Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fun at Mothercare Wonderland Party

May is a fabulous month. Many special days fall in this beautiful month. Mother's day, teacher's day and ehem ehem your's truly b'day pun *specially for me je lah kan >.<* I have scheduled many special events to be attended on this month, and one of it was Mothercare's 25th Anniversary Wonderland Party. Bila dapat invitation terus bookmark calendar, konon mcm special invitation la, padahal diri sendiri yang excited kunun2 macam mothercare invite. Hahahaha. As usual, I have listed item to grab, dan selain tu saja nak bawak Adam main2 sambil jalan2 KLCC with my parents. ;) As usual, Adam had lotsa fun. Enjoyed every activity provided. Mommy dia pun happy sebab berjaya grab satu dua yang duk terbayang2. Time ni lah syiok nak shopping. Up to 50% wokkey!!Jom tengok gambar..

Mothercare's 25th Anniversary Wonderland Party..

Berpinau mata k..

Bila sampai, tengah ada kids fashion show..
Amboi..bergaya diorang ni..

And the most waited moment..candle blowing!

Everyone was given a cupcake after the candle blowing session..
yums yums..

Siap ada budak2 main violin..

Some of the activities provided during the events..

The funny clowns..

With their free balloons..

Ring a toss station..

Dapat hadiah jugak..

Face and hand painting..

Spider web..

Popcorn..pop pop!!

Art and craft corner...

Sands art..
*my bro Eysu Hekal*

Anyone at KLCC during the party??


  1. Adam!!

    Lama x tgk gamba dia, he look so grown up. nampak tinggi la dia Nadia :)

    Tula masa dpt sms tu, dalam hati ckp, "wah, bestnya!". but too bad, that day we were already in Penang..

    banyak tak u shop?

  2. Eh.. Kita pun pergi hari tu.. Salam kenal..

  3. Bestnya! Meriah!

    Aah la Adam nmpk makin tinggi :)

  4. Nadine,
    haa..dah lama tak post entry gmbr Adam ek??...he is a big boy now,tinggi tu takde lah meninggi sgt, mungkin gmbr tu kut nmpk taller.Sb Adam still chubby, so I nmpk mcm rendang je, hikhik ;) Nanti kita jumpa, boleh tgk in actual..

    best kalau u pergi, boleh playdate..tapi ramai org, we all tak spend lama pun, lepas beli brg, dapat resit boleh main games..lepas tu terus Ryan dah cranky kalau lama sgt..tak bnyk pun, beli yg mana dah plan nak carik..;)

  5. Nurul Akma,
    owh ye ke..ramai sgt org kan,pening jgak. I try to open your blog, tak dapat lah..bagi la link, boleh lah I visit ;)

  6. Hi Reenee,
    tq..I've visited ur's too..nice and sweet, mcm tuan dia jugak..;)
    do drop by again k ;)

  7. Izu, ramai sgt orang, kita ada baby ni susah sket nak duduk lama2..kejap je..

    Itulah, I tgk balik gmbr takut lah salah angle Adam jadik tinggi sgt, rasenye average je kut..dia chubby tu nmpk besar ;)

  8. i shopping gak kt ari lain la..hehehe..

    bahaya shopping kt sni..banyak sangat nk mbeli.. :)

  9. Itulah u..boleh pokai dibuatnye..
    Wah bestnye pergi Bandung..macam terus nak book tiket g Bandung tgk entry u!!great hol babe ;)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)