Thursday, November 29, 2012

Allergic attack & boboiboy !!!

This gonna be my first time attacked by drug allergy.To be exact allergy of Zinnat.The antibiotic took yesterday due to continously vomiting *hoho jgn buat speculation lagi,its due to foods poisoning* Went to DEMC again,early in the morning after sent the boys to day care. Doctor gv 1 injection to reduce effect of allergy. But the injection almost made me blacking out! Immeadiate effect when the drug goes directly to ur vein.Seriously pening gile.Nurse bgtau sb ubat tu sgt mengantuk.Hooo ok.Now I'm at home,my body like switch off already,but eyes are widely open due to exessive sleep yesterday after more than 15 times vomit *bloated as well* Please ignore my grammar error or any disconnection of topics in this entry as I'm really not stable right now. Worst thing,I dont know what to do! Waaaaaa!!!!

By the way, this was the scenerio happened early this morning.Adam just bought 2 boboiboy last night,after many aksi pujuk memujuk his papa. Ni mesti sb ramai member kat nursery dah beli n and dia pun dah terracun sekali. Everytime lalu Petronas,bgtau "Aidil ada boboiboy Papa" -statement kalau mak bapak tak paham tak tahulah!! After entered car,I asked him,"why u bought 2,Adam?" "Owh papa beli" Hubby said he wanted to have 2 since his friends all got 2.You made great excuse Adam LOL!!! Ok,I accepted that since I know Ryan pun mesti nak jugak.Boleh share lah kan. This morning,Ryan woke up with eyes widely open to see the boboiboy stuff.In fact he suddenly shouted "boboiboy!! Terkejut tak pernah sebut skali harini terus reti nak sebut.Pitam lagik! Selepas berlaku aksi rebut merebut,sb si abang tak nak share,sudahnye pagi2 kami dah ke Petronas lagik.Kena plak semua dah abis,tinggal boboiboy display,rembat jugak!!! Total lost in 12 hours almost RM60. Citt patung seketul like that pun RM19.90 hokey. Now my dad pun dah kuar g Petronas to get one for Nuh,takut balik karang berebut lagik!! Itulah kisah boboiboy di waktu pagi, tatkala mommy tengah tahan gatal dek allergic. Grrr!!! Ok,shud stop now. Seriously writing from ipad gv me more stress.Arrrghhh! I used more backspace rather than alpahabets cursor.*n I dunno how to arrange the picture too waaaa!!!Sah buta IT*


  1. Aritu isi petrol kat petronas dah pegang boboiboy skali tgk RM20 terus letak blk. Mahal! Wakakaka...

  2. Do take care dear!

    Yup, as early as our hanie and ryan dah bleh sebut boboiboy tau! upin ipin left as pinpin..hehe


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