Friday, March 9, 2012

Adam's Swimming Lesson Trial : Week #1

Seperti yang dicanang2 sebelum ini *being an overexcited mommy la kan* Sabtu lepas, maka berangkat lah kami ke tempat yang dinyatakan, iaitu Canyon Aquatic for Adam's 1st swimming lesson. Dah la sampai lambat, actually sharp at 9 am, tapi dek pertama kali I jejak kaki ke Tropicana City Mall tu, harus ler jadik sesat mencari mana letaknya swimming pool. Rupanye, swimming pool tu dekat condo sebelah which is Tropics @ Tropicana City. 10minutes late, sampai2 budak2 semua dah start class.Immediately changed Adam to proper swimwear, terus pass Adam kat trainer tu. Nak jadikan cerita, Adam yang satu minggu excited nak pergi swimming pool, langsung tak nak join that group of kids, tak silap dalam 4-5 kids. Dipujuk2 pun, dia buat dunno and main2 kat tepi2 air tu je. Pelik jugak kami. 

Duk berlingkar kat tepi kaki my hubby..

After few minutes, the trainer, Nadia *yg ni ok sket drp yg  sorang lagi, muka kerek gilos lah, geram I tgk*, akhirnya Adam follow the trainer..

Tapi, sekejap je, he will run back to us..
So weird, mommy pun naik heran..

Boleh siap merajuk duduk bertenggek tepi pool lagik..

Yang jadik pelik, kat Kizsport ok je. 1st class attend pun tak payah kami tgu. Sekejap je dia nak kuar sb nak playland, the rest, elok je dia duk main dengan trainer tu. Awal2 tu naik geram jugak I, dah ler panas kan, tapi mujur cepat2 I cool down myself. Lagipun trial je kan. Rasenye maybe dia tak ready lagik for formal swimming lesson. So, the 1st class end up with Adam mmg tak join kelas langsung. 

Dalam keta, I ada tanya dia jugak, kenapa Adam tak nak join. Adam takut kat teacher ke??Or takut tgk pool tu besar ke ape kan. He said "Adam tak takut, Adam sejuk"..Aduh!!Biar betul..sebab sejuk ke dia tak nak masuk pool??Question mark! Tapi time tu dah pukul 9 lebih. But night before, memang hujan pun..mmmm ..

Bila belek kamera balik, perasan jugak dia selalu duk main2 air macam ni hah..

Macam sejuk takut nak masuk aje..

Ape pun, hopefully next class he will be ok. And I've email the owner whether I can change the session to evening session. Harapan kurang ler sejuk sikit air tuh. Hahaha..malu plak I bg reason mcm tu kat owner tu, but try to eliminate 1 cause. Lead-trainer * Chinese guy inside the above picture tu* pun ada suruh kitaorang tinggal je Adam, let them to handle. But, we are not that confident. Kadang2 diorang lepas pandang. Adam jenis berani, tak takut pun nak pergi ke tengah pool tu..And he was the youngest, so we decided to just finish these trial classes.If end of the trial session dia still tak cooperate, mungkin dia tak ready lagik. So we will hold to next year.

Last night pujuk dia ajak g swimming pool esok, siap bagi alasan air sejuk n  swimming pool close. Totally different with last week. Mr Hubby said, maybe dia tak happy or afraid with the strangers and new friends. See how the 2nd class goes tomorrow. Wish Adam the best k ;)


  1. you can, adam. be strong, be brave..always and forever. good luck. :)

  2. Hi mommy nadia ! Love ur blog too. Everyting is so in proper and purplelicious! Hihi.

    Dear, wanna ask, canyon aquatic ni mcm club ke? Entrance fee? Just nk pg n swim boleh ke?

  3. Farra,
    Hi dear..tq for visiting my blog..
    visited urs and so sweet pink roses..i loike..

    Adam said tq aunty ;)

  4. I can call u Efira kan??

    tq btw..I was at ur site when u sent me comment ;)..suka tgk ur dotter,Lily..she is so sweet..

    I pun ingat mcm club or something lah kan..rupanye tu swimming pool untuk residents condo tu..I rs tak boleh masuk mcam tu je kut, unless we have class with canyon aquatics tu. Seems like c.a tu book that placed lah. Even nak masuk guard suruh tinggal ic kat bawah.

    But,they really have a big pool.Banyak size plak gile!!

  5. wah...adam belajar swimming la...nanti boleh la ajar Kiki ;)

  6. Salam. Found your blog via parenthots.

    Its nice to find other mommies writing about their mommyhood and family too. So keep on writing ya! :)

  7. olo..Adam sejuk rupenyee..
    Hee..ptt la tak xcited nak mandi..hik hik..dakpe2, kekgi tukor sesi lain plok..
    Adam belajar swim rerajin ya..
    (hahha.auntie plok sibuk beri galakan)

  8. Hehe mula2 mmg gitu kot, tak kenal n tak biasa lg. Nti lama2 adam ok la tu ;) all the best dear!

  9. We missed Adam and Ryan at Kizsport la, Nadia..hukhuk!
    Sian Adam, sejuk la kot air tu. u all test dulu tak air tu sejuk ke tak. but i think bcoz dia x biasa lagi kot. tengok environment totally different, different pool, different teacher and friends. so agak2 mcm cultural shock gak la.Give him another try. InsyaAllah ok nanti. Adam kan abang kuat ;)

  10. Ala sejuk ye Adam. Cian Adam.

    How's he doing this last weekend Nadia? I hope he's doing better...I rasa besides cool water, different environment plus he's being the smallest among all buat dia rasa uneasy the first time kot eh?

    mahal tak dear the fees? care to share if you don't mind..?

  11. heheh so sweet..sejuk ke tatot? tapi maybela kot sejuk nad..sbb dia men tepi2 kolam je cam takut nakmasuk dalam tuu

    if rafiq sy rasa lom ready sbb dia sgt2 takut air!

  12. Kaklong,
    Kiki selalu turun swimming kat bawah??Abg Adam pun setakat main je, retinye idak!!

  13. Yunayuni,
    Hi dear, thx for visiting my blog. Really, kat celah mane u nmpk blog I kat parenthot??

    Jemput singgah lagik ;)

  14. Aunty Sarah,
    Tq for ur support ;)

  15. Izu,
    I think so lah. New environment, dia tak boleh adapt. nanti I update latest story k ;)

  16. Airin,
    Itulah, Adam dah berapa kali mintak pergi playground..Kizsport lah tu..
    nak kena bawak pergi main weekend ni,sian dia..

    nanti update week 2 plak ek;)

  17. Nadine,
    yeap, we also think because of environment too, new friends and new place. Pity him. Will update the story soon.

    Owh,Nad I bought trial class from groupon. 4 classes for RM88 instead RM250. saje nk test. I mentioned in my previous entry about adam swimming's progress..;)Saje nk tk tgk, dia ready for formal lesson tak.

  18. Rose,
    This week alasan lain pulak dia bagi..hehehe..not ready yet kut..tgu,nanti kita update story ;)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)