Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hannah Foster @

So cute and schweeeettt!!!
I just received email from Mr Hubby's just now, sharing a blogspot url of one exchange students program to Malaysia under AFS, Hannah Foster. Blog Serius pun ada share cite pasal dia. Her latest entry about Malaysian culture is so wonderful. I was goose bumped. Yelah bila orang asing puji about Malaysia kan. Reading other people points of view is something nice to do. Sometimes pun kita tak sedar, our community  involved many races and cultures, we are sharing many things, from foods, language and etc etc. Adapting other culture to our daily live, enjoying many festive season kan!! Hahaha, mana tk nye, my family itself coming from a mix cultures. My 2 kids are mixed between 3 races, Malay, Chinese and Indian. And of course, in our daily life, we involved many events with these 3 races. It's so unique! Proud to be Malaysian yaw!!

One of my fave entry at Hannah's blog is "Seratus Hari Di Malaysia" , I kept on laughing while scrolling the whole entry. Even my boss and colleague also reading together with me and we agreed of some points. Yeap, we admit that Malaysian drivers are lousy!! *please exclude me from that group hahaha* 

To Hannah, we really hope you enjoy your stay here. Please be strong darling, we understand how you have to survive living here in totally different environment, culture and people, and specially being far away from your family. *do ignore when people staring at u too...dia tengok sebab kamu cantik lah =)*

Friends, let's flood Hannah's blog now!! =)

Some of her picture taken from Blog Serius.

ps: gelak twit handle Hannah-  @nasigorengUSA. kahkahkah!!

1 comment:

It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)