Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Eid Mubarak Portraits..

First day raya theme for this year is dark brown as per last year plan. It shud be a dark brown with a lil bit maroon color, but since I tak dapat cari shawl maroon, jadik lah last minute chilli red. Apa sajo lah. Tolak cerita baju raya mommy semua besar 3 - 4 inci, sudahnye macam pakai baju orang, layankan saje. Pagi raya tu, sementara semua pergi semayang raya, mommy siapkan 2 hero dalam persiapan raya. Adam memang excited bila dipakaikan baju melayu. Tinggal Ryan je lah, berperang nk pakaikan sampin bagai. Songkok usah cite, memang tak melekat atas kepala lah.

Abang Adam..

Budak bambam, Adryan...

Selepas selesai makan, everyone ready for family portraits session..

Lil bambam try to fix the tripod yg rosak..

"Ok, jom jom..."

Family portraits session never being the easy one..
Specially when we have small and active kid, like lil Ryan...

After 3 to 4 attempts..
This is our best family portraits for this year raya..

*and I just found out hubby not wearing songkok after everything settled, uh hu*

Since tripod yg ada rosak, BIL pun lupa bawak balik tripod dia..
Tak dapatlah nak amik gambar semuanya..

Parents and bros..
Additional cucu yg nak inter frame...

And Che Mimi's family..
*pun susah nak suruh Nuh duduk diam*

Come to the favourite part..
Salam raya..
and for the kids..
Adam and Nuh enjoyed the moments to receive their first duit raya from their Okki and Omma..

Adam and Nuh bermaafan dan bersalaman...
Kejap je salam2, pastu main and gaduh balik..biasalah budak..

Funny part, Adam asked his duit raya from Nuh..


Settled everything at home, we moved to our Wan's house *my nenek* and continued with few houses of our nenek sedara. Seronok dapat berkumpul dengan uncles and aunties, banyak yg diborakkan, maklumlah sekali-sekala jumpa. Petang baru balik rumah and rehat2. Everyone was so tired, but the kids, they always have their extra storage energy that can be used for special time, yeap specially time bila dekat rumah Omma and Okki ni. Huish!!

At our nenek sedara during raya visits...

Next day, on 2nd day raya,  we went back to Besut, my father's side. Plan asal singgah rumah Mak Su dulu, awal2 dah jammed, terus tukar laluan ikut jalan pantai. Disebabkan masa singkat, we managed to visit few houses only.

The first house kena serang..our Tok sedara house, Tok Muda..
See everyone so hungry after 2 hours journey..
Biskut pun jalan..

Moved to the last house..Pakcik Man..

Ada nasi kuning..
Since I dah full giler, just leave Che Mimi and Omma to enjoy nasi kuning Cik Yah...

2nd day raya theme : Guess and Cotton On shirt and jeans/pant..

*sian Ryan tak boleh masuk geng*

All of us..

While Che Mimi and my brothers went back to K.T, we moved to Machang to attend my BIL's engagement..

Hubs brother and future wifey..
Uncle Timothy..

Reached home around 10pm and everyone was so exhausted..

On 3rd raya, kami just memenuhi jemputan open house my uncle and the rest bersantai kat rumah je. 

3rd raya theme : GAP stripes shirt and blue/black pants..

"Abang Adam, macamane nak buat peace ni??"

Hidup mat rempit!!

Raya ke-4 pun dah slow down, make a visit to few relatives houses and the rest we just stayed at home while helping mom's to entertain our guests. Seriously lepak-ing at home specially rumah my parents mmg best, sejuk aje. 

4th raya theme: Gap shirt and jeans..

Please save the whale for our generation..

Later at night, we had an impromptu bbq session at Wan's house..

Adam paling enjoy sebab non stop main with his cousins...

On the 5th raya, we attended my 2nd cuzen's wed at Batu Burok, KT. 

Us with the newly wed..

5th raya theme: GAP shirt and khakis..
*Adam not in the picture sb dah tidur..*

Tiap-tiap tahun time balik Trg or balik raya, mesti nak lepak A&W kat Pantai Batu Burok..
Kids enjoyed to see people playing kites, ada kereta kuda and so many activities there..

And enjoying foods for sure!!

"Ok, I'm finally have my own bike..weehoo"

6th day raya, day to go back to Shah Alam..
Dah tak boleh extend lagik..We went back around 6pm and reached our home sweet home around 1am..
Jammed at Jabor and heavy rain before LPT...tired!!

6th raya theme: GAP soccer shirt and Trudy & Teddy pant..

Sedikit sebanyak kisah raya tahun ni. I think maybe sebab delay update entry, mood nak cite tu dah tak mariii..Aiseh. Missed my hometown orediii...sobsob!!


  1. Wah wah wah, melaram sungguh anak2 bujang you nadia. dah macam model! :)

    Nice color for your raya theme, and babe, u look great! slim! :)

  2. Nadine,
    Tapi u,nak boleh amik gmbr, mak aiii tension mommy!!
    Mane ade u,angle je kot..still at normal range,,takde slim lagik pun!


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