Tuesday, July 10, 2012

bila stress!!

To be honest, my current job now is a stress-free job if compared to my previous 2 jobs..
Biasalah dulu kena handle assembly process..
For current job, there are 2 times in year, where the auditors came for the routine audit, mula lah sakit kepala mak ni..
Sebab duk settle kan keje orang lain..macam2 masalah and macam2 perangai..
Kuh semangat!

Nak hilang stress time2 gini, tengok picture 3 bersaudara ni..
Terus tersenyum...

The Brotherhood..
Teaser for next entry..Visit to Dinosaurs Live KL 2012..
Macam-macam gaya time nak snap picture..semua tak boleh focus!
*dah lama tak update entry, rase hilang idea plak!!*

Ok, gtg..
Have a nice day..
And wish me luck for this audit..
*owwhhh I almost fainted now*

ps: btw, arini happy sebab dah lama tak tengok BE Nuffnang membuat kunjungan. Tengah2 gawat macam ni, suka betul bila dapat new BE. Tq Nuffnang!! Muahhhsss >.< 


  1. Elok jer susun dr rendah ke tinggi, hehehe...so cute. Hopefully cik mimi dpt girl la pulak :)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)