Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On 17th Oct 2012 ..

It was Adam Mikael real b'day...hahaha, after the pre-celebration session, there come the real one. Susah jugak nak explain bila dia pun mula confuse, dah berapa kali nak tiup lilin n sang b'day song kan. Layankan aje Adam, lagipun anak mommy ni memang gemar betul celebrate b'day ek?*macam mommy mase kecik ler '_'* But he still waiting for his real b'day cake. Semua tiup pun complimentary cake hahhaa.*save cost punya parents* The last decision he made was to have mickey mouse combine with Ben-10 cake. Ok, mommy also cannot imagine how this two characters to be on your b'day cake. *pitam* Tengoklah nanti hasilnye. We planned to have it the post celebration at his kindy, probably after Raya Haji, mommy pun tak order cake lagik ni =( 

So on 17th Oct itself, we promised him for small family dinner. Of course lah, tak mau pergi jauh, Subang Parade aje yer Adam. And its was our first time to dine in at TGIF SP. Selama ni kalau nak ber"TGIF" mesti nak ke OU, Sunway Pyramid ker, The Curve ke kan, sekali tgk kat SP, punya lah best. Luas and sgt lah family oriented restaurant.*siap dgn restroom yg sgt luas n bersih, thumbs up* And the staff pun sgt lah friendly yg amat. Lepas ni boleh ler ber"TGIF" selalu yer Mr Hubby =)

From one angle...

Just a normal family dinner, we order our fave steak and get the kids free meal as well. Hahahaha, never missed to get free meal!!Harharhar!!

Steak and pasta..
Ryan ate that paste alot..seriously, budak kecik ni kuat makan...

For b'day boy..
Fish and chip..

Nachos for Ryan..
Oppps for Ryan's parents actually..

Since there were 3 b'day celebrations at TGIF on that night, Adam dah tahu, lepas ni mesti turn dia pulak...
When I told him, that he not gonna have his b'day cake that night, marah betul...
So when the TGIF crews came with his b'day cake, senyum lebar ler Adam Mikael...

*video tak boleh upload lah plak, sobsob*

Well, actually its not a cake, they gave few scoops of ice cream with cream toppings..

Sebelum balik, seperti biasa, bergambar dulu..
Tapi susahnye nak bergambar betul2..

Hope you enjoyed your birthday Adam!!

1 comment:

  1. adam! semoga menjadi anak yg soleh...btw..loooh...sukenye tengok ryan...bum bum bum...rasa nk gigit! masyaAllah!


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