Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ryan's Playschool Dilemma ...

Owh stress sungguh sekarang!! Dilemma now *terngiang2 lagu KRU* Stress taw bila dilemma macam ni, sebab setiap detik otak asyik berputar ligat duk memikirkannya. Silap2 karang masuk mimpi sekali. I don't like. Seperti tajuk diatas, sekarang ni saya sangatlah stress samada nak register Ryan sekali kat playhouse Brainybunch tu ke tidak. Pro and cons nye banyak. Yang paling conssss nye tu yn pening, tak bnyk satu je pun, tapi mahu jadik cancel semua yg pro nye. Mesti dah boleh agak kan. Tak tahulah dengan harga nye berbaloi ke tak untuk budak umur 20 bulan tu. 

Bukannye I geletik excited sgt nak hantar anak kat playschool, setakat budak umur 20 bulan kan, takkan nak expect Ryan boleh baca buku kan *nanti mak bapak dia yg pengsan terkejut* , tapi yang duk mikirin sekarang, macam tak logik pagi2 kena berpusing2 duk tawaf tol. Apa kes kan. Hantar Adam, u turn hntr Ryan pastu masuk tol then kuar tol *tak kira lagi time hantar Adam tu dah masuk tol sekali yer puan-puan*. Kalau time u turn amik masa lima minit takpe, ni mahu makan 20min, dek jammed. Gilak ape! Silap2 hari-hari check in opis kul 8.15am, tak ke haru namanye. Sudahlah, mak ayah dia berkereta hanya satu. Takkan sebab nak gilir hntr anak nak beli second car, adalah sangat tak logik di kira akal yg waras, sebab keje dah ler satu kilang. Adoiiilah.

Kalau diikutkan current fees dekat nursery sekarang adalah RM400 sebulan, bulan October lepas naik lagik RM50 kunun2 nye nak sb nak support maintenance bagai. Tapi sudahnye service ditakuk lama jugak. Tempat sempit, budak ramai. For what I've experienced, untuk budak below 3 years ni, alamaknye keje dia mmg tidur, makan, main repeat lagik smp pukul 6.30 pm. So far I did not see ANY boombastic achievement they did to Adam. Biasa2 je. Sekarang ni yang nampak pun, Ryan keje dia duk membuli budak-budak kat nursery dia, abis tangan budak di gigitnye yg mane tak berkenan di hati dia. Taiko betullah budak bambam ni. So with the current fees of RM400, but the kid do nothing at day care, or plus few hundreds kids will do something benefits to fulfil their time, which one better?? Pening tak?? Ikut penakulan cetek sy ni, rasenye pusing masuk kuar tol, duit minyak and tol plus time, dah compensate sgt dah with the difference fees tadi. Mr Hubs pun agreed. Sb dia malas jugak pagi2 duk berpusing2 macam ape kan.

Talking about the pro nye mmg banyak. One of the good things that I observed during my visits is, they really teach children *even toddlers* to be independent. Pernah tengok budak umur 2 tahun, comel je dengan skirt pendek nampak diaper, sambil pelok bantal go to small sinki provided for their height, then beratur to take food. Sgt comel. They have daily schedule, tak delah ketat sgt macam budak preschool, ada learning session and few naps in between. Teratur. Teringin nak tgk the difference to send kids to playschool with kids staying at care giver/nursery.

Tapi tak tahulah. I just wait and see. What I did now, pray and pray semoga Allah bagi jalan terbaik untuk kebuntuan ini. Alhamdulillah, bersyukur sgt time dpt tahu this preschool baru bukak kat my office area. Dulu punya pikir macamane nak harung jammed kalau hntr ke Sbg Jaya nnd more, duk calculate bagai, tiba2 Allah bagi rezeki sb sy daftar early bird, dapat discount murah. Syukur. So hopefully untuk kali ini Allah bagi penyelesaian sebaiknye. Maybe I shud try on the first month, see how haywire my morning routine will be. Then decision will be more wiser. Last time pernah pike nak enrol Ryan for next year, tgk Adam macamane dulu kan. See how the management is, the teachers and place. Plus, Ryan pun tgh bf, takutlah susah nak handle ebm nanti. But they are ok to handle ebm when I asked the aunties there. Huhuhuhu pening lagik.

Yes I know, it sound ridiculous to spend a lot money for them on monthly basis since my salary pun bukanlah bombastik sgt pun. But InsyaAllah, I really think that they deserve to have this good environment for them to grow up, InsyaAllah we will work harder. If we decided to enrol Ryan for playschool as well, nampak gayanye, tahun depan good bye lah to monthly shopping at thepoplook *bukannye zara ke dorothy perkin pun, H&M ke*, angan2 nak beli che mat jakub satu, nak bergelang pandora uhhhh!!!! nak ber holiday pun kena kaddang kaddang je kut. *kena kerja keras ni..owh nuffnang please come to momma!!!*

Some of the picture taken during the open day..
Ni area for playhouse toddlers from 18months to 3 years..

