Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kids eating habit..

To be truth, I'm not yet a strict follow all the rules type of parent. Specially when talk about food and eating habit. As long as we know the food is safe for kids, I'm ok with that. As I always said, having a  husband yang jenis control in term of nak bagi makan kat baby or toddlers *in other word = cerewet >.<* , I need to be very aware about their food intakeSuch ensure makanan tak besar sgt, senang nak kunyah, for him, jangan sampai choking sudah. Should monitor them closely while the kids having their meals. Combination of that, ramai yang anggap macam kami control gila about what they eat.

For me is easy. Untuk baby I memang very strict sket sb diorang still kecil and new food yang masuk semua belum tahu ok tak for them. Buat kena allergic, kami jugak yang susah. The 1st 6 months, mmg fully breastfeed. So, no need to worry about solid food bagai*even sometimes my in law try to feed them with food, sb kata 4mos dah starts makan, hohoho* Tapi bila dah start solid food, sometimes susah sgt nak control persekitaran. People who dealing with our kids. Sometimes they felt kitorang kejam sb tak bagi makan benda yg best untuk anak kami. woohooo..*salmon ingat tak best ke* I have my own guideline. Semua supaya tak menyusahkan kami dikemudian hari. Nanti sakit perut ke ape, kami jugak kena amik cuti kan. To be safe, selagi I boleh provide them a healthy food, InsyaAllah. Kalau nak bagi takde hal, but ensure when I gv greenlite. Kalau ok, maksudnye he's ok with that food la tu, atau sebelum ni I dah pernah bagi. There's one time when someone has tried to gv Ryan ice cream. Bagi hujung sudu bagi dia taste sket, pernah lah I buat, ni kalau dah sudu macam suap bubur. Adoiilah. Dah cakap tak boleh, kata bila lagik dia nak try. Lucky nothing happened. Nak ditegur, sebab respect. How to deal with that!!Stressed tau. 

Alhamdulillah, Adam show a good sign of eating habit. He was free from all the junk food sort of cekedis and sweets bagai. Mungkin hasil daripada mommy and papa yang control dia makan dari kecik lagik. Even sometimes, kalau pergi mana2 ada je nak ajar dia makan sweet, beli ntah pape makanan tu kan, I risau sebab dia tak reti makan. Gula2 sumpah dia tak reti makan. Pernah sekali dia nak telan macam tu je. Kat nursery I dah pesan dia tak boleh makan sort of things like that. And they followed. But still when time b'day kat nursery tu, macam2 collection junk food dapat. Mujur dia tak berapa minat. "tak boleh makan, nanti gigi rosak"..good boy Adam. Tapi tak paham, nape lah nak bagi goodie bag benda junk food gitu. Aiyarkk!!

Junk foods yg sebahagian dah selamat dimakan mommy atau Che Mimi...
Hasil kutipan goodie bag from Adam's nursery...

Boleh makan, kadang2 tu bagi jugak. Ais krim once a week ke. Choc pun once in a blue moon hahhaha. Budak kecik ni, benda high sugar, nanti karang hyper jadiknye. Specially bila dah malam, kalau rase nak tengok anak2 hyperactive tak nak tido malam, cuba bagi choc cadbury sket..memang sampai tengah malam lah duk lompat2 atas tilam tu karang..

Apapun, tengahari ni saje nak mengomel. The best way to teach kid to eat well, we shud start from young. But we need to get full support from our close family. Hubby is the best person to give red signal when something not rite. =) 

Cau cin cau..


  1. Papa HM pulak kata, bila lg budak2 ni nk makan benda2 mcm ni. nnt dh besar, bukan makan sgt. actually refering to himself. dulu mak dia mmg jual jajan2 mcmni..huhuhu

    i pon takleh nk halang sgt la esp gula-gula. cuma i limitkan if makan plg byk pon 2bj..kalau ikutkan budak2 ni segenggam dia dapat,terus nk abeskan.

  2. kadang budak2 ni yg tak elok tu la yg dia suka. nak wat cemana kan...bagi jugaklah. tapi tak la selalu ;)

  3. Gotta agree. Eventhough kadang2 terbabas jugak sebab dia nampak suka sgt. Hishh...Cuma still trying my best not to even buy it in the first place! Eehehe..

  4. same goes with me my son baru 18months la.i xpenah kasi gula2 n jajan..just kekadang kasi mister potato dlm balang tu..n skrg kasi milo..sblm ni air masak n susu je..but not sure nursery kan..

    kalau boley xmo biasakan n we have to try rite...aiskrim pn aritu try son reject..hehehe

  5. sy pun cerewet pasal pemakanan anak, apa yg anak tak boleh makan, mmg sy strictly tak bagi dia makan..pnh mak mertua sy suapkan kuih bingka masa anak sy umur 5 bulan..ayoo tanpa sedar dpn2 mak mertua sy korek buang kuih bingka tu..lps tu baru sy terpikir mak mertua kecik hati or what..demi anak, sy sggp buat apa sj..huhu..


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