2. tp luckily senyap dah afterwards :)
    Bukan men lagi ek abg adam excited nak gi skool. good boy!

    Lissa, on her first day school, since dia dah biasa, mcm relax2 jeik. salam tangan then bid goodbye. her school buat special day for four years old only on the 2nd tu. 3rd Jan cuti, giving the 5 and 6 year old session. So today all 4,5 & 6 yo masuk school.
    Oh, yeah, Lissa's skool pun x bagi bawa anak2 masuk kelas. just drop them and babaii. pandai2 la they survive with their teachers. luckily lissa's teachers ok.

    So, nadia, all the best with arranging stuff for school. gud luck on having to look for their timetable. bile nak bawa sports attire, bila pakai school uniform or when to provide swimming suit.. i usually pening and kdg2 terlupa juga..hehe.

    more to look for when kids dah masuk sekolah ni kan :)

  2. Pergh! I can imagine how hectic it is for you to manage all your boys (including the BIG boy :P) during weekdays. Cemanalah I nanti bila twinnies + Faaz started school. Mau pengsan I... T_T

    Take care Nad, I hope in another 1/2 weeks more u'll get used to the routine. All the best! :)

  3. Airin,
    Yes yes, good luck to myself!Still in the stage to suit with new routine. So far tak dapat lagi timetable, bila nak bawak sport attire and extra curricular outfit. Duhs, seriously risau jugak!!

  4. Nadine,
    Tq. InsyaAllah, hopefully we all manage to go thru this stage. Padahal org yg anak sekolah rendah, lagi bnyk nak kena pikir kan. Soon soon..
    So Faaz will starts school next year?Dah start survey? better buat awal, kadang untung dapat early bird price u. Imagine dapat save throughout the year,untung!

  5. Salam, nak tny u, how old was your Ryan when u sent him to BBIM? I'm planning to send my son too but he's now 16months yrs old. Risau too early for him.

  6. Salam ZulaiShah,
    Ryan enrolled playschool early Jan 2013, and he was 20 months old that time. Fyi, BBIM accepted 18months -3 years for playschool. I think next year just nice for him kan?Lagipun dah half year, rugikan bayar yearly fees, full jugak kena bayar =)
    Not too early, diorang bukan seriously belajar like preschool,they have fun learning. Specially with Montessori concept kan. Dont be surprised, few months later u boleh dengar anak u baca zikir, and read simple ayat Quran too..=)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)