Monday, October 1, 2012

NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto™ Piccolo Coffee Maker ...

Mr Hubby is a coffee maniac. To be exact, gila minum Nescafe. Ever since study UTM sampai ler sekarang anak dah 2, everyday tak minum Nescafe orang kata memang tak sah. Sekarang, tahap kegilaan minum coffee tu dah menurun kat wife dia, sayalah!! Org putih kata, if u can't beat them, join them. Hahaha. Nak citer tahap gila minum Nescafe hubby I ni, dia dah set, pagi minum sekali, one time at office *tak tahulah kalau lebih kut* and one time at night. Nak bancuh Nescafe dia bukan main suka2, siap kena measure betul, tak manis tak tawar, pastikan kena masuk fresh mlik skali. Kalau fresh milk abis, menggelupur lah dia, mengalahkan Adam lagik. Sebab dua beranak ni share susu Dutch Lady kotak tu. Kalau buat cincai tak ikhlas, ada krang dia buat sendiri aje. Seriously, minum Nescafe Mr Hubby buat memang best. Kalah Ane kedai mamak, hahahhah!! Waktu pagi, time kelam kabut nak siap pergi keje, Mr Hubby lah yg siapkan  Nescafe for us. Semangat nak g keje pagi2 dapat minum air tangan hubby. hahhaha. *bodek baik* Pernah kadang2,  tengah jalan nampak lori Nescafe lalu pun, boleh excited satu macam. Apa hal lah kan. 

Since, wifey dia pun dah masuk kategori kalau tak dapat nescafe sehari hantuk kepala kat dinding lah jawabnye, I can feel all ke'eksited'an Mr Hubby. Time dekat ward aritu, sambil duk belek email time Ryan tidur, opps, terserempak dengan Groupon discount  for Nescafe Dolce Gusto. Sebenarnye dah lama usha coffee maker ni, tinggal nak beli, tapi duk pike2 lagik. So, malam tu, survey sket2 dekat website dia, memang worth lah discount ni, ape lagik terus grab!!! So far, kalau bagi suprise present untuk hubs, excited dia tak boleh challenge benda2 berkaitan dengan kereta. *satu lagik gila kereta, berapa bnyk gila dah!!* So, nak beli brang kereta, I tak mampu ler, mahal2. Last sekali dulu beli ticket pergi tengok Japan GT  kat Sepang, time b'day, punye excited, muka pun takde darah. Tergamam gitew.. kerlass I buat surprise  ;) So, for this time, what I did, the purchased deal's voucher I email to his office mail. Pagi-pagi tu terus reply. Excited lah kut. Tapi biasalah, hubs suka control macho. Sekali balik keje tanya, ada orang tu siap berangan dah, bangun2 pagi sebelum pergi keje, kena pergi on coffee maker dulu. Hahahhaa!!! Sukalah pun suka sgt. Tak sabar nk tgu deal over, nanti Groupon will send official email. Pastu boleh collect. Sekarang bolehlah verangan ada coffee maker at home, bye bye Starbucks ;) Come to me Dolce Gusto!!

Deal at Groupon still on until tomorrow. Hurry up, check out here!!

*weeee, I'm one of that 115 buyers*


  • NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto™  is the only single-cup multibeverage machine to deliver professional 15 bar pressure for a perfect Espresso, and fine milk froth for a velvety Cappuccino all in one. 
  • Prepares each drink variety in less than 1 minute.
  • Includes 2 boxes of capsules (Mocha and Cappuccino).
  • Capsule holder holds up to 25 capsules.
  • Includes one complimentary voucher for a box of green tea latte upon first online purchase.
  • Pick-up and nationwide delivery options available.

I am a mocha lover!!


  1. Lepas ni excited buat coffee plak korang. hehehe. that's what happened to Fadzil's aunt recently. Anak dia belikan as birthday gift terus dia excited nak jamu tetamu coffee from that machine. I pun tumpang excited gak. hihi..

  2. Nadine, ke??Hopefully worth buying..and coffee pun best!Cant wait to try ;)

  3. Huiyo! Bestnya...klong pun nescafe lover. Every morning mesti kena minum! Nnti blh la suh harith buat nescafe. Nak gak merasa nescafe yg sedap tu, :)

  4. sebijik la ngan husband i..addicted dengan nescafe.lepas tu i sorang je yg boleh buatkan sebab die nak rasa yang tu jugak..orang lain even mak die buat pon x jadi.


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