Friday, July 20, 2012

On our 5th anniversary..

Ok, I should post this entry before we start fasting tomorrow, no more foods entry in fasting month. I should tune myself not thinking about food food food all the time too *mengalahkan preggy woman*, the right time for me to start reduce my weight  also*3kg target, hooyehh* =)

We have visited Publika about 2 weeks ago, yeap a backdated story *pardon me* It was on our 5th anniversary, genap-genap 5 tahun sebab fall on the same day of our akad nikah day. First time jugak sampai Publika. So Mr Hubby was a lil bit worry when I said I know where the place is and volunteered to show the directions.*dia tahu wife dia bukan tahu jalan sgt* But yeah, pasal2 shopping complex sonang aje nak hidu. Kagum dengan diri sendiri, we managed to reach Publika tanpa sesat from Pusat Sains Negara *ok, ok this story promise next week k* #greatshoppinginstinct

At first konon2 nak sangat ke Publika, sebab orang kata tempat cantik, alang2 sekali nak carik kasut anak-anak untuk raya. Yeah, tempat cantik memang betul tak dinafikan. But when come to choices to shop, kedai2 dia tak best sgt, maybe sb I preferred more kids boutique kut. Mmmm adoiiila!*owh but ada butik zleqha lah kat sane =)*

Spacious place with unique concept..

There you go..the wondermilk behind!

Lovely place for kids too..

With unique playground..

Best thing about publika is the shopping complex came with many choices of restaurant to dine in...
Cosy and unique plak tu..

One of them is the journal..

Marmalade pun ada..
Plan to dine in here, but the cafe closed for function..huhuhu..

Seriously until now, I masih tak paham sistem kedai2 dekat publika ni, sgt confusing, berpusing2 carik kedai adoiilah..Itulah unique sgt sampai sesat dalam shopping complex, ntah pape +___+
Takpelah, at least pernah sampai >.<

Sebab marmalade tutup, nak tak nak kami makan Ben's lagik...
Ok, try other foods plak kan..

ben's publika..

Wowee...masuk2 dah tgk cake..

Quite a full jugak petang tu, dahlah lampu samar2 je, romantik lah plak..
But seriously, Ben's kat publika smaller compared to Pavilion..
Unless if you prefer to have your meals outside...hehehehe
*orang ada anak kalau boleh nak meja depan ekon*

While waiting for the order to come, the boys playing with cards..

Adam dah tak sabar n plus dah lapar sgt, so we allowed him to enjoy the strawberry shortcake as his appetizer ..hehehe

"Cepat mommy snap!!"

Sharing is caring..

I guess we are not so lucky that day. Dah lah sebelum tu berpusing nak makan kat mana. Bila dah decided ben's, lepas setengah jam pun, order tak sampai lagik. The first 15-20min, ingatkan sebab full house, so consider lah kan. Sekali tengok meja depan datang lagik lambat dari kami pun, diorang dapat dulu makan. Tak boleh jadik, so we called the waitress. yeah..she forgot to key in our order..*tukar jadik naga* Ok, nevermind. We tried to be cool instead. Lucky they don't delay any longer, 10min we managed to had our dinner. Hungaaaarrrryyyyy ok.

Hubs latte..

Ben's cheese burger with fries and salads!

Baked macaroni and cheese with sausage..
Boleh tahan lah, order sb share dengan Adam...ngehngeh!!

We tried to enjoy our dinner, walaupun lambat. Takpelah. But at least they did apologized for the mistake they made and the best thing they deducted 10% of total bill plus free for strawberry shortcake. Ok, apologize accepted, lain kali boleh datang lagik!!! Hahahhaa..senang kan =)

Ok, that's how we spent our anniversary dinner. But we did have fun in the morning visiting Pusat Sains Negara  and got chance to see Dinasour Live..auuummmm! Yang penting kids enjoy..*mak bapak join excited sekali sebab first time sampai!!Bocor rahsia* =)

Bersempena bulan Ramadhan yang bakal menjelang, saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf kepada semua rakan2 and specially to my blog readers kalau ada mana2 perkataan atau ayat saya menyinggung hati anda semua...
Semoga amalan kita dibulan mulia ini diterima Allah..
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa...


  1. wow..memang cantik...tak bekesempatan g sane lagi...jarang pergi area sane.. =p

  2. I je kot yg tak sampai2 lagi Publika ni...mcm susah nak pujuk en. suami jugak, dia kurang gemar pegi area2 sana... T_T

    btw babe, firstly slamat ulangtahun perkahwinan yg ke 5 thn! i doakan you two diberi kebahagian rumahtangga yg berkekalan dan diberkati slalu, ameen!

    secondly, slamat berpuasa Nadia! Mohon maaf atas segala salah silap i pada you :)

  3. Hi mommynadia!
    Wishing you and your family happy fasting month ahead =)

  4. Hi Sharz,
    Memang cantik..I pun jarang, kebetulan dah dekat area tu kan, singgah je lah kejap..=)

  5. Nadine,
    Kalau I purposely ajak pergi sana, tak layan jugak kut. Ni pun pandai I pancing cantek ajak g Pusat Sains, boleh lah melilau terus...ahhaha

    owh, so sweet of u Nad..thanks alot for your beautiful prayers. Amin Ya Rabb.

    You too babe, a Ramadhan kareem for you and your family!

  6. Nicole,
    Thank you so much..
    Nice meeting u that day, hope to see you again in next event sweetie =)


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