Less kids, nice learning environment but slightly higher fees..
What do you think???

Help help!!!
*duhs pengsan lagik* 

#BBIM #brainybunch #playhouse #islamicmontessori


  1. hi nadia..
    i vote playschool..hehe
    i dunno since i baca ur entry hari tue, i do wish akan ada juga playschool mcm nie kat tmpat i..huhu
    but,sure there are pros n cons,so good luck with ur choice ya!!

  2. BBIM mahal untuk daycare beb. In my humble opinion lah. Annual fees dia mmg pengsan, bila i mintak breakdown they could not give any. That's not quite right to me.

    Plus maybe you want to do more research on how ready a 20 month old for a montessori or whatever learning style. Kalau hantar to a normal playschool, and faedahnya sama aje, might as well la not yg mahal kan.. Consider the hidden costs like toll and minyak when hantar him as well.

    I think BBIM is good for 3 or 4 up, when naturally they are ready for a more complex and sophisticated learning. Kalau 3 tahun ke bawah, basically the world is their playground! :)

    ALl the best!

  3. Huyoo...teringin nak hntr anak2 pegi playskool. sbb dok umah pun tak terajar jgk...mak dia sibuk dok layan tv getek! ;p

  4. yg tukang baca pun rasa pening! hahahaha...me sejak ada anak ni mmg kena kurangkan la belanja utk diri sendiri.

  5. Hi Nia..
    Tq tq..
    1 vote for playschool..hiks =)

  6. Ayuni,
    So true babe..sometimes mcm tak logic jugak, they shud lower down lil bit fees for playschool I think..
    I never come across about Ryan playschool before this, sb tak pernah plan to put him at special kindy/playschool before 3,tapi memikirkan waktu pagi tu lah yg jadi kami terfikir idea to put them at one place. All the way to work from my house, it so difficult to get kindy/nursery,end up we have to berpusing2 jugak diwaktu pagi and my offc hour pulak start at 8am. Lagik haru!!

    I read about Bella school trip that day,did you enrolled her at kinderland. Nice place kn. Bella stayed for daycare or only for playschool prog. Btw, hope u dont mind sharing the annual and monthly fees at kinderland. The nearest to us at USJ, but actually still not reacheable in the morning. sobs!!!

  7. Kaklong,
    hahaha, sudahnye mak ayah dia pun lagik pening. The other option we have is to put Ryan at our apt nursery. But the thing is,yg jaga nye ada non muslim, pelik betul tapi owner malay. Itu yg tak sedap hati. Tapi ramai je hntr kan, and aunty tu pun nmpk ok. Harga sama dgn bayar skrang..
    Cuma fikir balik, kalau ada apa2,lmbt balik jammed ke ape, kesian lah budak bambam tu duduk sorang2 situ...stress fikir!

  8. Teh,
    hahaha, mommy boleh bukak kelas Korea tu,nanti buat special class for kids belajar foreign language,ok what!!
    Kita pun tingin nak jadik housewife, boleh amik hntr anak sendiri, tak susah2 nak pikir jadual route bagai!..huhuhu

  9. Yup..kalau mampu harus choose playschool..i percaya the only kekangan is the money..kalau setakat masa nk uturn or lain route, i believe eh dipertimbangkan lagi..

  10. Bambam sgt la si Ryan tu.. ooh suka gigit orang yer.. bleh geng dgn Hanie ni. geng menggigit. tak puas ati, gigit. tak yah bertekak..haha

    anyway, my opinion, you can monitor dulu Adam macamn.. then if ok, maybe middle of year, enroll Ryan plak.

    Kalu ikut child education fees mmg booming. especially with all the montessori and stuff. Tu yg parents NEED to have deep pocket ni..huhuhu..Go Go keje kuat, duit lebih sket..hehe

  11. My Love,

    Itulah, doakan semoga Allah tunjukkan yg terbaik..Amin!

  12. Airin,
    Yes Airin, dia selalu gigit Adam kat rumah, tapi sekali tu org kat nursery bgtau dia gigitnye budak pompuan..smp bekas, sian budak tu..
    Tapi Airin, I have to decide at least in 1,2 months, kalau tak rugi byr annual fees, walaupun bulan 6 still kn bayar full =(

    Hahaha,jadik PA bussinesswoman berjaya boleh?Hiks!!

  13. If i were in your situation.. i think i ada possibility hantar ryan to the same school as adam.. the main reason sbb i ni jenis yg tak suka kelam kabut pagi2.. mcm you ckp, patah balik pusing pusing balik, sbb morning traffic is so inpredictable, and silap haribulan asyik masuk lambat aje kan.. tak pun sampai office tercungap2..

    ANyway, if the cost mmg berlipat kali ganda tambah, then i guess the money rules.. :)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)