Friday, May 11, 2012

domain + neck pain + holidays + hiatus

*Please bare in mind, the whole entry today is a peektureless entry*

Rasenye kalau u all memang fabulous motherhood's loyal readers, u will find out that most of my entries mesti ada selit gambar atau pun kadang gambar saje tanpa ayat, walaupun itu bukan wordless wednesday ahaks!!. But for me, pictures work very well to explain the situations, and maybe jugak  I bukan jenis yg pandai describe story in such a good entry, thats why I prefer to have at least 1,2 pictures for every entry published. And few days back, the problem about my exceed storage at Picasa Web Album happened again. Rasenye dah bukan false alarm as happened earlier, dah beberapa hari pun still jadik lagik. Fail to upload. Grrrr. Tension sunggoh. I have many pending entries to upload. Make me more stress. Ada jugak survey solutions suggested, most of them ramai yang purchase extra storage dengan google tu. Mahal jugak kalau kira2. And ramai yng decided beli own domain such .com or org etc etc. Makaiii, seriously malu lah nak pakai .com bagai. Macam heibat tapi picisan aje. Mr Hubby suggested to delete entry yang lama2, which until now I tak berapa setuju. Back to reason why I am blogging, nak simpan semua memories for my kids to read bila dah besar. So nak tak nak, nanti kena pike balik the final solution. As of now, what I did, I tried to delete those entry yang tak berapa nak relate dgn my kids, gambar2 yg amik dari google search. So if happen to see some of my entries without pictures tu, paham2 lah ye. And one more thing, bila duk godek sane sini, jst find out pictures dekat Picasa Web Album tak boleh simply delete, nanti abis semua gmbr kat blog hilang. And ada blogger yg I baca entry dia, habis semua gambar kat blog dia hilang sebab dia sync hp and email dia and some sort like bila dia upload entry from hp,and bila dia beli hp baru transfer all the picture to new phone, semua gambar kat blog dia hilang. Siap banner blog sekali kuar pangkah. Macam happened to my profile picture now ;)

Abis cerita domain and storage, kalau nak tahu arini bersiaran dari rumah. Dah 2 hari mc dek severe neck pain.  Nak masuk 3 minggu dah ni. Imagine macamane rase kalau salah bantal, itu sehari dua boleh hilang kan, ini dah masuk 3 minggu, abis sait kepala demam semua. The worst, few days kena sampai bp naik. Tk pernah dalam history. So yesterday met the orthopedic specialist again. This time try tukar doc plak. This is not my 1st time. Being facing with this issue since 2007. After physio and medication, walaupun amik masa lama nak hilang, tapi soon hilang jugak. Dah lama tak kenal, last year Sept 2011 kena balik. And after few months kena lagik. Previous doc tu, which I memang tak gemar langsung cara dia, memang tak professional langsung, so I just buat tak tahu after few months hilang jugak. Mana taknye, cara dia explain as  if kita suka sgt kena sakit macamni, gemar sgt ulang alik hospital nak buat treatment. Dia tak tahu setiap time slip amik untuk buat treatment physio kena deduct annual leave. Takde keje kalau tak sakit nak g ngadap dia. And this time, I change to new specialist. And compared to previous doc I met, I'm glad that this doc did not gv surgery as the solution to overcome this illness. Instead, he explained in detail the potential rootcause and how to avoid. And 1st layer treatment before injection kat tulang. So for 2 days, I have to avoid long hours computer work *ahemahem.. termasuk lapotop kat rumah sekali >.<* and follow few session for physiotherapy. Electrotheraphy and ulstraonic with hotpad, really help to reduce muscle pain I had now. *Previous GP suruh I stop bf sb takut posture bf boleh trigger the pain. If yes, no worry, I just have one more year to survive. InsyaAllah*

And tomorrow, I'll be away for 4 days trip. Langkawi je. Tak sabar. Great escape to release those stress I had. *campur problem nak transfer dept yg tak settle lagik* I plan for few entry about preparation on my trip, plus nak amik idea korang where to get best food and place to visit, nampaknye tak dapatler..Tak boleh upload gambar. And till Tues, the blog will be on hiatus, maybe till the time I got solution on my storage issue. Sob sob!!Ok, dah nak masuk 15min ngadap lappy, tak boleh lama. Gtg, ada appointment physio. Take care. Don't miss me >.<  *ahaks!!*


  1. Nad

    Tak sangka kita punyai masalah yg sama! I pon tak leh upload gmbr lg dah kt blog i huhu i smpi create blog baru tp my fren ada bg tutorial link kt komen n3. Nti nk try work or not..

    Apapun take care! Get well soon

  2. harap u akan kekal bersabar ye dan semoga semua akan baik2 saja nnt..insyallah

  3. Dear, this is the tutorial link that i'd mentioned earlier
    (credit to Nadiah Sidek who gave it to me ;))

    It works with me so hope it helps ..;)


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