Thursday, October 11, 2012

In love with New Samsung Ecobubble™ ...

Being a working parent, minus maid, I need to sub some of my daily or weekend house chores to my beloved Mr Hubby *thanks hubs mucho gracias* One of those things is LAUNDRY! Seriously, I hate handling laundry.*hahaha pengakuan* So many things to do. Separating children clothes *mujur dah asing basket awal2*, white and color clothes belong to hubs and myself, blanket, comforter and bla bla bla tak masuk lagi hanging and folding the clothes. How I wish I have super duper machine that can help me doing all those stuffs. Within a button semua siap! *lazy me* My current washing machine that I have now, is a very basic automatic washing machine with only few buttons to choose. Normal wash, quick wash, delicate and bla bla, and not mistaken it is a 7kg washing capacity. Not a fancy one that can attract me to always use it.*hahaha dasar* But Alhamdulillah, still my current Samsung washing machine which I bought a week after we got married, has served the entire family very well. Like seriously!! Imagine lah 4-5 trips on weekend, pukul 10 malam ari Ahad baru selesai sesi membasuh. Kan sakan je namanya tu. Not included daily cloth diapers washing lagik. 

Having a great washing machine at house seems like carrying a designer bag to office/shopping complex. Agreed with me?? And plus, to own a front loader washing machine is something that I've been dreaming since 5 years ago. With less budget and money in hand that time, we just afford to buy an automatic washing machine which cost around RM900 only. *sobsob* But I love to keep my dream alive. Putting target to own a front loader soon...sooon soooon.*big shout to Mr Hubby plzzzz* I was so fascinated to see a new technology of Samsung Ecobubble upon surfing the Samsung website recently. 

* glimmering sounds*

After all the basics things from the specification checked, I was stumbled upon 2 things about this washing machine, the ecobubble technology and energy saving. Bubble technology?? Seriously, tahu bubble bath aje ;) LOL. Let's see what so special about this washing machine.

Samsung Ecobubble™ features unique ecobubble technology which generates bubbles, boosting performance from the start, so cold water washes like hot water and these rich bubbles penetrate deeper and dissolve faster into fabrics, saving on energy. 

How it works???
  The bubble generator begins dissolving detergent into water and injects a combination of water, detergent and air to produce a bubble foam cushion that appears in the drum seconds after the normal cycle starts. This foam dissolves into the wash water, distributes evenly into fabrics and penetrates deeper into clothes up to 40 times faster than conventional washers.
12kg woweee!!
I can save time, thus I save energy as well..thumbs up =)

The Samsung Ecobubble comes with the unique Diamond Drum design, with water holes that are smaller than conventional drums to prevent fabrics from getting snagged. With the Diamond Drum and Eco Bubble™ generator, users can be assured of minimal damage to their fabrics. No worry about to handwash those "TLC" clothes anymore..

Zoom it!
Out of all eyes stucked at "babycare" button..
weee...dah tak payah nak asing baju baby basuh tangan lagik..bestnye..
*selalunya baju baru, sayang...*

The Samsung Ecobubble is built with a Digital Inverter motor that reduces vibration and noise, making the washer more durable and quiet. The Digital Inverter motor comes with a 10 year warranty to ensure it remains in excellent condition for a longer duration.

The Eco Drum Clean feature is ideal for those who want to regularly wash in cold water and maintain drum hygiene levels. The washing machine employs high-speed spinning with heated water to keep the drum clean without using chemical detergents.

Main specification checked!

I never bother about to have a good and high performance washing machine before, but thinking of children clothes and some of our clothes that need special care, maybe I can get Mr Hubby to consider about this investment too. *urmmmm*   And start thinking about time and energy saving as well. Gotta start on calculation soon!!

Speaking about to have a powerful washing machine and contribute to go green campaign, I have an interesting video of Samsung Ecobubble™ to share. Feel free to watch. It's featuring the lovely and famous Lina Teoh. *dah lama kan tak tengok dia*..

Laundry room fun with Lina Teoh and the Samsung Ecobubble™

#samsungecobubble #linateoh

Opppss, please stay tune for next update. I have great thing come in on my next entry. Hint hint : mini giveaway =)


  1. waaaaa...berapa samsung byr mommynadia nih? *wink!

  2. wink!!Sharing is caring mek ;)
    Amacam ade drooling dak blog diva??

    Btw,join mini giveaway fm tawww ;)

  3. Kami pon plan nak tukaq wasing machine. Boleh lah put this one 'in da list' coz npk menariks sgt! Thanks for da review Mommy Nadia, boleh lah recommend kat my encik hubby nanti :)

  4. Hi Kak Intan, washing machine.I loike..=)
    Wait for further review nanti ek..
    Meantime, sudi2lah kak Intan join giveaway fabulous motherhood..


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