Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Last day at work..

I love this feeling, happy and excited. Yes, as u read the title, meaning that I'm going back to Terengganu tonite *I'm coming home, coming home -- title tu takde sangkut paut nak resign yer*..owh, happy sgt when my boss approved extra 1 day leave for tomorrow. Friday leave dah applied awal since Adam & Adryan nursery close for hari raya holiday.*great reason to apply actually* So, last night mission nak pack baju seperti biasa tak kesampaian. Terus terlena bila breastfed Ryan. Not for tonight, plz Nadia. Kalau tak, ada karang pagi esok baru nk bertolak, which is sgt tak sesuai bila beranak kecil yg active mcm Ryan. Ryan is so weird, tak suka duduk dalam kereta. Nak pergi Banting pun dah macam balik kampung, punya dia menangis ajak kuar. So, tonite, kuatkan semangat, tak boleh tido!!Haishhh!!After sahur just now, I managed to clean up the kitchen. Threw all the un-necessaries things from fridge, clear up the table and emptied the dustbin. Well done mommy and papa!! *sampai office lambat dek kemas dapur huhuhu * So at least malam ni boleh focus packing baju and clean the house a lil bit while waiting Mr Driver F1 bangun. 

Sambil siapkan paperworks semalam kat office, sambil update checklist..
A lot of things to settle today (at work), biarlah masa cepat berlalu...

Last weekend chores - basuh baju raya anak.
I used to collect those tags specially with unique design, but now dah malas sebab at the end jadik sampah jugak..malas!!
*dulu receipt pun nak collect, apakah??*

Till then, happy working...
*smiling mode*


  1. have a safe journey mommynadia.

  2. amboi mommy nadia ni..bleh imagine senyum sampai ke telinga ek :P tau la dpt extra cuti from Lady B *mode jeles*
    i nak amik cuti, but tau je la cuti slalu abih, so jgn mimpila kan..
    anyway, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin ek. mana tau ade terkutuk, terasa hati ke.. sorry ye.. raya nanti we (lissa & hanie) waiting for ur open house. klu tak, nak gak serang.. hahaha..kutip duit raya, you!

  3. Airin,
    hahaha *gelak sopan k*..
    best tau nak cuti,sekarang mood keje dah nak 0%..
    cuti ciput je tinggal, tapi buat bodo aje..tak sangka Lady B kali ni murah hati..muahs2 lah..

    Samalah Airin,mintak maaf kalau ada ter kasar bahasa, terlanjur kata..dan ter ter yg lain..

    Datang jangan tak datang. Nak tgu open house tak dapet ler.Gamaknye duduk kat verandah ler kalau I buat open house hikhik..Open house Airin bila ni,cepat nak book date..hehehe ;) *mesti pergi rumah toke ni*

  4. Of course akan datang tau. dah lama x jenguk ex-jiran :)
    InsyaAllah buat open house lepas raya..hahaha.. sbb usually weekend raya org mesti terkejar2 nak gi open hse org len. so this time around nak buat different sket la..hikhik (oh, itupun kalau Ministry of Finance approved)


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