Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winners for Kleenex Share the Softness Contest are...

*sabar-sabar yer..kasik chance tuan tanah nak buat ucapan dulu yer =) hiks!*

Overall, I'm so happy with this time participations..
Alhamdulillah walaupun tak hebat sgt, tapi meriah...
Thank you so much for your willingness to spend your precious time and join this humble contest..
InsyaAllah soon, ada peluang dan rezeki Fabulous Motherhood buat lagi..wink!

From 11 contestants with wonderful pictures and captions..
We have judged all the submission within these 3 main criteria - the most unique picture, wonderful captions (extra mark for those using caption Share the Softness) and % of blog/email voting. Along with these, I've also invited few of  jury panels to vote and judged all the submissions. Keputusan adalah muktamad!

Tanpa membuang masa lagik..
Dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..

2 winners of Kleenex Share the Softness Contest who will win AEON shopping vouchers and goodies from Kleenex products are...

For the CONSOLATION PRIZE, winner is.....
*drum rolls*

Who won RM20 AEON shopping vouchers and Kleenex goodies...

And winner for the GRAND PRIZE of Kleenex Share the Softness Contest is....
*drum rolls*
*pop confetti*

The above 2 lovely lady and cutie pie won RM50 AEON shopping vouchers and Kleenex goodies!Weeee!!!!

Congratulations darlings!! *wootwoot*
Do send me your email, contact no and address for postage of the prize yeap..
Hope you will enjoy your prize and happy shopping...

See you again in next contest...

ps: I've contacted the sponsor and they are currently in the stage to deliver all the prizes. Yeay!! Can't wait >.<


  1. Tahniah kepada pemenang..tak apa tak menang..lain kali blh join giveaway nadia lg..hehe

  2. Alhamdulillah. rezki anak2 ni. terima kasih pada Mommy Nadia sebab buat contest ni & pada semua pihak yang terlibat :)

    tak sangka menang sebab semua orang pun hebat2 belaka. even saya pun adore semua entry...

    terima kasih skali lagik.

  3. Wah Jelesnyeee!!
    Anyway congrates to both of winners!

    Mommy Nadia, silalah buat giveaway lagi ye :D

  4. waaaahh best nya yg menang
    sekali lagi i tiada luck di sini.
    but thanks nadia for the giveaway.
    nnt buat lagi :P

  5. omai omai omai!!!


    thanks Nadia!

    baru sempat nak online hari ni.

    thanks mucho mucho!

    jab kite email.



It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)