Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Up up and away...

Everyone knows how much Adam fanatics to aeroplane *train as well* His 1st and last on board was at his 4month. Ingat pun tidak. Yang pasti mommy sgt ingat sebab tersadung carry Adam in Bjorn carrier. *malu* Banyak kali plan for trip naik flight, asyik2 cancel sampai lah preggy Ryan, lagi malas nak book flight bagai. Kesian Adam. Selalu request nak naik aeroplane. Bila dah 2 hero ni, lagilah tak confident nak naik flight, specially for a long journey. Nak tak nak kena try jugak kan. So early of this year, we booked flight to Langkawi, 45min flight, ok lah tu. Boleh lah test tahap kebosanan Adam and Ryan nanti. Sejak tu, Adam duk kira jari bila nak naik flight.Alahai, kesian betul anak mommy ni ye...

Super excited to see aeroplane in front of his eyes..

"Cepatlah mommy,mana aeroplane Adam ni??"
*pakai baju pun, baju aeroplane*

Seronok sgt tgk keterujaan Adam, smp mommy pun naik excited. Orang depan mesti ingat 2 beranak ni agak2 baru pertama kali naik flight. Hahhaaha..mak tak kisah *Jakuness*

Risau jugak takut mula2 excited,lepas tu nangis takut ke apa..
Nyata tekaan mommy meleset..

He really enjoyed the 45 min journey. Duk gelak tengok small cars and houses..
"Mommy, car small..kecik je"

And keep on asking.."mommy best tak??"
Budak belakang dia pun, dia tanya..hehehe..cuteness!!

The small hero plak, mujur la behaved well..
Takde lah menangis mase nak take off/touchdown.

Sebab duk enjoy main table tu..
Bukak tutup, bukak tutup...

After few minutes dah bosan, breastfeed aje..
Terus diam..

Alhamdulillah, so happy that overall journey was a smooth one. Never expected to be as smooth as this. I imagined of Adam crying out loud during the take off, as well as Ryan. Bila dah lama, menjerit kebosanan.    Me and Mr Hubby kelam kabut nak suruh diorang behaved. Hahahaha. I was wrong. Ok lah kan. Kira pass  lah ;)

Enjoying the beautiful scenery..Subhanallah..


Us after landed at Langkawi International Airport..

Me and Mr Hubby were so happy that finally we can fulfill his dream. This would be the great experience for him. Suka betul dia cite kat Che Mimi and his teachers about his new experience. Ingatkan lama lah duk sebut pasal aeroplane, sekali after Langkawi trip, Adam came to me.."Mommy aeroplane dah, Adam nak naik rocket plak" Gosshhh!!! Mommy pitam!!!

ps: Cant wait to share our great experiences at Langkawi. Excited bukan sb 1st time smp, sebab happy Adam banyak tried out new things. ;)

1 comment:

  1. as mommy mmg kita tkt anak kita mengamuk n disturb other passengers kan?

    during take off n landing tu kena bf..hehehe..

    i travelled wit baby..bdua je tau dh 3 kali for 2.5hrs journey..mmg supermak! sambil tolak stroller tarik bag..haha *puji diri sendiri*

    u can do it mummy!! come on n share ur xperiences..i pn nk g langkawi *tp xtau biler*! :p


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