Friday, December 28, 2012

He always has a better plan for us..

I never felt so much relieved like this...
Satu beban kat kepala dah settle...
So much blessed! Alhamdulillah..
With a lil bit hope and patient, He has lead us to a wonderful solutions..
Allah knows the best, thank you Allah!!!
*Congrats to Mr Hubby as well, another reason why we came to this conclusion!*

InsyaAllah, Adryan will be joining his brother as well at Brainybunch for the full day playhouse program..
We really hope that we've made the best decision for him and for us as well..
Pray for a smooth journey ahead...

Ya Allah..
Tak sabarnye nak tengok anak-anak pergi sekolah =)
*mixed feeling now*


  1. incik harith dapat promotion... yeay!

  2. incik harith dapat promotion yeay!

  3. Hey u!!!
    Amboi2...hang tu bonus timbun2 diam-diam eh..meh belanja I wokey!!

    More than that babe..keep guessing darl..hahhahaah =)

  4. Nadia! Malam tadi kitorang tgk iklan BrainyBunch kat TV teruk rasa mcm nak enroll Oman kat sana. I check its website, kat TTDI Jaya pun ada!!! :) Adam enroll kat branch mana beb? Walaupun i belum register Oman lagi.. tapi i dah boleh aras excitednya bila anak anak nak mula sekolah.. owh!!!! :)

  5. Apa pun tahniah la kat u both!

    bonus i nimbun... ouch!

    bonus ASB u pun nimbun kann...


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)